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[Technology 1768] Re: research paper resources

Michelle Stewart

mstew10 at
Mon Oct 6 14:32:35 EDT 2008

Thank you for taking the time to provide this wealth of information; however, it does on necessarily speak to my interests. After contacting J. Fleishman, I registered on the Otan site, but did not find any updated (beyond 1993) research. I am looking for resources that outline the current benefits and challenges of technology integration in United States adult literacy programs (Are there any obstacles/impediments to technology integration that persist since this research?( If so,what are the recommendations?) If you have any leads in this area, please let me know.

Thank again.


Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 14:59:40 -0700To: technology at nifl.govFrom: mthacher at otan.usSubject: [Technology 1762] Re: research paper resources

Hi Michele,
Try going to OTAN ( and searching for "technology integration." You will have to register if you are not already a member, but it's free and only takes a few minutes. You will get 18 documents. Some are repeats, but the annual reports on the technology integration mentor academy will give you lots of examples of technology projects that adult education instructors are doing at their sites as part of their participation in the academy. The Academy Web site,, also has some videos of teacher presentations.
There is also a collection of videos on technology integration here - OTAN is an adult education leadership project in California and focuses on technology integration, so looking around on the site may turn up other resources.
We have a wiki where we save examples of technology in adult ed. We use this for presentations. It's at
Marian Thacher, OTAN
P.O. Box 269003
Sacramento, CA 95826-9003
(916) 228-2597
The real literacy of tomorrow entails the ability to be your own personal reference librarian - to know how to navigate through confusing, complex information spaces and feel comfortable doing so. ‘Navigation’ may well be the main form of literacy for the 21st century.
--John Seely Brown, the Chief Scientist at Xerox’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
The Technology and Literacy Discussion List <technology at> on Friday, October 03, 2008 at 11:15 AM -0700 wrote:

I am a graduate student majoring in Adult teaching and learning with an emphasis in educational technology. One of my course requirements is to complete a 8-10 pg research paper on technology integration. I am interested in researching use of technology integration in Adult literacy programs and the benefits/challenges. I would appreciate information on adult literacy and technology integration resources (books, scholarly articles, literature reviews....).

Thank you for your time.


Michelle Stewart

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