United States Department of Health & Human Services

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation

New Reports and Other Material

Vulnerable Youth and the Transition to Adulthood, Project Page, July 2009.  (Posted 08/11/09)

  1. Multiple Pathways Connecting to School and Work, Research Brief
  2. Second-Generation Latinos, Connecting to School and Work, Research Brief
  3. Youth from Low-Income Families, Fact Sheet
  4. Youth from Distressed Neighborhoods, Fact Sheet
  5. Youth with Depression/Anxiety, Fact Sheet
  6. Young Men and Young Women, Fact Sheet

National Symposium on the Health Needs of Human Trafficking Victims, Post-Symposium Brief, July 2009.  (Posted 08/07/09)

Exploration of Options for the Collection of Marriage and Divorce Statistics at the National, State, and Local Levels, September 2008.  (Posted 08/05/09)

Recent Trends in Local Child Protective Services Practices, July 2009.  (Posted 08/03/09)

Disabilities Among TANF Recipients:  Evidence from the NHIS, May 2009.  (Posted 07/27/09)

Defining and Measuring State Medicaid Spending Efficiency:  A Literature Review, March 2009.  (Posted 07/23/09)

Continuation of Research on Consumer Directed Health Plans:  Does Access to Transparent Provider Quality and Cost Information Affect Care Cost and Utilization of Preventative Services?, December 2008.  (Posted 07/23/09)

Psychiatric Boarding Interview Summary, January 2009.  (Posted 07/17/09)

A Literature Review: Psychiatric Boarding, October 2008.  (Posted 07/17/09)

The Role of Religiosity in the Lives of the Low-Income Population:  A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence, July 2009.  (Posted 07/15/09)

Assessing Home Health Care Quality for Post-Acute and Chronically Ill Patients:  Final Report, August 2008.  (Posted 07/10/09)

White Paper:  Measurement of the Utilization of an Installed EHR, June 2009.  (Posted 06/26/09)

Payment For Medicare Advantage Plans:  Policy Issues And Options, June 2009.  (Posted 06/26/09)

Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning:  Report to Congress, August 2008.  (Posted 06/24/09)

Consumer Use of Computerized Applications to Address Health and Health Care Needs , March 2009.  (Posted 06/22/09)

Interim Report to the Congress on the Feasibility of a National Child Abuse Registry, May 2009.  (Posted 06/18/09)

Cost and Coverage: The Impact of Implementing Various State Health Care Reform Proposals Nationally, Summer 2008.  (Posted 06/08/09)

Federal Authority for Medicaid Special Needs Plans and their Relationship to State Medicaid Programs, January 2009.  (Posted 06/05/09)

The Regulation of the Individual Health Insurance Market, Winter 2008.  (Posted 06/05/09)

Extending the EITC to Noncustodial Parents:  Potential Impacts and Design Considerations, May 2009.  (Posted 05/27/09)

Maximizing the Value of Philanthropic Efforts through Planned Partnerships between the U.S. Government and Private Foundations, May 2009.  (Posted 05/25/09)

Private Long-Term Care Insurance: Following an Admission Cohort over 28 Months to Track Claim Experience, Service Use and Transitions, April 2008.  (Posted 05/15/09)

Characteristics of American Indians and Alaska Natives Participating in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Programs, April 2009.  (Posted 05/12/09)

Examining Post Acute Care Relationships in an Integrated Hospital System, April 2009.  (Posted 05/08/09)

Disease Management and Medicaid Waiver Services for HIV/AIDS Patients, April 2009.  (Posted 05/08/09)

Designing Subsidized Health Coverage Programs to Attract Enrollment: A Review of the Literature and a Synthesis of Stakeholder Views, December 2008.  (Posted 05/01/09)

The Impact of Disability Trends on Medicare Spending, September 2005.  (Posted 05/01/09)

Assistive Device Use Among the Elderly: Trends, Characteristics of Users, and Implications for Modeling, September 2005.  (Posted 05/01/09)

Homelessness Data in HHS Mainstream Programs, Project Page.  (Posted 04/15/09)

