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HIV/AIDS Specimen Repository
 Accessing Samples
 VAX004 Clinical Trial Specimens
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HIV/AIDS Specimen Repository


The Division of AIDS (DAIDS), part of the NIAID, supports a number of programs, networks, and studies to increase basic knowledge of the pathogenesis and transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), promote the development of therapies for HIV infection and its complications and co-infections, and encourage the development of vaccines and other prevention strategies. They include:

Over the years, these networks, programs, and studies have amassed a wealth of longitudinal data that provides detailed information on the natural history and clinical and laboratory course of HIV disease in various populations. In addition, biological specimens from well-characterized individuals and/or cohorts have been collected and stored in centralized and local repositories. Together with the huge databases to which they are linked, these specimens provide the scientific community with an invaluable research resource for multidisciplinary investigation. The specific fluids and tissues collected vary within specific programs and may include:

  • Peripheral blood mononuclear cells
  • Serum
  • Plasma
  • Semen
  • Saliva
  • Vaginal washings
  • Urine
  • Placenta
  • Autopsy samples

Information regarding access to specimens


  • In order to assess specimens collected from the MACS and WIHS studies, investigators must email a completed Collaboration Concept Sheet (in MS Word) to Joana Roe at DAIDS for MACS specimens and to WDMAC for WIHS specimens. If you’re proposing a joint collaboration with both MACS and WIHS, the Concept Sheet must be sent to both contacts.
  • Collaboration Contact Sheet and Publication Policy

HIV/AIDS Clinical Networks

  • In order to access specimens collected through network studies, investigators must first solicit the interest of network investigators via collaboration. For assistance in identifying potential network collaborators, please contact Daniella Livnat.
  • Guidance for accessing network samples

VAX004 Clinical Trial Specimens

Additional Resources

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