FIPS 95-1 - Codes for the Identification of Federal and Federally-assisted Organizations
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Supersedes FIPS PUB 95
1982 December 23

Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 95-1

1993 January 4
Announcing the Standard for


(The Foreword, Abstract, and Key Words
can be found at the end of this document.)

Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National Bureau of Standards in accordance with section 111 (f) (2) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, Public Law 89-306 (79 Stat 1127), Executive Order 11717 (38 FR 12315, dated May 11, 1973), and Part 6 of Title 15 Code of Federal Regulations.

1. Name of Standard: Codes for the Identification of Federal and Federally-Assisted Organizations, (FIPS PUB 95-1).

2. Category of Standard: Data Standard, Representations and Codes.

3. Explanation: This Standard provides a four-character identifier for each organization listed. The set of identifiers defines a standard data element. The two leftmost characters form a component data element which is identical with the two-digit numerical code used in the Federal budgetary process to identify major Federal organizations. This component, designated as the Treasury Agency Symbol (TAS), is maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. This standard supersedes FIPS PUB 95 is its entirety.

The purposes of data element standardization are to eliminate unnecessary duplications and incompatibilities in the collection, processing, and dissemination of data, and to maximize the usefulness of data resources. The use of data referenced to a standard set of representations or codes reduces collection costs by allowing previously collected data to be applied to new uses, and provides a potential for benefits derived from those additional applications. Standardization also reduces conversion costs for interchange of data between databases, and reduces costs of data element maintenance by the implementation of a single, maintained standard to replace separately maintained elements.

4. Approving Authority: The Secretary of Commerce.

5. Maintenance Agency: Governments Division, Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233. Federal departments and independent agencies are invited to assist in the maintenance of this Standard by submitting copies of newly implemented tables of organization that affect any listing. Such changes should be submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Room B151, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.

Change notices to this FIPS PUB will be issued by NIST. Users who wish to receive such notices should complete the Change Request Form included in this FIPS PUB and return it to the address indicated.

6. Cross Index: None.

7. Applicability: This standard applies to data interchange among executive departments and independent agencies and for Federal data interchange with the non-Federal sector including industry, State, local, and other Governments, and the public at large.

This standard data element may be used for the interchange of information on Federal operations when that information is identified by organization. Information interchanged may concern, for example: number of personnel employed, value of contracts and grants issued, value of services of an identical type received from a single source, inventoried quantity of a particular item, and value and identity of property managed or controlled. The data element need not be used to record information on Federal operations of unlisted, lower-level organizations. The data element may be used if lower-level data are aggregated to the level of organizations identified in the Standard.

This standard data element also may be used for interchange of identification codes assigned to a set of similar items, but only if an organizational indication is included as part of the coding structure. Examples of sets of items which could employ organizational-indicative identification codes are: the set of identities of Federal reports and computer programs that are available for public use or distribution, the set of identities of domestic assistance programs for which a prospective recipient might apply, and the set of identities of grants and contracts awarded. If organizational identification is used but is not fully appropriate below the first level, then only the two leftmost characters of the standard data element (the TAS) should be used. Agencies may wish to use the Standard in applications other than those suggested above. However, this standard is not intended for the replacement of U.S. Department of the Treasury agency location and appropriation fund account codes.

8. Implementation Schedule: This Standard became effectivce December 1, 1982. Use by Federal agencies is encouraged when such use contributes to operational benefits, efficiency, or economy.

9. Specifications: Federal Information Processing Standard 95-1 (FIPSPUB95-1), Codes for the Identification of Federal and Federally-Assisted Organizations (affixed).

10. Where to Obtain Copies. Copies of this publication, printed or microfiche, are for sale by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. When ordering, refer to Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 95-1(FIPSPUB95-1) and title. Payment may be made by check, money order, or NIST deposit account.

Supersedes FIPS PUB 95
1982 December 23

Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication 95

1993 January 4
Specifications for


1. Name of Standard: Codes for the Identification of Federal and Federally Assisted Organizations.

2. Category of Standard: Data Standard, Representations and Codes. 3. Explanation:This Standard provides a four-character identifier for each organization listed. The set of identifiers defines a standard data element. The major set of categories used to distinguish groups of organizations in this Standard is the following:

Organizational structure is described and encoded in this Standard in a manner consistent with the budgetary structure of the U.S. Government. Consistency with the budgetary structure has been maintained in order to permit the adoption, in every case, of the two-digit numerical code used in the budgetary process to identify most first-level, independent Federal organizations. This coding system is maintained by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Designated as the Treasury Agency Symbol (TAS), it serves as the two leftmost characters of the organization code used in this Standard.

All first-level organizations in each of the above categories are listed in this Standard. A first-level organization is not subsumed hierarchically under any other organization. Second-level organizations are included with the Executive Office, executive departments, and certain other major agencies. Third and lower-level organizations are included only in the Department of Defense and in special situations in other departments. Second, third, and lower-level organizations are always subsumed hierarchically under a next-higher-level organization.

In this Standard, an "independent" organization is defined as having both hierarchical independence and budgetary independence, i.e., it is first-level (hierarchical independence) and has a budget which is not subsumed by or connected in a subsidiary manner with the budget of another organization (budgetary independence). An "associated" organization is first-level, but has no budgetary independence. The five types of associated organizations are:

A "quasi-Federal" organization is an organization that is listed as "quasi-official' in the U.S. Government Manual and is also assigned its own unique TAS code by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. An "interstate" organization included in this Standard is Federally-assisted but differs from a Federal-State organization in that it involves no Federal participation.

Associated organizations and organizations below first level usually carry the same TAS as the independent, first-level organization with which they are connected. Organizations having the same TAS are distinguished from each other by the two rightmost characters of the identifier. These characters are alphanumeric although numeric characters are being used at this time in most cases. The system used for assignment of the two rightmost characters of the identifier is explained below in paragraph 6. Special Information.

4. Specifications: Table or Organizations and Codes:

4.1 Part A: Arrangement by Hierarchical and Budgetary Relationship

In this part, names of first-level organizations are presented immediately to the right of the assigned codes without an indentation.

Second-level organizations are listed immediately below the first-level organization to which they report and are indented further to the right. Second-level organizations which subdivide a first-level organization form a complete, non-duplicative set, i.e., each employee of the first- level organization can be assigned to one and only one second-level entry.

