Resources / Related Web Sites

Buildings-Related Resources

Windows & Glazing Resources

Energy-Related Resources

International Resources

Telephone Directories

Buildings-Related Resources

California Institute for Energy Efficiency (CIEE)

Center for Building Science (CBS) at LBNL

Department of Energy (DOE)

DOE Energy Efficiency home page

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse
Fact sheets in both HTML for standard web browsers and PDF format using Adobe Acrobat Reader (free).

National Fenestration Rating Council home page

Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EREN)

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Windows & Glazing Resources

National Glass Association (NGA)

LBNL Building Technologies

Fenestration R&D news

LBNL Center for Building Science (CBS) Newsletter

Energy Crossroads
LBNL's Center for Building Science big list of Resources

A Window to the Future
The official newsletter of the Australasian Advanced Windows Group. An industry-research liaison organization. (includes a glossary of windows related terms)

Window Information System (WIS)
Newsletter in PDF format

Energy Research Group
University College Dublin

SOLARCH National Solar Architecture Research group of the Built Environment, Sydney, Australia
Research in windows and daylighting, PV in buildings, energy standards and codes and advanced performance simulation in the built environment and buildings areas.

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Energy-Related Resources

Energy Resource Center: Southern California Gas Company

Washington State Energy Office

California Energy Commission's Energy Technology and Education Center

Institute for Research in Construction (Canada)

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.


American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

Center for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies (CADDET)

Amazing Environmental Organization WebDirectory

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International Resources

The Energy Efficiency Centres

Non-Nuclear Energy (JOULE-THERMIE) Conferences and Events

THERMIE: The European Commission Directorate General XVll for Energy

EC Energy Centres Directory

Energy Centre

Energy Research Group
University College Dublin

COMBINE2 Program
Computer Models for the Building Industry in Europe

WIS -- Advanced Window Information System
Newsletter available in PDF

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Telephone Directories

LBNL Phone List

NREL Phone List

ORNL Phone List

ESNet White Pages

DOE Phone List

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