Knowledge is POWER!
Learn about energy use in your building.

“We believe we should be leaders in the national effort to conserve energy, and as stewards of the Capitol complex, we will continue to do our part to make this goal a reality in our facilities. You can help us make a difference.”

— Stephen T. Ayers, Acting Architect of the Capitol

The AOC’s Power to Save program is designed to help Capitol Hill offices save energy by providing the information and tools you need to select and operate the most efficient office equipment; to switch out old technology for new; use fewer natural resources, and other simple things we can do to save energy. If we work together by doing small tasks, our collective efforts can add up to big results. Click on the links below to learn more!

Digital Booklet: Recycling on Capitol Hill ... What, Where, and Why

Videos: Power to Save at AOC

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Downloadable PDFs: Know the Difference. Make a difference.