Third and lower-level organizations are indented further to the right than their respective next- higher level entries; and they are listed immediately below the entry which they subdivide. Third and lower-level entries, similarly, form a complete, non-duplicative set.

At any level for which entries are provided, some subdivisions may not be individually identified. Those divisions not specifically listed are included by implication, as in "Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health except National Centers."

Each domestic, associated organization is listed with the independent organization with which its financial or administrative support is connected. International organizations are listed in a separate section.

4.2 Part B: Arrangement by Alphabetic Sequence of Organizations

4.3 Part C: Arrangement by Alphanumeric Sequence of Assigned Codes

5. Qualifications: Non-Federal organizations which receive no assistance identified in the Federal budget were excluded from the basic standard. Users desiring a compatible code assignment to an initially excluded organization have two alternatives. Users may assign their own four-character code, preferably with a letter as the leftmost character to avoid possible conflict with the numerical TAS, or they may forward a written request to NIST, Room B151, Technology Building, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, for a formal assignment of a code. Requests should include an explanation of the application requiring the assignment. NIST will forward requests to the maintenance agency and will issue change notices as appropriate.

6. Special Information: The coding structure in this Standard is based on the establishment of four active classes of TAS codes. The assignments of the two rightmost characters of the identifier differ in each of the classes, and are described below.

The following TAS codes are used to identify component organizations of the Department of Defense:
17: Department of the Navy;
21: Department of the Army;
57: Department of the Air Force;
84: U.S. Soldiers' and Airmen's Home;
96: U.S. Corps of Engineers--(civil); and
97: Department of Defense as a whole and components, other than the military department, reporting to the Secretary of Defense.
Values of the two rightmost characters of the identifier for all component organizations of th Department of Defense (DoD) are received from the Directorate for Information Resources Management Systems, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). DoD assigns their own codes, usually alphabetic (can be numeric). Several non-Defense, independent organizations share certain TAS codes. These organizations are fully distinguished at the first level by the third and fourth characters of the identifier. The TAS codes in this class, and their applications, are:
00: Senate and House of Representatives;
09: Smaller Legislative Agencies;
10: Judicial Agencies;
46: Independent Federal-State and Interstate Organizations (excepting Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations);
48: Temporary Study Commissions;
76: Historical and Memorial Agencies; and
95: Other Independent Organizations Not Assigned Unique TAS Codes.
Values of the two rightmost characters for independent agencies in this TAS class are in the range 01 through 59. For values of the two rightmost characters for associated organization in this TAS class, see below under "Single-Use TAS Codes." The Executive Office of the President is assigned identifier 1100 and agencies within the 0ffice are assigned identifiers in the range of 1101 through 1130. The office of the Vice President is assigned 1160.

Agencies that come under the "Funds Appropriated to the President" (FAP) in the Federal Budget also are assigned TAS code 11. Currently, two different ranges are used for the two rightmost characters for these FAP agencies. Agencies that are international in scope, such the Multilateral Development Banks, are assigned alphabetic characters consistent with other international agencies. Other FAP agencies such as the Peace Corps are assigned numerics the two rightmost characters. These currently range from 31 to 62.

Users should note two exceptions about FAP agencies. First, the International Development Corporation Agency (IDCA) is assigned identifier 1150 and its second level organizations assigned identifiers in the range 1151 to 1159. The IDCA is related to the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, but the latter retains TAS code 71, even though it is listed in the Federal Budget as an FAP agency. Thus, the IDCA does not include OPIC in this standard. Secondly, not all FAP accounts found in the Federal Budget have a FIPS 95 code assignment. FIPS 95 is an organizational code set, and does not automatically include all fiscal activities represented in Budget accounts.

For values of the two rightmost characters of the identifier for associated organizations using TAS code 11, see below under " Single-Use TAS Codes."

This class of TAS codes includes all codes that are active (i.e., in current use) and not identified above in another class. As implied in the class name, an independent organization using a TAS code in this class does not share that TAS code with any other independent organization. Second-level, third-level, and associated organizations may be included in this class and will use the same TAS codes as their respective independent organizations.

For each TAS code in this class, the two rightmost characters of the identifier are available to be assigned as follows, if an organization with the appropriate name is separately identified:

00: organization as a whole (always present);
01: office of the chief executive and any staff functions not separately identified;
02: office of the deputy chief executive;
03: office of the general counsel or equivalent;
04: office of the inspector general;
05: office of administration or management, if no "planning" or "policy" functions are included in the name;
06: office of policy, evaluation, or program analysis, including any "budget" functions not included in "administration" or "management";
07: office of Congressional and legislative affairs; may include public or intergovernmental affairs if not separately identified;
08: office of public affairs, if identified separately from Congressional and legislative affairs;
09: office of international affairs;
10 through 29: other staff offices; 20 through 59: programmatic or line organizations, and all of their separately identified, lower-level components;
60 through 69: Associated Federal Organizations;
70 through 79: Associated Federal-State Organizations;
80 through 89: Govemment-Sponsored Enterprises;
90 through 99: Federally-Aided Organizations; and
AA through ZZ: International Organizations.
For the assignment of the two rightmost characters to international organizations, groupings of such organizations have been established. The third character of the identifier is the same for each organization in a group. This permits recognition of an identifier as pertaining to a particular group. For example, inter-American organizations have the two rightmost characters of their identifiers in the range AA through AZ; international fisheries organizations are assigned the range FA through FZ, while United Nations and affiliated agencies are assigned the range UA through UZ. This procedure for assigning the two rightmost characters of the identifier is used for each international organization, regardless of the TAS code assigned to the organization.

If expansion of the coding structure is required due to saturation, the fourth or rightmost character of the identifier will be converted to an alphanumeric for staff, line, and domes associated organizations under Single-Use TAS Codes. Then, more identifiers for these type of organizations would be available. For example, in this expansion, the two rightmost characters of identifiers for line organizations under Single-Use TAS Codes could include code 2A through 5Z as well as 20 through 59, while the two rightmost characters for associated Federal organizations could include codes 6A through 6Z as well as 60 through 69. This expansion could apply, in a similar fashion, to the coding structure for domestic organization under TAS code 11 or the Joint-Use TAS Codes.