Developing a Framework to Guide Genomic Data Sharing and Reciprocal Benefits to Developing Countries and Indigenous Peoples: A Colloquium, January 2009.  (Posted 04/10/09)

Home Modifications: Use, Cost, and Interactions with Functioning Among Near-Elderly and Older Adults, October 2008.  (Posted 04/02/09)

Literature Review and Synthesis: Existing Surveys on Health Information Technology, Including Surveys on Health Information Technology in Nursing Homes and Home Health, February 2009.  (Posted 04/01/09)

Volume Growth in Medicare: An Investigation of Ten Physicians’ Services, December 2008.  (Posted 03/27/09)

The National Survey of Adoptive Parents (NSAP), Project Page, March 2009.  (Posted 03/24/09)

Assets, Poverty, and Public Policy:  Challenges in Definition and Measurement, December 2008.  (Posted 03/20/09)

The Effects of Holding Assets on Social and Economic Outcomes of Families:  A Review of Theory and Evidence, November 2008.  (Posted 03/19/09)

Who are Low-Wage Workers?, ASPE Research Brief, February 2009.  (Posted 03/19/09)

The Impact of Marital and Relationship Status on Social Outcomes for Returning Prisoners, ASPE Research Brief, January 2009.  (Posted 03/12/09)

Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships:  Components of Relationship Strengths in Married Couple Families, ASPE Research Brief, January 2009.  (Posted 03/10/09)

Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships:  Effects on Adolescent and Young Adult Well-Being, ASPE Research Brief, January 2009.  (Posted 03/10/09)

Analysis of the California In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Plus Waiver Demonstration Program, July 2008.  (Posted 03/05/09)

Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships:  Effects on Sexual Activity Among Adolescents and Young Adults, November 2008.  (Posted 03/04/09)

Summary of Immigrant Eligibility Restrictions Under Current Law, As of 2/25/09  (Posted 02/25/09)

The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative:  Marriage and Relationship Skills Education as a Way to Prepare Prisoners for Reintegration, January 2009.  (Posted 02/24/09)

Relationship Strengths in Married Families:  Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Data and Variable Codebook, March 2008.  (Posted 02/24/09)

Asset Building over the Life Course, Final Report, November 2008.  (Posted 02/04/09)

The National Evaluation of the Responsible Fatherhood, Marriage, and Family Strengthening Grants for Incarcerated and Re-Entering Fathers and their Partners, Program Models of MFS-IP Grantees, December 2008.  (Posted 02/04/09)

Ensuring Quality in Contracted Child Welfare Services, December 2008.  (Posted 02/02/09)

2009 Federal Poverty Guidelines.  (Posted 01/23/09)

Healthy Relationships and Financial Stability, Project Page.  (Posted 01/22/09)

Strategies for Increasing TANF Work Participation Rates, Project Page.  (Posted 01/15/09)

2008 Indicators of Welfare Dependence, Annual Report to Congress.  (Posted 01/15/09)

An Exploratory Study of Certified Nursing Assistants' Intent to Leave, September 2008.  (Posted 01/09/09)

Relationship Strengths in Married Families: Effects of Marital Quality and Parent-Adolescent Relationships on Outcomes for Adolescents and Young Adults, Project Page, December 2008.  (Posted 01/08/09)

The Role of State Faith Community Liaisons in Charitable Choice Implementation, December 2008.  (Posted 01/07/09)

The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Post-Hurricane Human Service Relief Efforts, December 2008.  (Posted 01/07/09)

Posted in 2008

National Center for Marriage Research: Current Opportunities, December 2008.  (Posted 12/23/08)

HHS Funding for Abstinence Education, Education for Teen Pregnancy and HIV/STD Prevention, and Other Programs that Address Adolescent Sexual Activity, December 2008.  (Posted 12/18/08)

Evaluation of New Measures of Assistive Technology and the Home Environment from the 2005 Pilot Study of Technology and Aging, September 2006.  (Posted 12/18/08)

The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative (OMI): A Process Evaluation, Final Report, December 2008.  (Posted 12/17/08)

