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subpart 247.2--contracts for transportation or for transportation-related services

(Revised July 29, 2009)



 247.200 Scope of subpart.
 247.206 Preparation of solicitations and contracts.
 247.207 Solicitation provisions, contract clauses, and special requirements.
 247.270 Stevedoring contracts.
 247.270-1 Scope of section.
 247.270-2 Definitions.
 247.270-3 Technical provisions.
 247.270-4 Evaluation of bids and proposals.
 247.270-5 Award of contract.
 247.270-6 Contract clauses.
 247.271 Contracts for the preparation of personal property for shipment or storage.
 247.271-1 Scope of section.
 247.271-2 Policy.
 247.271-3 Procedures.
 247.271-4 Solicitation provisions, schedule formats, and contract clauses.

247.200  Scope of subpart.

This subpart does not apply to the operation of vessels owned by, or bareboat chartered by, the Government.


247.206  Preparation of solicitations and contracts.


     (1)  Consistent with FAR 15.304 and 215.304, consider using the following as evaluation factors or subfactors:


              (i)  Record of claims involving loss or damage;


              (ii)  Provider availability; and


              (iii)  Commitment of transportation assets to readiness support (e.g., Civil Reserve Air Fleet and Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement).


      (2)  To the maximum extent practicable, structure contracts and agreements to allow for their use by DoD contractors.


247.207  Solicitation provisions, contract clauses, and special requirements.

Use the clause at 252.247-7003, Pass-Through of Motor Carrier Fuel Surcharge Adjustment to the Cost Bearer, in solicitations and contracts for carriage in which a motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder will provide or arrange truck transportation services that provide for a fuel-related adjustment.  This clause implements Section 884 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Pub. L. 110-417).


247.270  Stevedoring contracts.


247.270-1  Scope of section.

This section contains procedures unique to stevedoring.  Other portions of the FAR and DFARS dealing with service contracting also apply to stevedoring contracts.


247.270-2  Definitions.


      (a)  “Commodity rate” is—


              (1)  The price quoted for handling a ton (weight or measurement) of a specified commodity; and


              (2)  Computed by dividing the hourly stevedoring gang cost by the estimated number of tons of the specified commodity that can be handled in one hour.


      (b)  “Gang cost” is—


              (1)  The total hourly wages paid to the workers in the gang, in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement between the maritime industry and the unions at a specific port; and


              (2)  Payments for workmen's compensation, social security taxes, unemployment insurance, taxes, liability and property damage insurance, general and administrative expenses, and profit.


      (c)  “Stevedoring” is the—


              (1)  Loading of cargo from an agreed point of rest on a pier or lighter and its storage aboard a vessel; or


              (2)  Breaking out and discharging of cargo from any space in the vessel to an agreed point of rest dockside or in a lighter.


247.270-3  Technical provisions.


      (a)  Because conditions vary at different ports, and sometimes within the same port, it is not practical to develop standard technical provisions covering all phases of stevedoring operations.


      (b)  When including rail car, truck, or intermodal equipment loading and unloading, or other dock and terminal work under a stevedoring contract, include these requirements as separate items of work.


247.270-4  Evaluation of bids and proposals.

As a minimum, require that offers include—


      (a)  Tonnage or commodity rates that apply to the bulk of the cargo worked under normal conditions;


      (b)  Labor-hour rates that apply to services not covered by commodity rates, or to work performed under hardship conditions; and


      (c)  Rates for equipment rental.


247.270-5  Award of contract.

Make the award to the offeror submitting the offer most advantageous to the Government, considering cost or price and other factors specified in the solicitation.  Evaluation will include, but is not limited to—


      (a)  Total estimated cost of tonnage to be moved at commodity rates;


      (b)  Estimated cost at labor-hour rates; and


      (c)  Cost of equipment rental.


247.270-6  Contract clauses.

Use the following clauses in solicitations and contracts for stevedoring services as indicated:


      (a)  252.247-7000, Hardship Conditions, in all solicitations and contracts.