                        LEGISLATIVE BRANCH

Congress 0010 Senate, The 0050 House of Representatives, The Major Legislative Agencies 0100 Architect of the Capitol 0800 Congressional Budget Office 0500 General Accounting Office 0501 Comptroller General of the United States 0559 GAO, except Comptroller General 0400 Government Printing Office 0300 Library of Congress Associated Federal Organizations: 0361 Library of Congress Trust Fund Board 0362 Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise 2300 U.S. Tax Court Smaller Legislative Agencies 0910 Biomedical Ethics Board 0902 Botanic Garden 0911 Commission on Agricultural Workers 0912 Commission on Interstate Child Support 4853 Commission for the Study of International Migration and Cooperative Economic Development 0901 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 0903 Copyright Royalty Tribunal 0914 John C. Stennis Center for Public Development 0913 National Commission on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES LEGISLATIVE BRANCH 4852 National Commission to Prevent Infant Mortality 0907 Office of Technology Assessment 9520 Physicians Payment Review Commission 9570 Prescription Drug Payment Review Commission 9503 Prospective Payment Assessment Commission 0908 Railroad Accounting Principles Board

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES JUDICIAL BRANCH CODES ORGANIZATIONS 1001 Supreme Court of the United States 1050 Chief Justice of the United States 1051 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court 1059 Supreme Court, except Justices Associated Federal Organization: 1060 Judicial Conference of the United States 1002 U.S. Courts of Appeals-Judicial Circuits (except Federal Circuit) 1003 U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 1004 U.S. Court of International Trade 9593 U.S. Court of Veteran Appeals 1005 U.S. Claims Court 1012 U.S. District and Territorial Courts 1018 Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation 1019 Temporary Emergency Court of Appeals 1021 Bankruptcy Courts 1023 Federal Public Defenders 1025 Court Security 1027 Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 1028 Federal Judicial Center 1037 Special Rail Reorganization Court

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES EXECUTIVE OFFICE (and associated Federal organization) CODES ORGANIZATIONS 1100 Executive Office of the President 1101 President of the United States 1102 National Security Council 1103 Office of Management and Budget 1121 Director, OMB 1129 OMB, except Director 1105 Office of Administration 1109 Office of the United States Trade Representative 1110 Office of Policy Development 1112 Office of Science and Technology Policy 1113 Council of Economic Advisors 1117 White House Office 1118 Executive Residence at the White House 1119 Council on Environmental Quality 1120 National Critical Materials Council 1123 White House Conference on Indian Education 1127 Office of the National Drug Control Policy 1130 National Space Council Associated Federal Organization: 1160 Office of the Vice President of the United States

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1200 Agriculture, Department of 1201 Immediate Office of the Secretary of Agriculture 1202 Office of the Executive Secretariat 1203 Office of the General Counsel 1204 Office of Inspector General 120A Administration 1211 Office of Advocacy and Enterprise 1213 Office of Administrative Law Judges 1214 Office of Management Reform 1215 Office of Operations 1216 Office of Personnel 1217 Office of Finance and Management 1219 Office of Information Resources Management 1206 Office of Budget and Program Analysis 1207 Office of Governmental and Public Affairs 122E Economics 1258 Economic Analysis Staff 1255 Economic Research Service 1259 Economics Management Staff 1254 Office of Energy 1256 National Agricultural Statistics Service 1257 World Agricultural Outlook Board 122F Food and Consumer Services 1251 Food and Nutrition Service 1253 Human Nutrition Information Service 122C International Affairs and Commodity Programs 1220 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service 1223 Foreign Agricultural Service 1224 Office of International Cooperation and Development 122M Marketing and Inspection Services 1240 Agricultural Cooperative Service 1241 Agricultural Marketing Service 1242 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 1243 Federal Grain Inspection Service 1252 Food Safety and Inspection Service 1245 Packers and Stockyards Administration 1244 Office of Transportation 122N Natural Resources and Environment 1226 Forest Service 1227 Soil Conservation Service 122S Science and Education 1230 Agricultural Research Service 1231 Cooperative State Research Service 1232 Extension Service 1233 National Agricultural Library 1234 Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization Center 122R Small Community and Rural Development 1236 Farmers Home Administration 1222 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 1225 Rural Development Administration 1237 Rural Electrification Administration Associated Federal Organizations: 1260 Commodity Credit Corporation 1261 Rural Telephone Bank 1265 National Advisory Council on Maternal, Infant and Fetal Nutrition Federally Aided Organization: 1291 Land grant colleges and Tuskegee Institute

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1300 Commerce, Department of 1301 Office of the Secretary 1304 Office of the Inspector General 131E Economic Affairs 1342 National Technical Information Service 1321 Bureau of Economic Analysis 1323 Bureau of the Census 1325 Economic Development Administration 1350 International Trade Administration 1352 Minority Business Development Agency 1341 National Institute of Standards and Technology 1330 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1335 National Telecommunications and Information Administration 1344 Patent and Trademark Office 1351 U.S. Export Administration 1359 Technology Administration 1355 U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 9700 Defense, Department of (except military departments) ---- Office of the Secretary of Defense 97AD Immediate Office of the Secretary of Defense 97AE Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 97AK Defense Information Systems Agency 97AR Defense Contract Audit Agency 97AW On Site Inspection Agency 97AV Defense Investigative Service 97AQ Defense Legal Services 97AS Defense Logistics Agency 97AB Defense Mapping Agency 97AH Defense Nuclear Agency 97AT Defense Security Assistance Agency 97AU Defense Technology Security Administration 97AZ Defense Commissary Agency 97BZ Defense Finance and Accounting Service ---- Field Organizations of the Office of the Secretary of Defense 97F1 American Forces Information Service 97F3 Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services, Office of the 97F4 Defense Medical Support Activity 97F2 Dependents Schools, Office of 97F6 Economic Adjustment, Office of 97F5 Washington Headquarters Services 97DL Defense Intelligence Agency ---- Defense Support Activities 9737 Defense Analysis and Studies Office 9738 Defense Installation Support Office 9739 Defense Environment Support Office 9740 Defense Logistics Office 9741 Defense Manpower Data Center 9742 Defense Procurement Support Office 9743 Defense Production Resources Support Office 9744 Defense Productivity Program Office 9745 Defense Systems and Program Office 9746 Defense Technology Analysis Office 9747 Defense Training and Performance Data Center 9748 DOD Civilian Personnel Center 9749 Vulnerability and Analysis Branch 9750 Management Support Center 9751 Total Quality Management Support Office 9752 Management Systems Support Office

