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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Electroencephalographic (EEG) Video Monitoring

Title: Electroencephalographic (EEG) Video Monitoring.

Agency: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research/Center for Health Care Technology (formerly the Office of Health Technology Assessment).

Contact: Martin Erlichman, M.S., Senior Health Science Analyst.

Status: Technology Assessment: Published, 1990.

Language: English.

Primary Objective: Scientific evaluation of the safety and clinical effectiveness of EEG video monitoring in the evaluation of epilepsy patients with intractable seizures.

Methods Used: Synthesis of published literature and information solicited from Public Health Service agencies and from professional societies and organizations.

Data Identification: English language journal articles and textbooks published between 1980 and 1990 available through the search capabilities of the National Library of Medicine. Key Words: "Epilepsy," "Intractable Seizure," "EEG monitoring," "Pseudoseizures."

Study Selection: 12 studies using EEG video monitoring to diagnosis pseudoseizures and intractable seizures in hospital or specialized epilepsy centers.

Data Extraction: Determine how diagnosis and/or classification was changed and/or confirmed due to EEG video monitoring.

Key Results/Findings: Diagnostic classification changed in a significant number of patients with improved seizure control and reduced number of medications. Studies of the treatment of intractable seizures indicate that more complex cases may require the data obtained with the intensive neurodiagnostic technique of EEG video monitoring. Estimates of the percentage of epileptic patients requiring EEG video monitoring range from 5 to 30 percent.

Conclusions: EEG video monitoring may have clinical utility in the evaluation and treatment of patients with intractable seizures or seizure-like conditions when conventional diagnostic methods have proven inadequate. Viewed as both an outpatient and inpatient procedure it has improved patient outcome by permitting accurate diagnoses and modified therapy. The technique has expanded the number of patients viewed as candidates for surgery.

Internet Citation:

Electroencephalographic (EEG) Video Monitoring. Technology Assessment report abstract. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, Rockville, MD.


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