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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Peer Reviewers—Volume 4

The editors wish to thank the following individuals for acting as peer reviewers for manuscripts submitted for publication in Volume 4 of Advances in Patient Safety: From Research to Implementation:

James Battles
Richard Cook
Christine Crofton
Katherine Crosson
Charles Darby
Bradley Evanoff
Mike FitzMaurice
Steve Grimes
Louis Halamek
Kerm Henriksen
Madeleine Hess
John Hickner
Heidi King
Eric Marks
Pamela Mitchell
Bob Murphy
Veronica Nieva
Patrick O'Connor
Mary Pittman
Geoffrey Rake
Paul Schyve
Stephen Small
Leif Solberg
Joann Sorra
Howard Steed
David Stevens
Bruce Thomadsen
Eric Thomas
Joyce Verran
Nicholas Warren
Matthew Weinger

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