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 97EX Inspector General, Office of 97BJ Joint Chiefs of Staff, Organization of 97CG National Security Agency/Central Security Service 97JC Strategic Defense Initiatives Agency 97HW Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 97GZ U.S. Court of Military Appeals 97ZS U.S. Special Operations Command

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 5700 Air Force, Department of the (Headquarters, USAF) 570N Immediate Office, Headquarters, USAF 571C Air Combat Command 571L Air Mobility Command 5706 Air Force Audit Agency 572C Air Force Civilian Personnel Management Center 573W Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence 572P Air Force Center for International Programs 572N Air Force Center for Studies and Analyses 572H Air Force Combat Operations Staff 570Y Air Force Communications Command 572A Air Force Cost Center 572V Air Force Disposal Agency 572W Air Force District of Washington 573G Air Force Elements, Europe 573V Air Force Elements, Other than Europe 573N Air Force Elements, U.S. Atlantic Command 573C Air Force Elements, U.S. Central Command 573P Air Force Elements, U.S. Pacific Command 573R Air Force Elements, U.S. Readiness Command 573M Air Force Elements, U.S. Southern Command 573Q Air Force Elements, U.S. Strategic Command 571W Air Force Engineering and Services Center 573Y Air Force Frequency Management Center 5702 Air Force Inspection and Safety Center 5705 Air Force Intelligence Service 572E Air Force Legal Services Center 571G Air Force Logistics Agency 5701 Air Force Management Engineering Agency 5709 Air Force Manpower and Personnel Center 571M Air Force Material Command 572F Air Force Medical Services Center 572U Air Force Morale, Welfare and Recreation Center 5708 Air Force Office of Security Police 5707 Air Force Office of Special Investigations 572R Air Force Program Executive Office 572X Air Force Real Estate Agency 572M Air Force Review Boards Office 572G Air Force Service Information and News Center 572T Air Force Supply Center 572L Air Force Technical Applications Center 5703 Air Force Operations Test and Evaluation Center 572Q Air Force Weather Service 574Z Air National Guard 572I Air National Guard Support Center 5734 Air National Guard Units (Mobilization) (Title 5) 5732 Air National Guard Units (Title 32) 570I Air Reserve Personnel Center 570J Air Training Command 570K Air University 573L Center for Air Force History 570U Electronic Security Command 570M Headquarters, Air Force Reserve 573S Headquarters, U.S. Space Command and NORAD 572S HQ NORAD 573Z Joint Services Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape Agency 570R Pacific Air Forces 573I Reservist, Centrally Managed 571S Space Command 570B U.S. Air Force Academy 572K U.S. Air Force Historical Research Center 570D U.S. Air Forces, Europe 5724 7th Communication Group

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 2100 Army, Department of the (except Corps of Engineers Civil program financing) 21SA Office of the Secretary of the Army ---- Chief of Staff of the Army, Office of 21CS Immediate Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army 21AE Program Executive Offices 21AG Adjutant General 21P8 Eighth U.S. Army 21SJ Joint Services and Activities Supported by the Office, Secretary of the Army 21PC Military Entrance Processing Command 21MT Military Traffic Management Command 2130 National Guard Bureau 21GB Office of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau 2132 Army National Guard Units (Title 32) 21MD Surgeon General 21AU U.S. Army Audit Agency 21SC U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command 21CE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Except civil program financing 96CE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 21CB U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command 21J1 U.S. Army Element SHAPE ---- U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army 21E1 Immediate Office of the Commander-In-Chief of the U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army 21EB 1st Personnel Command 21EP 2nd Armored Division (FWD) 21E9 4th Transportation Brigade 21E8 7th Medical Command, Europe 21E2 21st Support Command 21E6 32nd Army Air Defense Command 21EK 42nd Military Police Group 21EH 56th Field Artillery Brigade 21EO 59th Ordnance Brigade 21EL 502nd ASA Group, Europe 21E4 Berlin Brigade 21EJ Contopo Field Support Element, Europe 21EN Seventh Army Training Command 21E5 U.S. Army V Corps 21E7 U.S. Army VII Corps 21E3 U.S. Army Southern European Task Force 21EF U.S. Army Special Forces, Europe 21ED U.S. Military Community Activity, Heidelberg 21FC U.S. Army Forces Command 21HS U.S. Army Health Services Command 21CZ U.S. Army Information Systems Command 21AS U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command 21P3 U.S. Army, Japan 21X1 U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC) 21X2 Headquarters, AMC 21X3 Headquarters, Staff Support Activities, AMC 21XK Materiel Acquisition Activities 21XL Materiel Acquisition Project Managers 21XX Materiel Readiness Activities 21X4 Training Activities, AMC 21XQ U.S. Army Armament Munitions and Chemical Command 21XB U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command 21X8 U.S. Army Communications Electronics Command 21XW U.S. Army Depot Command 21XD U.S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command 21XP U.S. Army Security Assistance Center 21X7 U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command 21XM U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command 21XR U.S. Army Troop Support Command 21X6 U.S. Army Missile Command 21X5 U.S. Army Materiel Command, all others 21MW U.S. Army Military District of Washington 21MP U.S. Army Military Personnel Center 21RC U.S. Army Recruiting Command 21SU U.S. Army Southern Command 21SP U.S. Special Operation Command (Army) 21TC U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command 21P1 U.S. Army Western Command 21MA U.S. Military Command 21SF Field Operating Offices of the Secretary of the Army 21TS U.S. Army Troop Support Agency Associated Federal Organization: 9668 Mississippi River Commission

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1700 Navy, Department of the 1712 Navy Secretariat/Staff Offices 1708 Immediate Office of the Secretary of the Navy 1710 Navy Field Offices 1709 Navy Staff Offices ---- Naval Operations, Chief of 1711 Immediate Office of the Chief of Naval Operations 1760 Atlantic Fleet 1733 Military Sealift Command 1719 Naval Air Systems Command 1762 Naval Education and Training Command 1725 Naval Facilities Engineering Command 1715 Naval Intelligence Command 1718 Naval Medical Command 1765 Naval Oceanography Command 1722 Naval Personnel, Chief of 1772 Naval Reserve Force 1724 Naval Sea Systems Command 1769 Naval Security Group Command 1739 Naval Space and Warfare Systems Command 1774 Naval Special Warfare Command 1723 Naval Supply Systems Command 1763 Naval Telecommunications Command 1770 Pacific Fleet 1730 Special Projects Office 1761 U.S. Naval Forces, Europe 1714 Naval Research, Office of 1727 U.S. Marine Corps

