Routine to Resolve Unidentified Twins, Unidentified Cross Reference IDs, and Misidentified IDs

The following steps are executed for each "sibling" that has been found with all of the following characteristics:

  1. Input animal has not previously been rejected
  2. Same dam as input dam
  3. Birth date within 273 days of input birth date
  4. Input animal is not designated as ET or clone

STEP 1 -- Sire comparison:

STEP 2 -- Birth date comparison:

STEP 3 -- Gender comparison:

STEP 4 -- Lactation comparison; females only:

STEP 5 -- Calving date comparison; females only:

STEP 6 -- Country code comparison as only difference:

STEP 7 -- Breed code comparison as only difference:

STEP 8 -- Multiple cross references:

STEP 9 -- 99 digit range ID comparison:

STEP 10 -- Multiple birth comparison:

STEP 11 -- Similar ID comparison:

STEP 12 -- Country code comparison:

STEP 13 -- Breed code comparison:

STEP 14 -- Prefix of ID comparison:

STEP 15 -- Remaining animals:


1 Animal IDs assumed to be two animals -- Designate unidentified twin

2 Animal IDs assumed to be one animal -- Generate unidentified cross reference ID

3 Animal IDs assumed to be one animal -- Determine misidentified ID

4 Animal IDs assumed to be one animal -- Remove misidentified ID