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NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-161

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Alaska marine mammal stock assessments, 2005


On April 30, 1994, Public Law 103-238 was enacted allowing significant changes to provisions within the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). Interactions between marine mammals and commercial fisheries are addressed under three new sections. This new regime replaced the interim exemption that has regulated fisheries-related incidental takes since 1988. Section 117, Stock Assessments, required the establishment of three regional scientific review groups to advise and report on the status of marine mammal stocks within Alaska waters, along the Pacific Coast (including Hawaii), and the Atlantic Coast (including the Gulf of Mexico). This report provides information on the marine mammal stocks of Alaska under the jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Each stock assessment includes, when available, a description of the stock’s geographic range, a minimum population estimate, current population trends, current and maximum net productivity rates, optimum sustainable population levels and allowable removal levels, and estimates of annual human-caused mortality and serious injury through interactions with commercial fisheries and subsistence hunters. These data will be used to evaluate the progress of each fishery towards achieving the MMPA’s goal of zero fishery-related mortality and serious injury of marine mammals.

The Stock Assessment Reports should be considered working documents, as they are updated as new information becomes available. The Stock Assessment Reports were originally developed in 1995 (Small and DeMaster 1995). Revisions have been published for the following years: 1996 (Hill et al. 1997), 1998 (Hill and DeMaster 1998), 1999 (Hill and DeMaster 1999), 2000 (Ferrero et al. 2000), 2001 (Angliss et al. 2001), 2002 (Angliss and Lodge 2002), and 2003 (Angliss and Lodge 2004). Due to a lack of needed updates and delays in publication, there was no Alaska Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Report published for 2004; edits planned for 2004 are instead augmented as necessary and published in this 2005 revision. Each stock assessment report is designed to stand alone and is updated as new information becomes available. The MMPA requires stock assessment reports to be reviewed annually for stocks designated as strategic, annually for stocks where there are significant new information available, and at least once every 3 years for all other stocks. New information for all strategic stocks (Steller sea lions, northern fur seals, Cook Inlet beluga whales, sperm whales, humpback whales, fin whales, North Pacific right whales, and bowhead whales), were reviewed in 2003 and late 2004. This review, and a review of other stocks, led to the revision of the following stock assessments for the 2005 document: Steller sea lion (western and eastern U.S. stocks), northern fur seal, spotted seal, bearded seal, ringed seal, ribbon seal, beluga whale (Cook Inlet, Beaufort Sea, eastern Bering Sea, Bristol Bay, and eastern Chukchi Sea), central and western stocks of humpback whales, fin whale, North Pacific right whale, killer whale (eastern North Pacific northern resident, eastern North Pacific transient, eastern North Pacific Alaska resident, and AT1 transient), gray whale, and bowhead whale. The stock assessment reports for all stocks, however, are included in this document to provide a complete reference. Those sections of each stock assessment report containing significant changes are listed in Appendix Table 1. The authors solicit any new information or comments which would improve future stock assessment reports.

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has management authority for polar bears, sea otters and walrus. Copies of the stock assessments for these species are included in this NMFS Stock Assessment Report for your convenience.

Ideas and comments from the Alaska Scientific Review Group (SRG) have significantly improved this document from its draft form. The authors wish to express their gratitude for the thorough reviews and helpful guidance provided by the Alaska Scientific Review Group members: Brendan Kelly (chair through 2004), Lance Barrett-Lennard, Ralph Anderson, John Gauvin, Sue Hills (chair from 2004 to present), Charlie Johnson, Lloyd Lowry, Beth Mathews, Craig Matkin, Jan Straley, and Kate Wynne.
The information contained within the individual stock assessment reports stems from a variety of sources. Where feasible, we have attempted to utilize only published material. When citing information contained in this document, authors are reminded to cite the original publications, when possible.

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