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments 9100 Education, Department of 9101 Immediate Office of the Secretary of Education 9102 Office of the Under Secretary of Education 9103 Office of the General Counsel 9104 Office of Inspector General 9105 Office of Human Resources and Administration 9106 Office of Management and Budget/Chief Financial Officer 9107 Office of Legislation 9108 Office of Policy and Planning 9109 Office of Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs 9111 Office of Civil Rights 9121 Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs 9139 Office of Educational Research and Improvement 9132 Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement 9137 Education Professional Development and Dissemination Programs 9135 Libraries and Learning Technologies Programs 9138 National Center for Education Statistics 9136 National Institute of Education 9146 Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 9141 Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education 9140 Compensatory Education Programs 9145 Indian Education Programs 9142 Migrant Education Programs 9144 State and Local Education Programs 9134 Office of Postsecondary Education 9130 Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education 9129 Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education 9133 Office of Higher Education Programs 9131 Student Financial Assistance Programs 9124 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 9128 Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 9125 National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 9126 Rehabilitation Services Administration 9127 Office of Special Education Programs 9120 Office of Vocational and Adult Education 916A Advisory Councils and Committees Government-Sponsored Enterprise: 9181 Student Loan Marketing Association Federally Aided Organizations: 9191 American Printing House for the Blind 9192 Gallaudet College 9193 Howard University 9194 National Technical Institute for the Deaf

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 8900 Energy, Department of 8901 Office of the Secretary 8902 Office of the Deputy Secretary 890A Office of the Under Secretary 8903 Office of the General Counsel 8904 Office of Inspector General 891C Chief Financial Officer 8905 Office of Administration and Human Resource Management 8907 Assistant Secretary for Congressional, and Intergovernmental Affairs 8908 Office of Public Affairs 8909 Assistant Secretary for Domestic and International Energy Policy 8910 Office of Special Projects 8911 Office of Minority Economic Impact 8912 Board of Contract Appeals 8913 Office of Hearings and Appeals 8914 Office of Scheduling and Logistics 8915 Office of Nuclear Safety 8916 Office of Procurement, Assistance, and Program Management 8917 Office of Intelligence 8918 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 8919 Office of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board 891A Office of Arms Control and Nonproliferation 891B Office of Security Affairs 891D Office of Emergency Planning and Operations 891E Office of Contractor Employee Protection 8921 Office of New Production Reactors 8922 Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Renewable Energy 8924 Office of the Departmental Representative to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 8925 Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs 8944 Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy 8948 Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy 8940 Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety and Health 8941 Assistant Secretary for Environmental Restoration and Waste Management 8930 Economic Regulatory Administration 8933 Energy Information Administration 8961 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 8938 Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management 8936 Office of Energy Research Field Organizations Power Administrations: 895S Alaska Power Administration 895B Bonneville Power Administration 895P Southeastern Power Administration 895M Southwestern Power Administration 895R Western Area Power Administration Field Offices: 895A Albuquerque Field Office 895C Chicago Field Office 895T Fernald Field Office 895D Idaho Field Office 895E Nevada Field Office 895F Oak Ridge Field Office 895H Richland Field Office 895J San Francisco Field Office 895N Savannah River Field Office 8951 Bartlesville Project Office 8952 Metairie Site Office 8953 Savannah River Restart Special Projects Office 8954 Yucca Mountain Project Office 8955 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Area Office 895Y Economic Regulatory Administration Field Offices 895U Morgantown Energy Technology Center 895V Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming 895W Naval Petroleum Reserves in California 895L Office of Scientific and Technical Information 895X Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center 895G Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office 895K Schenectady Naval Reactors Office 895I Rocky Flats Project Office 895Z Strategic Petroleum Reserves Project Office 895Q Superconducting Super Collider Project Office

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 7500 Health and Human Services, Department of 750S Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services 7501 Immediate Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services 7502 Office of the Under Secretary of Health and Human Services 7503 Office of the General Counsel 7504 Office of the Inspector General 7505 Office of Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget 7506 Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation 7507 Office of Assistant Secretary for Legislation 7508 Office of Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs 7510 U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs 7511 Office for Civil Rights 7516 Office of Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration 7530 Health Care Financing Administration 7590 Administration for Children and Families 7520 Public Health Service 7521 Office of Assistant Secretary for Health 7555 Office of Assistant Secretary for Health except national centers 7558 National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment 7559 National Center for Health Statistics 7528 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 7525 Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 7522 Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration 7523 Centers for Disease Control 7524 Food and Drug Administration 7526 Health Resources and Services Administration 7527 Indian Health Service 7529 National Institutes of Health 7550 Social Security Administration Federally Aided Organization: 7593 Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventative Medicine

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 8600 Housing and Urban Development, Department of 8601 Office of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 8603 Office of General Counsel 8604 Office of Inspector General 8605 Assistant Secretary for Administration 8607 Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations 8608 Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs 8611 Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity 8620 Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development 8630 Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner 8645 Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research 8635 Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing 8625 Government National Mortgage Association 865A Office of Regional Administrator, Region 1 865B Office of Regional Administrator, Region 2 865C Office of Regional Administrator, Region 3 865D Office of Regional Administrator, Region 4 865E Office of Regional Administrator, Region 5 865F Office of Regional Administrator, Region 6 865G Office of Regional Administrator, Region 7 865H Office of Regional Administrator, Region 8 865J Office of Regional Administrator, Region 9 865K Office of Regional Administrator, Region 10 8650 Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank Government-Sponsored Enterprise: 8681 Federal National Mortgage Association