      (b)  252.247-7001, Price Adjustment, when using sealed bidding.


      (c)  252.247-7002, Revision of Prices, when using negotiation.


      (d)  252.247-7004, Indefinite Quantities--Fixed Charges, when the contract is an indefinite-quantity type and will provide for the payment of fixed charges.


      (e)  252.247-7005, Indefinite Quantities--No Fixed Charges, when the contract is an indefinite-quantity type and will not provide for the payment of fixed charges.


      (f)  252.247-7006, Removal of Contractor's Employees, in all solicitations and contracts.


      (g)  252.247-7007, Liability and Insurance, in all solicitations and contracts.


247.271  Contracts for the preparation of personal property for shipment or storage.


247.271-1  Scope of section.

This section contains procedures unique to the preparation of personal property for shipment or storage, and for the performance of intra-area or intra-city movement.  Other portions of the FAR and DFARS dealing with service contracting also apply to these services.


247.271-2  Policy.


      (a)  Annual contracts.  Normally—


              (1)  Use requirements contracts to acquire services for the—


                    (i)  Preparation of personal property for shipment or storage; and


                    (ii)  Performance of intra-area movement.


              (2)  Award contracts on a calendar year basis.


              (3)  Provide for option years.


              (4)  Award contracts, or exercise option years, before November 1 of each year, if possible.


      (b)  Areas of performance.  Define clearly in the solicitation each area of performance.


              (1)  Establish one or more areas; however, hold the number to a minimum consistent with local conditions.


              (2)  Each schedule may provide for the same or different areas of performance.  Determine the areas as follows—


                    (i)  Use political boundaries, streets, or any other features as lines of demarcation.  Consider such matters as—


                            (A)  Total volume;


                            (B)  Size of overall area; and


                            (C)  The need to service isolated areas of high population density.


                    (ii)  Specifically identify frequently used terminals, and consider them as being included in each area of performance described in the solicitation.


      (c)  Maximum requirements-minimum capability.  The contracting officer must—


              (1)  Establish realistic quantities on the Estimated Quantities Report in DoD 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation, Part IV;


              (2)  Ensure that the Government's minimum acceptable daily capability—


                    (i)  Will at least equal the maximum authorized individual weight allowance as prescribed by the Joint Federal Travel Regulations; and


                    (ii)  Will encourage maximum participation of small business concerns as offerors.


247.271-3  Procedures.


      (a)  CONUS military activities assigned multi-service personal property areas of responsibility.


              (1)  When two or more military installations or activities have personal property responsibilities in a given area, one activity must contract for the estimated requirements of all activities in the area.  The installation commanders concerned must designate the activity by mutual agreement.


              (2)  The Commander, Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC), must designate the contracting activity when local commanders are unable to reach agreement.


      (b)  Additional services and excess requirements.


              (1)  Excess requirements are those services that exceed contractor capabilities available under contracts.  Use simplified acquisition procedures to satisfy excess requirements.


              (2)  Additional services are those not specified in the bid items.


                    (i)  Additional services may include—


                            (A)  Hoisting or lowering of articles;


                            (B)  Waiting time;


                            (C)  Special packaging; and


                            (D)  Stuffing or unstuffing of sea van containers.


                    (ii)  Consider contracting for local moves that do not require drayage by using hourly rate or constructive weight methods.  The rate will include those services necessary for completion of the movement, including—


                            (A)  Packing and unpacking;


                            (B)  Movement;


                            (C)  Inventorying; and


                            (D)  Removal of debris.


                    (iii)  Each personal property shipping activity must determine if local requirements exist for any additional services.


                    (iv)  The contracting officer may obtain additional services by—


                            (A)  Including them as items within the contract; provided, they are not used in the evaluation of bids (see 252.247-7008, Evaluation of Bids); or


                            (B)  Using simplified acquisition procedures.


                    (v)  Either predetermine prices for additional services with the contractor, or negotiate them on a case-by-case basis.


