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Alaska Volcano Observatory

Okmok Activity - Color Code YELLOW : Alert Level ADVISORY

Okmok Links
Other Links
Location of Okmok volcano and other Aleutian volcanoes with respect to nearby cities and towns. (Click to view full-size image.)
Eruption images
More images of this eruption ...

View of Okmok eruption, taken from NE bound Alaska Airlines flight at 35,000 ft above sea level on August 3, 2008 between 20:00 and 20:08. Plume tops estimated to ~ 7,000 ft above sea level using nearby Mount Vsevidof (elev. 7,051 ft / 2,149 m) for reference.

Two photographs of the falls on Crater Creek, the outflow stream from Okmok caldera. The right photo was taken on August 2nd, three weeks after the onset of the 2008 eruption. The left photo is approximately the same view taken in September, 2004.

Photo of Okmok's eruption plume on July 30, 2008, as seen from the NOAA ship OSCAR DYSON, located about 80 nautical miles to the north of Okmok. Photograph taken by Lt. William Mowitt, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Images of Okmok, taken from Ft. Glenn by Lonnie Kennedy, on the east flank of Okmok Caldera, July 24, 2008.
Satellite images

AVHRR Thermal IR (Channel 4) satellite image captured at 1:11PM ADT on July 19, 2008.

OMI image showing extent of sulfur dioxide gas cloud, July 17, 2008.

OMI image showing extent of sulfur dioxide gas cloud, July 16, 2008.

Band 3
Split: Band 4 - 5
Band 4
AVHRR band 3, 4, and split window (4 minus 5) images captured at 9:09 AM ADT on July 13, 2008 show the extent of the ash cloud from the Okmok eruption.
This AVHRR Thermal IR (Channel 4) satellite image captured at 4:15 PM ADT on July 12, 2008 shows the ash cloud from the Okmok eruption which began at 11:43 AM ADT, July 12, 2008.
How to collect an ash sample for AVO

Please report ashfall to us by email or phone (786-7497). We'd like to know your location, time, if the fall is light or heavy, and the current weather. It would help us if you collect a sample for us. Here are instructions.

Before an eruption
Read the hazard report for Okmok
Read the USGS Ashfall Preparedness "Before an eruption" website

Useful Links
Puff ash cloud predictions
Ted Stevens Airport Flight Status (Anchorage)
USGS Ashfall Preparedness website
FEMA Fact Sheet: Volcanoes
FEMA Volcanoes: Are you ready?
Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Send us an email

Okmok Volcano Activity NotificationsRSS Feed
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-24 11:00:47 - Weekly Update
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-23 12:13:35 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-22 12:50:06 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-21 12:36:59 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-20 12:29:09 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-19 13:36:35 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-18 12:38:39 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-17 14:34:34 - Weekly Update

More ...

YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-16 13:04:04 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-15 11:54:34 - Status Report
YELLOW/ADVISORY 2008-10-14 11:26:48 - Status Report
webicorder example
Stations available:
rsam image
OKWE_EHZ_AV - 5 minute average, starting July 12.

Current located earthquake counts
Current located earthquake counts at Okmok volcano, updated daily, Monday through Friday. The red line gives a running count, with the total count being where the line hits the y-axis on the right side of the image. Click for larger image.
NOAA ARL Ash Trajectory Forecasts

Click on a picture for a larger image.

These graphics depict a simulation of the direction and speed of potential ash cloud motion from Okmok. IF a significant ash cloud were generated by the current eruption. It does not mean that such an ash cloud has been produced. These models are run every 6 hours independent of the current eruptive state of the volcano. Each colored line indicates the direction a cloud would travel at different altitudes (see key below map plot).

Model output by NOAA ARL, please see for more information.

Okmok portion of weekly Updates and periodic Information Releases.
Friday, October 17, 2008 2:34 02:34:34 PM AKDT
Friday, October 10, 2008 1:59 01:59:05 PM AKDT
Friday, October 3, 2008 12:04 12:04:52 PM AKDT

September 2008 Updates
August 2008 Updates
July 2008 Updates

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Contact Information: AVO Web Team