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1400 Interior, Department of the 140S Office of the Secretary of the Interior 1402 Office of the Under Secretary of the Interior 1406 Office of Policy, Budget and Administration 1407 Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs 1408 Office of Public Affairs 1409 Office of Territorial and International Affairs 1410 Office of Youth Programs 1411 Office for Equal Opportunity 1413 Office of Hearings and Appeals 1414 Executive Secretariat 1416 Indian Arts and Crafts Board 1417 Office of Historically Black College and University Programs 1418 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 1403 Office of the Solicitor 1404 Office of the Inspector General 142F Fish and Wildlife and Parks 1443 National Park Service 1448 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 142N Indian Affairs 1450 Bureau of Indian Affairs 142L Land and Minerals Management 1422 Bureau of Land Management 1435 Minerals Management Service 1438 Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement 142W Water and Science 1432 Bureau of Mines 1425 Bureau of Reclamation 1434 Geological Survey Associated Federal Organizations: 1460 Board on Geographic Names 1464 Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Commission 1465 Metropolitan River Corridors Study Committee 1461 Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 1462 Northern Mariana Islands Commission of Federal Laws

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1500 Justice, Department of 1524 Drug Enforcement Administration 1526 Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys and the Office of U.S. Attorneys 1549 Federal Bureau of Investigation 1540 Federal Prison System 1528 Immigration and Naturalization Service 1550 Office of Justice Programs 1501 Offices, Boards and Division 1544 U.S. Marshals Service 1555 U.S. Trustee System

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1600 Labor, Department of 160S Office of the Secretary of Labor 1601 Immediate Office of the Secretary of Labor 160U Office of the Under Secretary of Labor 1610 Wage Appeals Board 1613 Office of Administrative Law Judges 1615 Benefits Review Board 1616 Employees Compensation Appeals Board 1618 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 1608 Office of Information and Public Affairs 1604 Office of Inspector General 1607 Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Congressional Affairs 1614 Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs 1642 Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Labor- Management Relations and Cooperative Programs 1655 Women's Bureau 1603 Office of the Solicitor 1605 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management 1606 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy 1609 Bureau of International Labor Affairs 1625 Bureau of Labor Statistics 1630 Employment and Training Administration 1635 Employment Standards Administration 1645 Mine Safety and Health Administration 1650 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1643 Office of Labor-Management Standards 1621 Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration 1653 Veterans Employment and Training Services Associated Federal Organizations: 1663 National Commission for Employment Policy 1669 National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee 1665 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 1667 President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 1900 State, Department of 1901 Immediate Office of the Secretary of State 1902 Office of the Deputy Secretary of State 1903 Office of the Legal Adviser 1904 Office of the Inspector General 1905 Office of the Under Secretary for Management 1906 Policy Planning Council 1907 Bureau of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs 1908 Office of Policy and Program Review 1910 Office of Protocol 1913 Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs 1914 Office of the Under Secretary for Economic and Agricultural Affairs 1915 Office of the Under Secretary for Security Assistance, Science and Technology 1916 Counselor of the Department of State 1917 Office of Executive Secretariat 1921 Bureau of African Affairs 1930 Bureau of Consular Affairs 1938 Bureau of Diplomatic Security 1923 Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs 1933 Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs 1925 Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs 1936 Bureau of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs 1939 Bureau of Intelligence and Research 1927 Bureau of Inter-American Affairs 1942 Bureau of International Narcotics Matters 1945 Bureau of International Organization Affairs 1929 Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs 1948 Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs 1950 Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs 1952 Bureau of Public Affairs 1954 Bureau for Refugee Programs 1958 Office of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Associated Federal Organization: 1961 U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Federally Aided Organizations: 1991 American Institute in Taiwan 1993 Asia Foundation

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 6900 Transportation, Department of 690S Office of the Secretary of Transportation 6901 Immediate Office of the Secretary of Transportation 6902 Office of the Deputy Secretary of Transportation 6903 Office of General Counsel 6905 Office of Administration 6906 Office of Budget and Programs 6907 Office of Governmental Affairs 6908 Office of Public Affairs 6909 Office of Policy and International Affairs 6911 Office of Civil Rights 6912 Contract Appeals Board 6914 Executive Secretariat 6918 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 6904 Office of Inspector General 6920 Federal Aviation Administration 6925 Federal Highway Administration 6930 Federal Railroad Administration 6938 Maritime Administration 6940 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 6943 Research and Special Programs Administration 6947 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 6950 United States Coast Guard 6955 Federal Transit Administration Federally Aided Organization: 6991 National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 2000 Treasury, Department of the 2001 Immediate Office of the Secretary of the Treasury 2006 Office of the Assistant Secretary (Economic Policy) 2007 Office of the Assistant Secretary (Legislative Affairs) 2005 Office of the Assistant Secretary (Management) 2008 Office of the Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs and Public Liaison) 2017 Office of the Assistant Secretary (Tax Policy) 2046 Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 2003 Office of the General Counsel 2004 Office of the Inspector General 2050 Internal Revenue Service 202E Office of Enforcement and Operations 2020 Immediate Office of the Assistant Secretary (Enforcement and Operations) 2022 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms 2024 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 203N Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Enforcement) 2037 Immediate Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Enforcement) 2038 Office of Foreign Assets Control 2039 Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Operations) 2026 U.S. Customs Service 2028 U.S. Secret Service 202M Office of Monetary Affairs 2030 Immediate Office of the Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs 2032 Office of the Assistant Secretary (Domestic Finance) 2009 Office of the Assistant Secretary (International Affairs) 203F Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary 2031 Immediate Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary 2033 Financial Management Service 2036 Bureau of the Public Debt 2047 Office of Thrift Supervision 202T Office of the Treasurer of the United States 2040 Immediate Office of Treasurer of the United States 2041 Bureau of Engraving and Printing 2044 U.S. Mint 2048 U.S. Savings Bonds Division Associated Federal Organizations: 2061 Federal Financing Bank 2062 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 2065 National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies Federally Aided Organizations: 2092 Corporation for Public Broadcasting 2093 District of Columbia 2095 Legal Services Corporation 2098 New York City

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES Executive Departments (and their associated organizations) 3600 Veterans Affairs, Department of 3601 Office of the Secretary 3603 General Counsel 3604 Inspector General 3605 Assistant Secretary for Finance and Information Resources Management 3606 Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning 3607 Assistant Secretary for Public and Intergovernmental Affairs 3608 Assistant Secretary for Congressional Affairs 3610 Board of Veterans Appeals 3611 Assistant Secretary for Human Resources and Administration 3612 Board of Contract Appeals 3613 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 3614 Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Facilities 3620 Veterans Health Administration 3630 National Cemetery System 3640 Veterans Benefit Administration


