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Cases & Commentaries: SEPTEMBER 2008

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Nursing Medicine Medicine

Nurse Staffing Ratios: The Crucible of Money, Policy, Research, and Patient Care


Admitted to the ICU for COPD exacerbation and atrial fibrillation, a patient who had stabilized is left unattended in the bathroom while the nurse on an understaffed unit attends to a more emergent patient. An assistant later finds the patient on the floor, unresponsive and cyanotic.

Commentary by
Victoria Rich, PhD, RN

CME/CEU available

Hiding in Plain Sight

One day after being discharged from the ED, a woman with severe back pain returns and is admitted for observation and analgesics. The next morning, the hospitalist notes a vesicular rash in the exact distribution of the patient's pain symptoms and diagnoses a herpes zoster infection (shingles).

Commentary by
Jeffrey M. Weinberg, MD

Is the Admission Drug Dose Too Low?

The theophylline dose of a patient admitted for COPD exacerbation and pneumonia is doubled, and he develops atrial flutter with a rapid ventricular response, chest pain, and increased shortness of breath.

Commentary by
Rainu Kaushal, MD, MPH; Erika Abramson, MD
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Perspectives on Safety View All
This month: Workarounds
  In Conversation with...
Steven J. Spear, DBA, MS, MS

AHRQ WebMM Podcast Listen to podcast  (.MP3 | 3.8 MB | 8:03)

  Workarounds and Resiliency on the Front Lines of Health Care
Anita L. Tucker, DBA, MS
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Patient Safety Network
What's New: Involving patients in medication reconciliation makes the process more effective.

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Did You Know?
Of 3522 patients surveyed, 4.2% reported experiencing a harmful adverse event in the past year.
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