National Research Program

Hydrogeochemical and Microbiological Investigations of Radionuclides, Nutrients, and Environmental Contaminants.

Uranium mill tailings and related forms of low-level radioactive waste contain elevated contents of naturally occurring radionuclides that have been brought to the surface, processed for the recovery of uranium and/or other components and then disposed of in near-surface impoundments. The long-term fate of the tailings and their constituents will be determined by surficial earth processes. Project objectives are to study the chemical form in which radionuclides and selected stable elements are retained in surficial earth materials, particularly uranium mill tailings, and to identify processes operating in natural aqueous and terrestrial systems that may influence the transport of these constituents from these earth materials.

Microbes are essential in contributing to and maintaining the health of aquatic ecosystems. They form the base of food webs and mediate essential biogeochemical processes, including the degradation of xenobiotic contaminants. We are conducting basic research on the microbially mediated geochemical transformations of organic and inorganic compounds in a variety of marine and freshwater environments in order to define the chemical and microbial processes that transform, degrade, or otherwise affect a contaminant's fate and transport. For additional information, see the microbiology home page for this project.


Finster, K.W., Cockell, C.S., Voytek, M.A., Gronstal, A.L., and Kjeldsen, K.U., in press, Description of Tessaracoccus profundi sp.nov., a deep-subsurface actinobacterium isolated from a Chesapeake impact crater drill core (940 m depth): Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology. (on-line preprint of journal article)

Böhlke, J.K., Antweiler, R.C., Harvey, J.W., Laursen, A.E., Smith, L.K., Smith, R.L., and Voytek, M.A., 2009, Multi-scale measurements and modeling of denitrification in streams with varying flow and nitrate concentration in the upper Mississippi River basin, USA: Biogeochemistry, v. 93, p. 117–141. (on-line abstract or on-line paper in pdf format, 959 KB, published at with open access)

Camponelli, K.M., Casey, R.E., Snodgrass, J.W., Lev, S.M , and Landa, E.R., 2009, Impacts of weathered tire debris on the development of Rana sylvatica larvae: Chemosphere, v. 74, no. 5, p. 717-722. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Kolker, A., Panov, B.S., Panov, Y.B., Landa, E.R., Conko, K.M., Korchemagin, V.A., Shendrik, T., and McCord, J.D., 2009, Mercury and trace element contents of Donbas coals and associated mine water in the vicinity of Donetsk, Ukraine, International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 79, p. 83-91. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Reysenbach, A.-L., Hamamura, N., Podar, M., Griffiths, E., Ferreira, S., Hochstein, R., Heidelberg, J., Johnson, J., Mead, D., Pohorille, A., Sarmiento, M., Schweighofer, K.,. Seshadri, R., and Voytek, M.A., 2009, Complete and Draft Genome Sequences of Six Members of the Aquificales: Journal of Bacteriology, v. 191, no. 6, p. 1992-1993. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Sullivan, A.B., Deas, M.L., Asbill, J., Kirshtein, J.D., Butler, K., and Vaughn, J., 2009, Klamath River water quality data from Link River Dam to Keno Dam, Oregon, 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2009-1105, 25 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 572 KB with links to data files)

Báez-Cazull, S.E., McGuire, J.T., Cozzarelli, I.M., and Voytek, M.A., 2008, Determination of Dominant Biogeochemical Processes in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis: Journal of Enviornmental Quality, v. 37, no. 1, p. 30-46. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Gibb, H.J., Kozlov, K., Buckley, J.P., Centeno, J., Jurgenson, V., Kolker, A., Conko, K., Landa, E., Panov, B., Panov, Y., and Xu, H., 2008, Biomarkers of mercury exposure at a mercury recycling facility in Ukraine: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, v. 5, no. 8, p. 483-489. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., Reimold, W.U., Browning, J.V., Cockell, C.S., Horton Jr., J.W., Kenkmann, T., Kulpecz, A.A., Powars, D.S., Sanford, W.E., and Voytek, M.A., 2008, Deep Drilling into the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure: Science, v. 320, no. 5884, p. 1740-1745. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Gottipolu, R.R., Landa, E.R., Schladweiler, MC., McGee, J.K., Ledbetter, A.D., Richards, J.H., Wallenborn, G.J., and Kodavanti, U.P., 2008, Cardiopulmonary responses of intratracheally instilled tire particles and constituent metal components: Inhalation Toxicology, v. 20, no. 5, p. 473-484. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Jones, E.J.P., Voytek, M.A., Warwick, P.D., Corum, M.D., Cohn, A., Bunnell, J.E., Clark, A.C., and Orem, W.H., 2008, Bioassay for Estimating the Biogenic Methane-Generating Potential of Coal Samples: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 76, no. 1-2, p. 138-150. doi:10.1016/j.coal.2008.05.011 (on-line abstract of journal article)