CODES ORGANIZATIONS 4400 ACTION 9515 Administrative Conference of the U.S. 5500 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 9530 Advisory Council On Historic Preservation 1141 African Development Foundation 7400 American Battle Monuments Commission 4602 Appalachian Regional Commission 9532 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board 9400 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 9560 Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Fund 9501 Board for International Broadcasting Federally Aided Organizations: 9591 RFE/RL, Inc. 5600 Central Intelligence Agency 7608 Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission 9537 Commission of Fine Arts 9517 Commission on Civil Rights 4836 Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries 7609 Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution 9581 Commission on National and Community Service 9518 Committee for Purchase from the Blind and Other Severely Handicapped 9507 Commodity Futures Trading Commission 9582 Competitiveness Pay Council 6100 Consumer Product Safety Commission 9516 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 4601 Delaware River Basin Commission 7611 Dwight David Eisenhower Centennial Commission 6800 Environmental Protection Agency 680S Office of the Administrator of EPA 6801 Immediate Office of the Administrator of EPA 6811 Office of Civil Rights 6812 Federal Asbestos Task Force 6813 Office of Administrative Law Judges 6814 Associate Administrator for Communications, Education, and Public Affairs 6815 Associate Administrator for Congressional and Legislative Affairs 6817 Science Advisory Board 6818 Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 6803 Office of General Counsel 6804 Office of the Inspector General 6805 Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resources Management 6806 Assistant Administrator for Policy, Planning and Evaluation 6809 Assistant Administrator for International Activities 6820 Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation 6825 Assistant Administrator for Enforcement 6830 Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic Substances 6855 Assistant Administrator for Regional Operations and State/Local Relations 6840 Assistant Administrator for Research and Development 6850 Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response 6845 Assistant Administrator for Water 4500 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Associated Federal Organization: 4565 Equal Employment Opportunity Coordinating Council 8300 Export-Import Bank of the U.S. 7800 Farm Credit Administration Government-Sponsored Enterprises: 7881 Banks for Cooperatives (13) 7883 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks (12) 7885 Federal Land Banks (12) 7887 Federal Land Bank Associates 7888 Farm Credit Systems Insurance Corporation 2700 Federal Communications Commission 5100 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 9506 Federal Election Commission 5800 Federal Emergency Management Agency 5801 Immediate Office of the Director of FEMA 5802 Office of Chief of Staff 5803 Office of General Counsel 5804 Office of Inspector General 5805 Office of External Affairs 5814 Office of Executive Administration 5817 Office of the Comptroller 5820 Federal Insurance Administration 5830 National Preparedness Program Directorate 5825 State and Local Programs and Support Directorate 5835 Training and Fire Programs Directorate 5840 U.S. Fire Administration 585A FEMA Region I 585B FEMA Region II 585C FEMA Region III 585D FEMA Region IV 585E FEMA Region V 585F FEMA Region VI 585G FEMA Region VII 585H FEMA Region VIII 585J FEMA Region IX 585K FEMA Region X 8291 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation 9540 Federal Housing Finance Board Government-Sponsored Enterprise 95HL Federal Home Loan Banks 5400 Federal Labor Relations Authority 6500 Federal Maritime Commission 9300 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 9504 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 9559 Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors 2600 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 2900 Federal Trade Commission 4700 General Services Administration 4701 Immediate Office of the Administrator 4703 Office of General Counsel 4704 Office of Inspector General 4705 Office of Administration 4707 Office of Congressional Affairs 4708 Office of Public Affairs 4710 Information Security Oversight Office 4711 Office of Policy Analysis 4712 GSA Board of Contract Appeals 4713 Office of Acquisition Policy 4719 Office of Operations 4717 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 4722 Office of Business, Industry, and Governmental Operations 4725 Federal Property Resources Service 4730 Federal Supply Services 4720 Information Resources Management Service 4740 Public Buildings Service 9510 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation 9519 Intelligence Community Staff 4854 Inter-agency Council for the Homeless 1143 Inter-American Foundation 4821 International Cultural and Trade Center Commission 1150 International Development Cooperation Agency (excludes OPIC) 1151 Office of the Director, IDCA 1152 Agency for International Development 1153 Trade and Development Program Associated Federal Organization: 1162 Development Coordination Committee 3400 International Trade Commission 3000 Interstate Commerce Commission 4607 Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin 9541 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Commission 9512 Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission 9513 Marine Mammal Commission 7615 Martin Luther King, Jr. Federal Holiday Commission 4100 Merit Systems Protection Board 8000 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 8001 Headquarters, NASA 8020 Ames Research Center 8044 George C. Marshall Space Flight Center 8026 Goddard Space Flight Center 8035 John F. Kennedy Space Center 8038 Langley Research Center 8041 Lewis Research Center 8032 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 8029 NASA Resident Office, Jet Propulsion Laboratory 8047 National Space Technology Laboratories 8800 National Archives and Records Administration Associated Federal Organizations: 8861 National Archives Trust Fund Board 8862 National Historical Publications and Records Commission 9502 National Capital Planning Commission 9583 National Commission on American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing 9527 National Commission on Libraries and Information Science 9547 National Commission on Migrant Education 9584 National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing 2800 National Consumer Cooperative Bank 9509 National Council on the Handicapped 2500 National Credit Union Administration 5900 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities 5915 Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities 5950 Institute of Museum Services 5920 National Endowment for the Arts 5940 National Endowment for the Humanities Associated Federal Organizations: 5963 National Council on the Arts 5966 National Council on the Humanities 6300 National Labor Relations Board 9524 National Mediation Board 4900 National Science Foundation Associated Federal Organization: 4960 National Science Board 9508 National Transportation Safety Board 3100 Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9514 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 5200 Office of the Federal Inspector for the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System 9549 Office of Government Ethics 4849 Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation 4855 Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator 2400 Office of Personnel Management Associated Federal Organizations: 2460 Federal Prevailing Rate Advisory Committee 2461 President's Commission on White House Fellowships 2462 President's Commission on Executive Exchange 6201 Office of Special Counsel 7100 Overseas Private Investment Corporation 9521 Panama Canal Commission 1145 Peace Corps 4200 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 1800 Postal Service Associated Federal Organization: 1861 Postal Rate Commission 6000 Railroad Retirement Board 2201 Resolution Trust Corporation 5000 Securities and Exchange Commission Federally Aided Organization: 5094 Securities Investor Protection Corporation 9000 Selective Service System 7300 Small Business Administration 3300 Smithsonian Institution 3320 Smithsonian Institution, except units administered under separate Boards of Trustees 3352 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 3355 National Gallery of Art 3358 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 4817 State Justice Institute 4605 Susquehanna River Basin Commission 6400 Tennessee Valley Authority 9531 United States Holocaust Memorial Council 6700 United States Information Agency Associated Federal Organizations: 6763 Artistic Ambassador Advisory Committee 6761 Board of Foreign Scholarships 6762 Cultural Property Advisory Committee 6765 Presidential Commission on the German-American Tricentennial 6767 U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy Federally Aided Organizations: 6791 Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West 6795 National Endowment for Democracy 9580 United States Institute of Peace 97NH United States Naval Home 8400 United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home 4609 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