The Promise and Challenge of Using Volunteers to Provide Community-Based Marriage Education, Research Brief, December 2008.  (Posted 12/17/08)

The Greenbook Initiative Final Evaluation Report, Final, February 2008.  (Posted 12/11/08)

Refugee Economic Self-Sufficiency:  An Exploratory Study of Approaches Used in Office of Refugee Resettlement Programs, November 2008.  (Posted 11/17/08)

Exploring Community Responses to Statutory Rape, September 2006.  (Posted 11/17/08)

The Well-Being of Children in Working Poor and Other Families: 1997 and 2004, September 2008.  (Posted 11/04/08)

Pathways to Adulthood and Marriage:  Teenagers’ Attitudes, Expectations, and Relationship Patterns, October 2008.  (Posted 11/03/08)

Consumer Response to a National Marketplace for Individual Insurance, June 2008.  (Posted 11/03/08)

Incarceration and the Family:  A Review of Research and Promising Approaches for Serving Fathers and Families, September 2008.  (Posted 10/23/08)

Adopted Children with Special Health Care Needs:  Characteristics, Health, and Health Care by Adoption Type, October 2008.  (Posted 10/21/08)

Statutory Rape:  A Guide to State Laws and Reporting Requirements, December 2004.  (Posted 10/14/08)

Hispanic Healthy Marriage Initiative:  Grantee Implementation Evaluation, October 2008.  (Posted 10/03/08)
En Español: Iniciativa Hispana para Matrimonios Saludables:  Evaluación de la Implementación de Programas

The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative: Using Research to Guide the Development of an Evolving Statewide Initiative, July 2008.  (Posted 09/30/08)

Preparing Effective Contracts in Privatized Child Welfare Systems, August 2008.  (Posted 09/29/08)

Evaluating Privatized Child Welfare Programs:  A Guide for Program Managers, August 2008.  (Posted 09/26/08)

The Daily Activities of the Community-Dwelling Elderly:  Evidence from the American Time Use Survey, September 2006.  (Posted 09/24/08)

Marriage and Health Care Coverage Among Families with Children, Research Brief, August 2008.  (Posted 09/17/08)

What Challenges Are Boys Facing and What Opportunities Exist to Address Those Challenges?  Project Page, August 2008  (Posted 09/12/08)

Long-Term Care-Nursing Homes EHR-Systems Functional Profile: Release 1, July 2008.  (Posted 09/01/08)

Examining the Relationships between Excess Body Weight, Health and Disability, May 2008.  (Posted 08/22/08)

Addressing the Needs of Victims of Human Trafficking: Challenges, Barriers, and Promising Practices, August 2008.  (Posted 08/08/08)

How Oklahoma Laid the Foundation for Its Marriage Initiative: Putting Marriage on the Agenda, July 2008.  (Posted 08/08/08)

Marriage Education, Financial Literacy, and Asset Development Roundtable:  Meeting Summary, July 2008.  (Posted 08/08/08)

The Marriage Measures Guide of State-Level Statistics, March 2008.  (Posted 08/08/08)

Child Care Eligibility and Enrollment Estimates for Fiscal Year 2005, June 2008.  (Posted 07/28/08)

Child Care Arrangements in Urban and Rural Areas, June 2008.  (Posted 07/28/08)

A Framework for Evaluating Quality Transparency Initiatives in Health Care, April 2008.  (Posted 07/23/08)

The Effect of Health Care Cost Growth on the U.S. Economy, September 2007.  (Posted 07/23/08)

Overview of the Uninsured in the United States:  An Analysis of the 2007 Current Population Survey, Research Brief, 2007.  (Posted 07/15/08)

Starting Early:  How the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative Helps Schools Prepare Young People for Healthy Marriages, Research Brief, June 2008.  (Posted 07/14/08)

Childless Elderly Beneficiaries’ Use and Costs of Medicare Services:  Final Report, June 2006.  (Posted 07/03/08)

Innovations in Effective Compassion:  Compendium of Research Papers Presented at the Faith-Based and Community Initiatives Conference on Research, Outcomes, and Evaluation, June 2008.  (Posted 06/26/08)

