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The Healthy Marriage Initiative (HMI)





A: Goals

The objective for providing technical assistance is to strengthen the AAHMI service delivery network, through training, education and facilitations and supportive services. A strengthened delivery network should increase its impact on the following desired changes (over time) in African American individuals, families and communities as measured by:

  • Reduction in the disproportionate representation of African Americans in child welfare services
  • More youth completing high school and going to college, particularly males
  • A reduction in out of wedlock births
  • Healthier adults and youth
  • Less divorce, more marriages
  • More children living in healthy two-parent (married) households
  • Increased human capital quality and economic development in communities where poor heath, incarceration, broken families and poverty are substantially reduced.

B: Logic Model Overview

A logic model has been developed that integrates technical assistance strategies for the identified problems and needs of the organizations involved in AAHMI service delivery. The plan is pragmatic to the extent that enabling and inhibiting factors have been taken into consideration in determining the most effective TA activities and opportunities.

Four categories of activities are proposed that focus on:

  • Coalition capacity building – which will involve assisting service delivery areas (sites and their coalitions) to expand their networks, increase the involvement of youth and health components, and also to help them evaluate and improve  the quality of performance.
  • Promotion of “research-based” practices – TA activities that encourage, inform, promote and support the implementation of research based service-delivery and practice models that lead to affordable, accessible and available services.
  • Education, communication and promotion – TA activities are focused on engaging youth, scholars, educators, faith based organizations, health care providers and the media to publicize the information, strategies and other assets available to them as major change agents for the AAHMI.
  • Coordination and collaboration across ACF and other federal, State and local  agencies and grantees – TA activities are focused on fostering collaborative arrangements, using tools (e.g., online database of grants and grantees) and other information to enable agencies that need to collaborate to find each other more quickly.


Inputs/Resources Activities Outputs OUTCOMES Short OUTCOMES Intermediate OUTCOMES Long Term


Federal Staff

Working Funds

Program Funds

Contract Dollars

Legislative Authority


Annie-Casey Foundation

Family Youth Services Bureau (FYSB)

Jordan Institute for Families

Researchers/HM Sites

Fatherhood/HM Programs

Media/ Media Owners

Educational Institutions

High School Students

College Students

College Professors

Faith Based Leadership

National Council of Churches


Theological Schools

Conduct Research-to-Practice Conferences

Conduct 2007 National Research conference

Using distance formats, conduct follow-up meetings to 2006 conferences, focus on local application

One research based practice forum

Four multi-regional meetings (web, video conferences, teleconference (etc)

Increased knowledge of how to use research in practice

Increased interest in AAHMI research and application by scholars and practitioner

Increased application of research based practice models using culturally competent marriage education for couples and youth

Expanded and effective relationships and knowledge fostered and sustained in coalitions

Streamlined and easier access to coalition resources

Cost effective and higher quality service delivery based on available, accessible and affordable research based services

Better informed constituents about benefits of AAHMI services

Higher utilization of marriage education services due to increased exposure to more positive images of African American marriages and families

Publicize, Promote and Share AAHMI Resources

Youth: Use multimedia promotions to stimulate involvement (video/ music)

Educators: Provide material to stimulate scholarly thinking

Practitioners/Researchers: Provide research data, information, conference proceedings

Media Owners: Provide promotional material and awareness information

Podcast, Web and other informational forms targeted to youth

One conference proceedings package (2006) disseminated to practitioners/re-searchers

One promotional awareness package to media outlets

Youth able to more readily access AAHMI material

Researchers and practitioners have access to AAHMI results to date


Media outlets aware of and engaged to produce AAHMI material
Increased level of awareness, access and use of AAHMI resources

Conduct Mini-Academy (Washington, D.C)

How to expand local coalitions to include youth, health related organizations and local government

How to access public access media

How to improve the inter-organizational relationships between abstinence and healthy marriage providers.
One national academy with youth focus conducted ‘07 Increased knowledge by coalitions on capacity building and performance improvement Coalitions expanded to include an abstinence-until-marriage youth strategy

Assist Preparation of Faith Based Leadership

Convene faith based leaders summit to develop a national AAHMI strategy

National strategy developed

Buy-in from faith based leadership

Faith based leadership equipped with knowledge and materials to promote the goals of AAHMI Faith based community delivers AAHMI services

Assist Health Care Providers to Adopt Healthy Marriage Practices

Convene Health Leadership Roundtable

Develop AAHMI health strategy

Four (quarterly) meetings

Strategy developed to promote the health aspects of AAHMI

Health community is aware of the links between benefits of marriage and the health of individuals Health practitioners incorporate Healthy Marriage  strategies in their practice

Improve Coordination and Collaboration Across ACF, Federal State and Local  grantees:

Develop mapping database of grant sources and recipients

Convene local agencies to facilitate inter-organizational collaboration

Facilitate and promote development of coordinated Healthy Marriage strategies

One Mapping database

Local coordination meetings

TA Strategies identified that maximize  community capacity

AAHMI entities incorporate mapping database to formulate or improve coordination strategies Cognizant AAHMI entities have increased capabilities to collaborate and coordinate services.