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Historical Revisions Menu Current : 2009-06-22 to 2009-08-14

Format 38
Listing of Format 38
Bull/Buck evaluation record
(January 2009 version)

22 = Field added or changed since prior revision of this format
22 = Reference note added or changed since prior revision of this format


Field Description 2
1 1 X CH 13 Species code of the animal
2-3 2 AA CH 4 Breed of evaluation
Bull's Identification Information
4-5 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
6-8 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
9-20 12 XX...XX CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
Sire's Identification Information
21-22 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (registration or eartag)
23-25 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
26-37 12 XX...XX CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
Dam's Identification Information
38-39 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
40-42 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
43-54 12 XX...XX CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
Maternal Grandsire's Identification Information
55-56 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (registration or eartag)
57-59 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
60-71 12 XX...XX CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
Bull's Dual Registration Identification Information
72-73 2 AA CH 4 95 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
74-76 3 AAA CH 119 95 Country code of ID origin
77-88 12 XX...XX CH 95 Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
89-96 8 XX...XX CH 88 Birth date of animal (YYYYMMDD)
97-98 2 XX CH 130 145 Registry status code
99-128 30 AA...AA CH Registered name of the animal
129-148 20 AA...AA CH 95 145 Short AI name of bull
149-154 6 XXXXXX CH 83 95 145 Date bull entered AI (YYYYMM)
155 1 A CH 87 95 145 Sampling status
156-159 4 XXXX CH 87 95 145 Sampling controller number
160 1 A CH 35 94 95 145 Current status code of the bull
161-164 4 XXXX CH 95 145 NAAB bull controller number
165 1 X CH 95 145 Number of uniform NAAB sire codes assigned in following positions as well as columns 548-567
166-175 10 XXXAAXXXXX CH 95 145 Primary NAAB code
176-205 30 XXXAAXXXXX CH 95 145 Secondary NAAB codes (up to 3 additional codes)
Herd with most daughters
206-207 2 XX CH 5 145 State code
208-209 2 XX CH 145 County code
210-213 4 XXXX CH 145 Herd number
214-217 4 XXXX CH 33 95 145 Number of daughters in herd with most daughters
218-219 2 XX CH 5 33 145 State with most daughters
220-221 2 XX CH 33 95 145 Age at first calving (months)
222-224 3 XXX CH 145 Percent daughters with 1st lactation records from management plans (Type of test >= 40)
225-227 3 XX.X CH 145 Inbreeding coefficient of this bull (%)
228-230 3 XX.X CH 145 Average daughter inbreeding percent
231-233 3 XX.X CH 145 Expected future inbreeding (%) (EFI)
234-235 2 XX CH Reliability of yield (avg. of Protein and MF reliabilities, weighted by current component prices)
236-237 2 XX CH 33 95 Reliability of PTA daughter pregnancy rate (DPR)
238-242 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 PTA milk
243-244 2 XX CH 33 Reliability of PTA milk and fat (MF)
245-248 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 95 PTA fat
249-251 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 PTA fat percentage
252-253 2 XX CH 33 Reliability of PTA protein
254-257 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 95 PTA protein
258-260 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 PTA protein percent
261-262 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PTA productive life
263-265 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 PTA productive life
266-267 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PTA somatic cell score (SCS)
268-270 3 X.XX CH 95 PTA SCS
271-272 2 XX CH Reliability of Net Merit dollars
273-277 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 Fluid Merit dollars (FM$)
278-282 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 Net Merit dollars (NM$)
283-287 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 Cheese Merit dollars (CM$)
288-289 2 AA CH 39 Net Merit percentile
290-292 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 PTA DPR
293 1 A CH 156 Interbull usability code for DPR
294-296 3 XXX CH 39 145 Average number of DIM for first-lactation daughters (MF)
297-299 3 XXX CH 39 145 Average number of DIM for first-lactation daughters (Protein)