Case Management and the Victim of Human Trafficking:  A Critical Service for Client Success, June 2008.  (Posted 06/26/08)

Changes in Coverage in the Individual and Group Health Insurance Markets and the Effect of Health Status, April 2008.  (Posted 06/20/08)

Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning:  Legal and Policy Issues, October 2007.  (Posted 06/13/08)

Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning for People with Intellectual and Physical Disabilities, October 2007.  (Posted 06/06/08)

The Home Health Aide Partnering Collaborative: Implementation Manual, August 2007.  (Posted 05/23/08)

Examining Relationships in an Integrated Hospital System, March 2008.  (Posted 05/19/08)

Home Health Aide (HHA) Partnering Collaborative Evaluation: Final Report, September 2007.  (Posted 05/16/08)

Ten Key Findings from Responsible Fatherhood Initiatives, February 2008.  (Posted 05/15/08)

The National Evaluation of the Responsible Fatherhood, Marriage, and Family Strengthening Grants for Incarcerated and Re-Entering Fathers and their Partners, Research Brief, March 2008.  (Posted 05/09/08)

UI as a Safety Net for Former TANF Recipients, March 2008.  (Posted 05/07/08)

Modeling the Decision to Purchase Private Long-Term Care Insurance, January 2007.  (Posted 04/28/08)

Residential Care and Assisted Living Compendium: 2007, November 2007.  (Posted 04/11/08)

Coming of Age:  Employment Outcomes for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care Through Their Middle Twenties, March 2008.  (Posted 04/09/08)

The Enhanced Services for the Hard-to-Employ (HtE) Demonstration and Evaluation:  Project Page.  (Posted 04/08/08)

Determinants of Asset Building, March 2008.  (Posted 04/04/08)

Treating the Hidden Wounds:  Trauma Treatment and Mental Health Recovery for Victims of Human Trafficking, March 2008.  (Posted 03/31/08)

Developmental Status and Early Intervention Service Needs of Maltreated Children, April 2008.  (Posted 03/28/08)

Assessment of the Uses and Users of Healthier US and Healthy People 2010, September 2005.  (Posted 03/26/08)

More about the Dads:  Exploring Associations between Nonresident Father Involvement and Child Welfare Case Outcomes, March 2008.  (Posted 03/24/08)

Evolving Roles of Public and Private Agencies in Privatized Child Welfare Systems, March 2008.  (Posted 03/18/08)

Characteristics and Dynamics of Homeless Families with Children, March 2008.  (Posted 03/06/08)

Evaluation of the Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness, March 2008.  (Posted 03/06/08)

Medicaid-Financed Nursing Home Services: Characteristics of People Served and Their Patterns of Care, 2001-2002, January 2008.  (Posted 02/21/08)

Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking:  Inherent Challenges and Promising Strategies from the Field, January 2008.  (Posted 02/11/08)

A Profile of Medicaid Institutional and Community-Based Long-Term Care Service Use and Expenditures Among the Aged and Disabled Using MAX 2002:  Final Report, January 2008.  (Posted 02/08/08)

Toward Understanding Homelessness:  The 2007 National Symposium on Homelessness Research,  September 2007.  (Posted 01/23/08)

Performance Measurement in the Hospital Outpatient Setting,  December 2007.  (Posted 01/17/08)

Short-Term Fixes to the Sustainable Growth Rate Process, October 2007.  (Posted 01/11/08)

Evaluation of Selected Aspects of the National Medicare Education Program:  Final Design Report, September 2007.  (Posted 1/11/08)

An Environmental Scan of Pay for Performance in the Hospital Setting:  Final Report, November 2007.  (Posted 01/11/08)

The Contribution of Self-Direction to Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services, November 2007.  (Posted 01/11/08)

Health Information Exchange in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Case Study Findings:  Final Report, September 2007.  (Posted 01/11/08)

Expert Meeting on Disease Management Outcomes Measurement, January 2008.  (Posted 01/04/08)

Also available:

ASPE Reports:  New Posts | Posted 2007 | Posted 2006 | Posted 2005

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