TABLE OF ORGANIZATIONS AND CODES International Organizations CODES ORGANIZATIONS Inter-American Organizations 19AN Inter-American Indian Institute 19AA Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture 19AS Organization of American States 19AH Pan-American Health Organization 19AG Pan-American Institute of Georgraphy and History 19AR Pan-American Railway Congress Association 18AP Postal Union of the Americas and Spain International Boundary Commissions 19BM International Boundary and Water Commission: U.S.-Mexico 19BC International Boundary Commission: U.S. and Canada 19BJ International Joint Commission: U.S. and Canada International Fisheries Organizations 19FR Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources 19FG Great Lakes Fishery Commission 19FT Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission 19FL International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas 19FE International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 19FP International North Pacific Fisheries Commission 19FH International Pacific Halibut Commission 19FW International Whaling Commission 19FA North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization 19FF North Pacific Fur Seal Commission 19FN Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Memorial, Migration, and Refugee Aid Organizations 19ME Intergovernmental Committee for Migration 19MR International Committee of the Red Cross 19MC U.N. Memorial Cemetery Commission Multilateral Development Banks 11DB African Development Fund 11DE Asian Development Bank 11DH Inter-American Development Bank 11DR International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) 11DA International Development Association 11DF International Finance Corporation 11DG International Fund for Agricultural Development 11DM International Monetary Fund Regional Organizations 19RC Columbo Plan Council for Technical Cooperation 11RF Multinational Force and Observers 19RA North Atlantic Assembly 19RN North Atlantic Treaty Organization 19RE Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 19RP South Pacific Commission United Nations and Affiliated Agencies 19UF Food and Agriculture Organization 19UE International Atomic Energy Agency 19UA International Civil Aviation Organization 19UL International Labor Organization 19UG International Maritime Organization 19UT International Telecommunications Union 19UN United Nations (and Special programs) 19UP Universal Postal Union 19UH World Health Organization 19UW World Intellectural Property Organization 19UM World Meteorological Organization World Organizations, Other Commodity-Oriented 19CF International Coffee Organization 19CC International Cotton Advisory Committee 12CN International Institute for Cotton 19CJ International Jute Organization 19CL International Lead and Zinc Study Group 19CB International Natural Rubber Organization 19CV International Office of Vine and Wine 19CR International Rubber Study Group 19CS International Sugar Organization 19CW International Wheat Council 11CA West African Rice Development Association Experimentation, Measurement, Research, and Study 11EA Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research 19EC International Agency for Research on Cancer 19EM International Bureau of Weights and Measures 19EP International Center for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property 19EZ International Office of Epizootics 19ES Internatioal Seed Testing Association 19EV International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Interparliamentary Organizations 19PC Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group 19PU Interparliamentary Union 19PM Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group Law-Oriented 19LH Hague Conference on Private International Law 19LA International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration 20LP International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) 19LU International Institute for the Unification of Private Law 19LM International Organization for Legal Metrology Navigation, Travel Safety 19NL International Agreement Regarding the Maintenance of Certain Lights in the Red Sea 19NH International Hydrographic Organization 69NA North Atlantic Ice Patrol 96NC Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses Scientific Unions and Council 49SU International Council of Scientific Unions 49SA International Astronomical Union 49SG International Geographical Union 49SM International Mathematical Union 49SV International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics 49SK International Union of Biochemistry 49SB International Union of Biological Sciences 49SX International Union of Crystallography 49SD International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 49SE International Union of Geological Sciences 49SY International Union of Immunological Societies 49SW International Union of Microbiological Societies 49SN International Union of Nutritional Sciences 49SL International Union of Pharmacology 49SP International Union of Physiological Sciences 49SS International Union of Psychological Science 49SC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 49SF International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 49SR International Union of Radio Science 49SH International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science 49ST International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Tariffs, Tourism, and Trade 19TX Bureau of International Expositions 11TE Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora 19TC Customs Cooperation Council 19TT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 19TP International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs 19TW World Tourism Organization

The Foreword, Abstract, and Key Words follow:


1993 January 4
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/National Institute of Standards and Technology


U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, Barbara Hackman Franklin, Secretary
National Institute Of Standards and Technology, John W. Lyons, Director

The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication Series of the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) is the official publication relating to standards, guidelines, and documents adopted and promulgated under the provisions of Public Law 89-306 (Brooks Act) and under Part 6 of Title 15, Code of Federal Regulations. These legislative and executive mandates have given the Secretary of Commerce important responsibilities for improving the utilization and management of computers and automatic data processing in the Federal Government. To carry out the Secretary's responsibilities, the NBS, through its Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, provides leadership, technical guidance, and coordination of Government efforts in the development of standards, guidelines and documents in these areas.

Comments concerning Federal Information Processing Standards Publications are welcomed and should be addressed to the Director, Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.

James H. Burrows, Director
Institute for Computer Sciences andTechnology

This standard provides a four-character identifier for each organization listed. The two leftmost characters form a comonent data element, called the Tresury Agency Symbol (TAS), whcih is identical to the two-digit numerical code used in the budgetary process to identify major Federal agencies. Organizations that are related by a common budgetary appropriation usually have the same TAS code. Organizations identified in this Standard include legislative, judicial, and executive branch agencies, as well as those Federal-State, interstate, and international organizations that receive budgetary support. This standard is an organizational code set, and does not automatically include all fiscal activities represented in Budget accounts. Government- sponsored enterprises and certain Federally aided organizations are included also. Provision is made for the inclusion of additional categories of organzations.

Key words:administration; codes; computers; data; element; Federal Information Processing Standards; Information interchange; organization.

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