300-302 3 X.XX CH 39 145 Average age weight of daughters for productive life evaluation
303-305 3 XXX CH 149 Pedigree completeness %
306-308 3 XXX CH 39 145 Percent of daughter first-lactation records that are in progress (MF)
309-311 3 XXX CH 39 145 Percent of daughter first-lactation records that are in progress (Protein)
312-316 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 Number of herds (DPR)
317-321 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (MF)
322-326 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of herds (Protein)
327-331 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 145 Number of herds (PL)
332-336 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 Number of herds (SCS)
337-341 5 XXXXX CH 33 95 Number of daughters (DPR)
342-346 5 XXXXX CH 33 Number of daughters (MF)
347-351 5 XXXXX CH 33 41 Number of daughters (Protein)
352-356 5 XXXXX CH 95 145 Number of daughters (PL)
357-361 5 XXXXX CH 95 Number of daughters (SCS)
362 1 X CH 136 Interbull usability code for SCS
363 1 X CH 150 Interbull preferred ID code/Clonal evaluation source code
364 1 X CH 152 Interbull usability code for PL
365-367 3 X.XX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations per daughter (MF)
368-370 3 X.XX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations per daughter (Protein)
371-373 3 XXX CH Heterosis coefficient
374-376 3 XXX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations in daughter management group (MF)
377-379 3 XXX CH 33 145 Average number of lactations in daughter management group (Protein)
380-381 2 AA CH 4 Predominate breed for crossbred animals
382-384 3 XX.X CH 33 95 145 Average standardized DPR
385-389 5 XXXXX CH 33 145 Average standardized milk
390-393 4 XXXX CH 33 145 Average standardized fat yield
394-395 2 X.X CH 33 145 Average standardized fat percent
396-400 5 XXXXX CH 33 145 Average standardized milk (Protein)
401-404 4 XXXX CH 145 Average standardized protein yield
405-406 2 X.X CH 33 145 Average standardized protein percent
407-409 3 XX.X CH 33 95 145 Average PL of daughters
410-412 3 X.XX CH 95 145 Average standardized SCS
413-414 2 XX CH Number of countries in evaluation
415-417 3 AAA CH 119 Country with most daughters
418-422 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 145 Daughter yield deviation milk
PTA milk change (interim summary)
423-426 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 95 145 Daughter yield deviation fat
PTA fat change (interim summary)
427-429 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 95 145 Daughter yield deviation fat percent
430-434 5 +/-XXXX CSL 33 145 Daughter yield deviation milk (Protein)
435-438 4 +/-XXX CSL 33 145 Daughter yield deviation protein /
PTA protein change (interim summary)
439-441 3 +/-.XX CSL 33 95 145 Daughter yield deviation protein percent
442-445 4 +/-XX.X CSL 33 95 145 Daughter PL deviation
446-449 4 +/-X.XX CH 95 145 Daughter SCS deviation
450-451 2 XX CH 154 Percentage of predominate breed for crossbred animals
452-456 5 +/-XXXX CSL 145 Parent average (PA) milk
457-458 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (MF)
459-462 4 +/-XXX CSL 95 145 PA fat
463-464 2 XX CH 145 Reliability of PA (Protein)
465-468 4 +/-XXX CSL 95 145 PA protein
469-470 2 XX CH 95 145 Reliability of PA (PL)
471-473 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 145 PA PL
474-475 2 XX CH 95 145 Reliability of PA (SCS)
476-478 3 X.XX CH 95 145 PA SCS
479-481 3 XXX CH Percent of daughters in the US
482 1 X CH 125 Interbull usability code for yield
483-484 2 AA CH 145 Herdbook identifier (NA or I)
485-500 16 AA...AA CH 95 145 148 Recessives codes
501-504 4 +/-XX.X CSL 95 Daughter deviation for DPR
505-507 3 +/-X.X CSL 95 PA DPR
508-509 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PA DPR
510-514 5 +/-XXXX CSL PA Net Merit Dollars (NM$)
515-516 2 XX CH 95 Reliability of PA (NM$)
517-520 4 +/-XX.X CSL 95 Sire conception rate (SCR)
521-522 2 XX CH Reliability of SCR
523-529 7 XX...XX CH 95 Number of breedings for SCR
Red and White or Clonal Evaluation Source
Identification Information
530-531 2 AA CH 4 Breed code of animal (alpha code only, no zeros)
532-534 3 AAA CH 119 Country code of ID origin
535-546 12 XX...XX CH Identification number of animal (registration or eartag)
547 1 X CH 160 Genomic indicator code
548-567 20 XXXAAXXXXX CH 95 145 Continuation of secondary NAAB codes (two codes)
568-603 36 00...00 CH Zeroes - available for future use