Landa, E.R., and Uchida, S., 2008, Radionuclides in soils, 1960-2006: a view from the World Congress of Soil Science: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, v. 99, no. 6, p. 873-874.

Lev, S.M., Landa, E.R., Szlavecz, K., Casey, R., and Snodgrass, J., 2008, Application of synchrotron methods to assess the uptake of roadway-derived Zn by earthworms in an urban soil: Mineralogical Magazine, v. 72, no. 1, p. 191-195. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Lorah, M.M., Majcher, E.H., Jones, E.J., and Voytek, M.A, 2008, Microbial consortia development and microcosm and column experiments for enhanced bioremediation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds, West Branch Canal Creek wetland area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5165.

Oremland, R.S., and Voytek, M.A., 2008, Acetylene as fast food: Implications for development of life on anoxic primordial Earth and in the outer solar system: Astrobiology, v. 8, no. 1, p. 45-58. (on-line abstract or on-line journal article in pdf format, 213 KB, free issue)

Szabo, Z., Jacobsen, E., Kraemer, T.F., Parsa, B., 2008, Concentrations and environmental fate of Ra in cation-exchange regeneration brine waste disposed to septic tanks and accumulation in sludge, New Jersey Coastal Plain, USA: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, v. 99, no. 6, p. 947-964. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Böhlke, J.K., Verstraeten, I.M., and Kraemer, T.F., 2007, Effects of surface-water irrigation on the sources, fluxes, and residence times of water, nitrate, and uranium in an alluvial aquifer: Applied Geochemistry, v. 22, no. 1, p. 152-174. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Kirshtein, J.D., Anderson, C.W., Wood, J.S., Longcore, J.E., and Voytek, M.A., 2007, Quantitative PCR detection of Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis DNA from sediments and water: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, v. 77, p. 11-15, doi: 10.3354/dao01831. (on-line abstract or on-line article in pdf format, 140 KB, published in 2007 by Inter-Research with open access

Landa, E.R., 2007, Naturally occurring radionuclides from industrial sources: characteristics and fate in the environment, in Shaw, G., ed., Radioactivity in the Terrestrial Environment: Radioactivity in the Environment Series, v. 10, Elsevier, p. 211-237.

Landa, E. R., 2007, From agricultural geology to hydropedology: forging links within the twenty-first-century geoscience community, in Frossard, E., Blum, W.E.H., and Warkentin, B.P., eds., Function of Soils for Human Societies and the Environment: Geological Society, London, Special Publications 266, p. 133-140.

Ward, B.B., Eveillard, D., Kirshtein, J.D., Nelson, J.D., Voytek, M.A., and Jackson, G.A., 2007, Ammonia-oxidizing bacterial community composition in estuarine and oceanic environments assessed using a functional gene microarray: Environmental Microbiology, v. 9, p. 2,522–2,538. (on-line abstract)

