tva logoTennessee Valley Authority

Kingston Ash Slide

Open House Information

Since the incident, TVA has sampled the ash in the Kingston ash pond to characterize the released materials. Samples collected include five surface samples to a depth of approximately thirty inches (30”) and a continuous vertical core sample to a depth of approximately fifty-two feet (52’). 

Laboratory analyses were performed on the five individual surface samples and on the twenty-three core samples taken at approximately two-foot (2’) intervals.

Analyses were performed to determine the total concentrations of metals contained in the ash. The ash results were compared to the range of concentrations for those metals naturally occurring in the Tennessee soils.

Results show that the total concentrations of metals in the ash are generally within or near the range of concentrations reported in naturally occurring soils in Tennessee.

The attachments below were presented as visuals at the TVA open House on Thursday, January 15.

Fact Sheet (PDF, 69 kb)

Graphs of Sampling Results (PDF, 104 kb)

Dredge Cell Sampling Map (PDF, 4.7 mb)


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