                    (vi)  The contracting officer must authorize the contractor to perform any additional services, other than attempted pick up or delivery, regardless of the contracting method.


                    (vii)  To the maximum extent possible, identify additional services required that are incidental to an order before placing the order; or, when applicable, during the premove survey.


      (c)  Contract distribution.  In addition to the distribution requirements of FAR Subpart 4.2, furnish one copy of each contract as follows:


              (1)  CONUS personal property shipping activities must send the copy to the Commander, Military Traffic Management Command, ATTN:  MTPP-CI, Room 408, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA  22041-5050.


              (2)  In the European and Pacific areas, personal property shipping activities must send the copy to either the Property Directorate, MTMC Europe, or the MTMC Field Office-Pacific.


              (3)  Other overseas personal property shipping activities must send the copy to the Commander, Military Traffic Management Command, ATTN:  MTPP-Q, 5611 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA  22041-5050.




247.271-4  Solicitation provisions, schedule formats, and contract clauses.

When acquiring services for the preparation of personal property for movement or storage, and for performance of intra-city or intra-area movement, use the following provisions, clauses, and schedules.  Revise solicitation provisions and schedules, as appropriate, if using negotiation rather than sealed bidding.  Overseas commands, except those in Alaska and Hawaii, may modify these clauses to conform to local practices, laws, and regulations.


      (a)  The provision at 252.247-7008, Evaluation of Bids.  When adding “additional services” items to any schedule, use the basic clause with Alternate I.


      (b)  The provision at 252.247-7009, Award.


      (c)  In solicitations and resulting contracts, the schedules contained in DoD 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation, Part IV, as provided by the installation personal property shipping office.


              (1)  When there is no requirement for an item or subitem in a schedule, indicate that item or subitem number, in its proper numerical sequence, and add the statement “No Requirement.”


              (2)  Within Schedules I (Outbound) and II (Inbound), item numbers are reserved to permit inclusion of additional items as required by local conditions.


              (3)  Overseas activities, except those in Alaska and Hawaii, may modify the schedules when necessary to conform with local trade practices, laws, and regulations.


              (4)  All generic terminology, schedule, and item numbers in proper sequence must follow those contained in the basic format.


              (5)  When it is in the Government's best interest to have both outbound and inbound services within a given area of performance furnished by the same contractor, modify the schedule format to combine both services in a single schedule.  However, items must follow the same sequential order as in the basic format.


              (6)  Process any modification of schedule format, other than those authorized in paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this subsection, as a request for deviation to the Commander, MTMC.


      (d)  The clause at 252.247-7010, Scope of Contract.


      (e)  The clause at 252.247-7011, Period of Contract.  When the period of performance is less than a calendar year, modify the clause to indicate the beginning and ending dates.  However, the contract period must not end later than December 31 of the year in which the contract is awarded.


      (f)  In addition to designating each ordering activity, as required by the clause at FAR 52.216-18, Ordering, identify by name or position title the individuals authorized to place orders for each activity.  When provisions are made for placing oral orders in accordance with FAR 16.505(a)(4), document the oral orders in accordance with department or agency instructions.


      (g)  The clause at 252.247-7012, Ordering Limitation.


      (h)  The clause at 252.247-7013, Contract Areas of Performance.


      (i)  The clause at 252.247-7014, Demurrage.


      (j)  When using the clause at FAR 52.216-21, Requirements, see 216.506(d) which prescribes an alternate to the clause.


      (k)  The clause at 252.247-7016, Contractor Liability for Loss and Damage.


      (l)  The clause at 252.247-7017, Erroneous Shipments.


      (m)  The clause at 252.247-7018, Subcontracting.


      (n)  The clause at 252.247-7019, Drayage.


      (o)  The clause at 252.247-7020, Additional Services.


      (p)  The clauses at FAR 52.247-8, Estimated Weight or Quantities Not Guaranteed, and FAR 52.247-13, Accessorial Services--Moving Contracts.



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