Beaty, D.W.; Buxbaum, K.L.; Meyer, M.A.; Barlow, N.G.; Boynton, W.V.; Clark, B.C.; Deming, J.W.; Doran, P.T.; Edgett, K.S.; Hancock, S.L.; Head, J.W.; Hecht, M.H.; Hipkin, V.; Kieft, T.L.; Mancinelli, R.L.; McDonald, E.V.; McKay, C.P.; Mellon, M.T.;  Newsom, H.; Ori, G.G.; Paige, D.A.; Schuerger, A.C.; Sogin, M.L.; Spry, J.A.; Steele, A.; Tanaka, K.L.; Voytek, M.A., 2006, Findings of the Special Regions Science Analysis Group, posted by the Mars Exploration Program Analysis Group (MEPAG), 76 p. (paper available only on-line in pdf format, 5.5 MB)

Gohn, G.S., Koeberl, C., Miller, K.G., Reimold, W.U., Cockell, C.S., Horton, J.W., Sanford, W.E., and Voytek, M.A., 2006, Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure Drilled, EOS, Transactions: American Geophysical Union, v. 87, no. 35, p. 349, 355.

Groffman, P.M., Altabet, M.A., Böhlke, J.K., Butterbach-Bahl, K., David, M.B., Giblin, A.E., Kana, T.M., Nielsen, L.P., Firestone, M.K., and Voytek, M.A., 2006, Methods for measuring denitrification: Diverse approaches to a difficult problem: Ecological Applications, v. 16, no. 6, p. 2091-2122. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Jones, E.J.P., Nadeau, T., Voytek, M.A., and Landa, E.R., 2006, Role of microbial iron reduction in the dissolution of iron hydroxysulfate minerals: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 111, no. G1, G01012, doi: 10.1029/2005JG000089 (on-line abstract or on-line journal article in pdf format, 669 KB - published by the American Geophysical Union; not subject to U.S. copyright)

Jones, E.J.P., Voytek, M.A., Lorah, M.M., and Kirshtein, J.D., 2006, Characterization of a microbial consortium capable of rapid and simultaneous dechlorination of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and chlorinated ethane and ethene intermediates: Bioremediation Journal, v. 10, p. 153-168. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Reysenbach, A.L., Liu, Y., Banta, A.B., Beveridge, T.J., Kirshtein, J.D., Schouten, S., Tivey, M.K., Von Damm, K.L., and Voytek, M.A., 2006, A ubiquitous thermoacidophilic archaeon from deep-sea hydrothermal vents: Nature, v. 442, no. 7101, p. 444 – 447, doi:10.1038/nature04921. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Smith, L.K., Voytek, M.A., Böhlke, J. K., and Harvey, J.W., 2006, Denitrification in nitrate-rich streams: application of N2:Ar and 15N-tracer methods in intact cores: Ecological Applications, v. 16, p. 2191-2207. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Wallenstein, M.D.,  Myrold, D.D., Firestone, M.,, and Voytek, M.A., 2006, Environmental controls on denitrifying communities and denitrification rates: Insights from molecular methods: Ecological Applications, v. 16, p. 2143-2152. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Antweiler, R.C., Smith, R.L., Voytek, M.A., and Böhlke, J.K., 2005, Water-quality data from two agricultural drainage basins in northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois: II. Diel data, 1999-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1053, 114 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 8.1 MB)

Antweiler, R.C., Smith, R.L., Voytek, M.A., Böhlke, J.K., and Dupre, D.H., 2005, Water-quality data from two agricultural drainage basins in northwestern Indiana and northeastern Illinois: III. Biweekly data, 2000-2002: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1197, 66 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 18.1 MB)

Antweiler, R.C., Smith, R.L., Voytek, M.A., Böhlke, J.K., and Richards, K.D., 2005, Water-quality data from two agricultural drainage basins in Northwestern Indiana and Northeastern Illinois: I. lagrangian and synoptic Data, 1999-2002: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1317, 216 p. (on-line abstract or on-line report in pdf format, 4.9 MB)

Eckardt, F., Wood, W.W., Kraemer, T., and Eng, K.G., 2005, Airborne transport of evaporite salts from the Makgadikgadi depression, Environmental Geology in Semi-Arid Environments, in Vogel, H. and Chilume, C. eds., Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Geology in Semi-Arid Environments, November 11-12, 2004, Selebi-Phikwe, Botswana.

