Editor's note: Raise a glass to more sober times

There was less of a party atmosphere at this year’s Mipim event – just as well for one delegate – but the end of the heady days shouldn’t be mourned, for such austere times are when the clear-headed thrive, and those nursing a hangover get left behind, writes Courtney Fingar.


Boris Johnson

MIPIM round-up

Courtney Fingar canvasses a selection of Europe’s political leaders at the 2009 Mipim event in Cannes to find out how they are facing up to the challenges posed to attracting investment in the current economic climate.

North American Cities of the Future 2009/10

New York, San Francisco, Tampa and Greenville are the top cities in the 2009/10 North American Cities of the Future competition. Jacqueline Hegarty reports on the leaders among the major, large, small and micro cities.

Tightrope to accession

Uncertainty looms over the strength of even the strongest of the western Balkan states, Serbia and Croatia, as they inch towards EU accession. Tom Blass reports.

Time to realign?

Amid bad press for call-centre outsourcing, insourcing and virtual centres are coming in vogue, writes Karen E Thuermer.

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