National Endowment for the Arts  
National Initiatives
  NEA Arts Journalism Institutes  

NEA Arts Journalism Institute for Classical Music and Opera

During the NEA Arts Journalism Institute in Classical Music and Opera, hosted at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, participants take part in classroom sessions on the history, concepts, and current practices in classical music and opera, as well as classical music journalism. Other sessions bring them into contact with leading practitioners in the field, including performing artists, composers, arts managers, and others. Evenings include visits to performances at New York’s main classical music and opera presenting venues.

Large group of writers out on the sidewalk in New York City

The 2004 Classical Music and Opera Fellows. Photo courtesy of Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Faculty and speakers at past institutes include classical music critics Justin Davidson, Jeremy Eichler, Anne Midgette, James Oestreich, John Rockwell, Alex Ross, and Terry Teachout; and music professors Michael Beckerman, Walter Frisch, Karen Hanson, and Elaine Sisman.

"We are grateful to the National Endowment for the Arts for giving the Columbia Journalism School the opportunity to deepen its service to the profession," said Nicholas Lemann, Dean of the Columbia School of Journalism. “The program the NEA’s grant makes possible will provide journalists from all over the country with a wonderful means of learning more about classical music and opera, and over time it should have a demonstrable positive effect on American journalism in that area.”

“Last year’s institute succeeded beyond our wildest dreams. Many of the participants described the program as the most important professional development experience of their lives. We’re thrilled that another group of journalists can benefit from this learning opportunity,” said Andras Szanto, who directs the institute at Columbia.