Fogarty, L.R. and Voytek , M.A., 2005, Comparison of Bacteroides-Prevotella 16S rRNA genetic markers for fecal samples from different animal species: Applied Environmental Microbiology, v. 71, no. 10, p. 5999-6007. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Kraemer, T.F., 2005, Radium isotopes in Cayuga Lake, New York: Indicators of inflow and mixing processes: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 50, p.158-168. (on-line abstract or on-line report, in pdf format)

Landa, E.R., 2005, Microbial biogeochemistry of uranium mill tailings: Advances in Applied Microbiology, v. 57, p. 113-130.

Landa, E.R., and Fairchild, M.D., 2005, Charting color from the eye of the beholder: American Scientist, v. 93, p. 436-443. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Nimmo, J.R., and Landa, E.R., 2005, The soil-physics contributions of Edgar Buckingham: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 69, p. 328-342. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Rousseau, J.P., Landa, E.R., Nimmo, J.R., Cecil, L.D., Knobel, L.L., Glynn, P.D., Kwicklis, E.M., Curtis, G.P., Stollenwerk, K.G., Anderson, S.R., Bartholomay, R.C., Bossong, C.R., and Orr, B.R., 2005, Review of the transport of selected radionuclides in the interim risk assessment for the Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Waste Area Group 7 Operable Unit 7-13/14, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5026, 283 p. in 2 volumes. (on-line volume 1 (text) in pdf format, 2.4 MB or on-line volume 2 (figures) in pdf format, 3.3 MB)

Scudlark, J.R, Rice, K.C, Conko, K.M, and Church, T.M., 2005, Transmission of atmospherically derived trace elements through an undeveloped, forested Maryland watershed: Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 163, p. 53-79. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Szabo, Z., dePaul, V. T., Kraemer, T. F., and Parsa, B., 2005, Occurrence of radium-224, radium-226, and radium-228 in water of the unconfined Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, southern New Jersey: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5224, 92 p. (on-line abstract or on-line paper in pdf format, 4,814KB)

Voytek, M.A., Ashen, J.B., Kirshtein, J.D., Landa, E.R., and Fogarty, L.R., 2005, Detection of Helicobacter pylori and fecal indicator bacteria in five North American rivers: Journal of Water and Health, v. 3, no. 4, p. 405-422. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Böhlke, J.K, Harvey, J.W., and Voytek, M.A., 2004, Reach-scale isotope tracer experiment to quantify denitrification and related processes in a nitrate-rich stream, midcontinent United States: Limnology and Oceanography, v. 49, no. 3, p. 821-838. (on-line abstract or on-line paper in pdf format)

Conko, K.M., Rice, K.C., Kennedy, M.M., 2004, Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Trace Elements to a Suburban Environment, Reston, Virginia, USA, Atmospheric Environment, v. 38, p. 4025-4033. (on-line abstract)

Councell, T.B., Duckenfield, K.U., Landa, E.R., Callender, E., 2004, Tire-wear particles as a source of zinc to the environment: Environmental Science and Technolology, v. 38, p. 4206-4214. (on-line abstract)

Jones, E.J.P., Voytek, M.A., and Lorah, M.M., 2004, Effect of Fe(III) on 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Degradation and Vinyl Chloride Accumulation in Wetland Sediments of the Aberdeen Proving Ground: Bioremediation Journal, v. 8, p. 31-45.

