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subpart 242.7--indirect cost rates

(Revised November 9, 2005)



 242.705 Final indirect cost rates.
 242.705-1 Contracting officer determination procedure.
 242.705-2 Auditor determination procedure.
 242.770 Reserved.
 242.771 Independent research and development and bid and proposal costs.
 242.771-1 Scope.
 242.771-2 Policy.
 242.771-3 Responsibilities.

242.705  Final
indirect cost rates.


242.705-1 Contracting officer determination procedure.


      (a)  Applicability and responsibility.


              (1)  The corporate administrative contracting officer and individual administrative contracting officers shall jointly decide how to conduct negotiations.  Follow the procedures at PGI 242.705-1(a)(1) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) when negotiations are conducted on a coordinated basis.


242.705-2  Auditor determination procedure.


      (b)  Procedures.


              (2)(iii)  When agreement cannot be reached with the contractor, the auditor will issue a DCAA Form 1, Notice of Contract Costs Suspended and/or Disapproved, in addition to the advisory report to the administrative contracting officer. 


242.770  Reserved.


242.771  Independent research and development and bid and proposal costs.


242.771-1  Scope.

This section implements 10 U.S.C. 2372, Independent research and development and bid and proposal costs: payments to contractors.


242.771-2  Policy.

Defense contractors are encouraged to engage in independent research and development and bid and proposal (IR&D/B&P) activities of potential interest to DoD, including activities cited in 231.205-18(c)(iii)(B).


242.771-3  Responsibilities.


      (a)  The cognizant administrative contracting officer (ACO) or corporate ACO shall—


              (1)  Determine cost allowability of IR&D/B&P costs as set forth in 231.205-18 and FAR 31.205-18;


              (2)  Determine whether IR&D/B&P projects performed by major contractors (see 231.205-18(a)) are of potential interest to DoD; and


              (3)  Notify the contractor promptly of any IR&D/B&P activities that are not of potential interest to DoD.


      (b)  The Defense Contract Management Agency or the military department responsible for performing contract administration functions is responsible for providing the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) with IR&D/B&P statistical information, as necessary, to assist DCAA in the annual report required by paragraph (c) of this subsection.


      (c)  DCAA is responsible for submitting an annual report to the Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy and Acquisition Policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (OUSD(AT&L)), setting forth required statistical information relating to the DoD-wide IR&D/B&P program. 


      (d)  The Director, Defense Research and Engineering (OUSD(AT&L)DDR&E), is responsible for establishing a regular method for communication—


              (1)  From DoD to contractors, of timely and comprehensive information regarding planned or expected DoD future needs; and


              (2)  From contractors to DoD, of brief technical descriptions of contractor IR&D projects.




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