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Group Stipulated Order for Abatement for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities that are not Complying with the Phase II Enhanced Vapor Recovery Requirements

State of California law requires that all retail and non-retail gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs) with underground storage tanks be equipped with a certified Phase II Enhanced Vapor Recovery (EVR) system no later than April 1, 2009, and with an In-Station Diagnostic (ISD) system to monitor Phase II EVR performance by September 1, 2009 if the GDF has an annual throughput greater than 1.8 million gallons of gasoline.  Many operators have already completed the upgrade and are in full compliance with these latest requirements.  Others have experienced delays in the upgrade processes despite their utmost diligence.  AQMD is seeking a group stipulated order for abatement from the South Coast Air Quality Management District Hearing Board against those operators who will not be in full compliance with the April 1, 2009 Phase II EVR deadline and the September 1, 2009 ISD deadline.  The order will prohibit the GDF’s operations after December 31, 2009 unless the GDF has been upgraded and successfully tested to comply with Phase II EVR and any September 1, 2009 ISD requirements.  Further details of the group stipulated order of abatement are provided in the Rule 461 Advisory 01-09 which was sent to operators on the list below.  These operators have not yet reported that they completed the upgrade.  They may or may not be in compliance with the requirements by April 1, 2009.

 List of Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Mailed an Advisory 01-09

Furthermore, as GDFs are scheduled to be heard before the Hearing Board for issuance of the Abatement Order,  they will be identified in the list below, which will also provide their hearing date and other relevant information. 

List of Gasoline Dispensing Facilities Requesting, Scheduled for, or Issued an Order for Abatement



This page updated: April 21, 2009