Jurisson, S., Gawenis, J., and Landa, E.R., 2004, Sorption of 99mTc radiopharmaceutical compounds by soils: Health Physics, v. 87, p. 423-428. (on-line abstract of journal article)

Landa, E.R., 2004, Albert H. Munsell: A sense of color at the interface of art and science: Soil Science v. 169, p. 83-89. (on-line abstract)

Landa, E.R., 2004, Soil science and geology: Connects, disconnects and new opportunities in geoscience education: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 52, p. 191-196. (on-line article in pdf format)

Landa, E.R., 2004, Uranium mill tailings: Nuclear waste and natural laboratory for geochemical and radioecological investigations: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, v. 77, no. 1, p. 1-27. (on-line abstract)

Lorah, M.M., and Voytek, M.A., 2004, Degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and accumulation of vinyl chloride in wetland sediment microcosms and in situ porewater - Biogeochemical controls and associations with microbial communities: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, v. 70, no. 1-2, p. 117-145. (on-line abstract)

Wood, W.W., Eckardt, F., Kraemer, T.F., and Eng, K., 2004, Quantitative eolian transport of evaporite salts from the Makgadikgadi Depression (Ntwetwe and Sua Pans) in northeastern Botswana: Implications for regional ground-water quality, in Barth, H-J., ed., Sabkha Ecosystems, v. 2, Africa Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Wood, W.W., Kraemer, T.F., and Shapiro, A., 2004, Radon (222Rn) in ground water of fractured rocks: A diffusion/ion exchange model: Ground Water, v. 42, p. 552-567. (on-line abstract)

Kraemer, T.F., 2003, Uranium Isotopes, in Schuster, P.F., ed., Water and sediment quality in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska, during water year 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-427, p. 61-62.

Landa, E.R., 2003, Mobilization of radionuclides from uranium mill tailings and related waste materials in anaerobic environments: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, v. 255, no. 3 , p. 559-563. (on-line abstract)

Landa, E.R., and Nimmo, J.R., 2003, The life and scientific contributions of Lyman J. Briggs: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 67, p. 681-693. (on-line abstract)

Lorah, M.M., Voytek, M.A., Kirshtein, J.D., Jones, E.J., 2003, Anaerobic degradation of 1, 1, 2, 2-tetrachloroethane and association with microbial communities in a freshwater tidal wetland, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland: Laboratory experiments and comparisons to tield data, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4157. (on-line abstract or on-line pdf file - 10.6 MB)

Lorah, M.M., Voytek, M.A., and Spencer, T.A., 2003, Preliminary assessment of microbial communities and biodegradation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds in wetlands at Cluster 13, Lauderick Creek area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4119, 19 p.

Panov, B.S., Korchemagin, V.A., Panov, U.B., Kolker, A., Landa, E.R., and Condo, K.M., 2003, Trace elements in coal and mining waters of Donbas regiona and their effect on the environment: Geology of Coal Fields Interdisciplinary Scientific Thematic Collection, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Ural State Academy of Mining and Geology, Ekaterinburg, Russia.

Rice, K.C., Conko, K.M., Hornberger, G.M., 2003, Comment on "Anthropogenic Sources of Arsenic and Copper to Sediments in a Suburban Lake, Northern Virginia", Environmental Science and Technology, v. 37, n. 11, p. 2625.

Szabo, Z., Focazio, M.J., dePaul, V.T., Oden, J.H., Kraemer, T.F., Epstein, C.M., Dixon, K.L., 2003, National and New Jersey statewide reconnaissance surveys of the occurrence of radium-224 in public ground-water supplies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-0097, 33 p.

Taskaev, A.I., Landa, E.R., Guryev. D.V., Golovko-Butler, N., and Kraemer, T.F., 2003, Vodnyi: a long-term, low-level radiation exposure field site in Russia: Japanese Journal of Health Physics, v. 38, p. 332-343.

Voytek, M.A., and Fogarty, L.R., 2003, Fecal-indicator samples, in Schuster, P.F., ed., Water and sediment quality in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska, during water year 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-427, p. 63-66.

Kolker, A., Panov, B.S., Landa, E.R., Panov, Y.B., Korchemagin, V.A., Conko, K.M., and Shendrik, T., 2002, Trace-metal geochemistry and environmental implications of selected Donbas coals and associated mine water in the vicinity of Donetsk, Ukraine: Proceedings, Pittsburg Coal Conference.

