Constituent Services

As a member of the United States Senate, I want to make sure that the citizens of Vermont receive all of the federal benefits and help to which they are entitled. Although I cannot guarantee a particular outcome, I want you to know that my staff and I will do our best to respond to your concerns.

What We Can Do

If you are having trouble solving a problem with a federal program or agency, my office may be able to assist you. While my staff cannot force an agency to act in your favor, we can frequently help you understand what is involved, inquire about the status of your case, encourage an agency to give your case full and fair consideration, and when appropriate, advocate for quicker resolution.

To request personal assistance with a casework matter please use our ASSISTANCE REQUEST FORM. If this is an emergency and you require immediate assistance, please call my Burlington Office at (800)-339-9834 (toll-free in Vermont) or (802) 862-0697 (calling in the Burlington area).

If you wish to comment on a legislative matter please use our COMMENTS FORM.

What We Cannot Do

We cannot offer legal advice or recommend an attorney. The rules of the U.S. Senate do not allow us to intervene in or influence the outcome of cases that are under the jurisdiction of any court.

My staff cannot intervene in matters handled by state or local governments such as welfare, child support, state and local taxes, or motor vehicle registration or loss of license. For these issues you should call the appropriate state or local official. My staff and I are always happy to forward a letter from you to the appropriate state government office for their review and response, except in those cases where we are prevented by Senate rules.

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