Kraemer, T.F., Doughten, M.W., and Bullen, T.D., 2002, Use of ICP/MS with ultrasonic nebulizer for routine determination of uranium activity ratios in natural water: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 36, p. 4899-4904. (on-line abstract)

Rice, K.C., Conko, K.M., and Hornberger, G.M., 2002, Anthropogenic sources of arsenic and copper to sediments in a suburban lake, Northern Virginia: Environmental Science & Technology, v. 36, no. 23, p. 4962-4967. (on-line abstract)

Verstraeten, I.M., Bohlke, J.K., Kraemer, T.F.,and Cannia, J., 2002, Use of environmental tracers and isotopes to evaluate sources of water, nitrate, and uranium in an irrigated alluvial valley, Nebraska: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 100-01.

Church, T.M., Scudlark, J.R., and Conko, K.M., 2001, Atmospheric and fluvial sources of trace elements to the Delaware Inland Bays, In Lipnick, R.L., Mason, R.P., Phillips, M.L., and Pittmans, Jr., C.U., eds., Chemicals in the environment: Fate, impacts and remediation: American Chemical Society Symposium Series 806, p. 243-257.

Focazio, M.J., Szabo, Z., Kraemer, T.F., Mullin, A.H., Barringer, T.H., and dePaul, V.T., 2001, Occurrence of selected radionuclides in ground water Used for drinking water in the United States: A targeted reconnaissance survey, 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4273. (on-line report)

Landa, E.R., 2001, Water quality in the Yukon River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-050-01.

Landa, E.R., and Miller, K.L., 2001, A unique find: Health Physics, v. 80, no. 5, p. S49-S50.

Phillips, E.J.P., Landa, E.R., Kraemer, T., Zielinski, R., 2001, Sulfate-reducing bacteria release barium and radium from naturally occurring radioactive material in oil-field barite: Geomicrobiology Journal, v. 18, no. 2, p. 167-182. (on-line abstract)

Prieur, D., Voytek, M.A., Jeanthon, C. and Reysenbach, A.-L., 2001, Deep-Sea Thermophilic Prokaryotes, in Reysenbach, A-L., Voytek, M.A., and Mancinelli , R., eds., Thermophiles: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York, NY., p. 11-22.

Reysenbach,A-L., Voytek, M.A., and Mancinelli, R., eds., 2001, Thermophiles:Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution: Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers. New York, NY., 205 p.

Verstraeten, I.M., Steele, G.V., Cannia, J.C., Hitch, D.E., Scripter, K.G., Bohlke, J.K., Kraemer, T.F., and Stanton, J.S., 2001, Interaction of surface water and ground water in the Dutch Flats area, western Nebraska, 1995-1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4070, 56 p.

Landa, E.R., and Councell, T.B., 2000, Uranium content and leachable fraction of fluorspars: Health Physics, v. 79, p. 286-290. (on-line abstract)

Landa, E.R., Cravotta, C.A., Naftz, D.L., Verplanck, P.V., Nordstrom, D.K., Zielinski, R.A., 2000, Geochemical investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey on uranium mining, milling, and environmental restoration: Technology (Merril Eisenbud memorial issue) v. 7, p. 381-396. (on-line abstract)

Lorah, M.M., Voytek, M.A., and Kirshtein, J., 2000, Biotic and abiotic degradation of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in wetland sediments: Geochemical and microbial community analyses: American Chemical Society Proceedings. v. 40, no. 2, p. 332-334.

Verstraeten, I.M, Bohlke, J.K., and Kraemer, T.F., 2000, Groundwater/surface-water interactions and source of nitrogen, and uranium in ian irrigated area of Nebraska, USA, in Proceedings, Tracers and Modeling in Hydrogeology: International Association of Hydrologic Sciences Publication 262, p. 525-531. (on-line abstract)

Edward R. Landa
U.S. Geological Survey, MS 430 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: 703-648-5898

Thomas F. Kraemer
U.S. Geological Survey, MS 430 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: 703-648-5868

Elizabeth J. Jones
U.S. Geological Survey, MS 430 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: 703-648-5840

Mary A. Voytek
U.S. Geological Survey, MS 430 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
Telephone: 703-648-5894

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