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Archive of 2002 Information For Agency Human Resources Personnel

Current Electronic Version of SF 2820, Certification of Insured Employee's Retired Status, Posted
The current version of this form is dated July 2000. The paper copy of this version has been available for some time. Now the electronic version is the same as the paper version.

This form is used to communicate life insurance and retirement information between OPM and the administrators of Federal retirement systems OTHER THAN the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS) only. This form is NOT for insured employees in the CSRS or FERS retirement systems. Agencies with employees in CSRS or FERS whose FEGLI coverage terminates use the SF 2821, Agency Certification of Insurance Status. We have posted the form as a screen-fillable Adobe Acrobat PDF file at

Added September 27, 2002

Incorrect Rates in Early Version of BAL 02-316
One of the charts in the version of BAL 02-316 distributed to the BenefitsInfo Internet list on September 26 has incorrect withholding rates. This is the chart for retirees under "New Withholdings and Contributions" on the second page of the letter. The old monthly figure of 0.3258 was used in calculating this chart rather than the new 0.3250 figure. The BAL posted on the web site is correct as is the one being distributed to the FinPay list. A corrected letter will be distributed to the BenefitsInfo list on Monday the 30th.

The following is a correct version of that chart:

 Election Withholding Rate
[$ per $1,000 of coverage]
Before age 65 First month after
age 65
No change75 percent reduction.3250Free
New rate50 percent reduction .9250
New RateNo reduction 2.1550

Link to corrected BAL 02-316.

Added September 27, 2002

New Premiums and Age Bands
OPM has announced changes to the FEGLI premiums and age bands effective January 1, 2003.

Because of generally lower mortality rates, OPM has decided to reduce the premium for Basic insurance and to reduce the premium for several of the Option B age bands. There are no changes to the Option A premiums or to the premiums for the existing Option C age bands.

In 1999,we announced new age bands for Option B because of the opportunity for retiring employees to elect unreduced coverage. However, we did not put the new age bands and their premiums into place at that time. Because of concerns raised at the time regarding the cost of the premiums in these new age bands, we agreed to delay the implementation and to continue studying the issue before putting any new age bands into effect. We have studied the issue and believe that we do need additional age bands because of the increasing number of individuals with unreduced Option B coverage after age 65. We are, therefore, adding the following age bands for Option B: 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, and 80 and over.

See BAL 02-209. OPM is phasing in the premiums for these new age bands over a three-year period. This BAL reflects the first year's premiums for the new Option B age bands. Subsequent BALs will be issued in 2004 and 2005 for phases 2 and 3.

Added September 25, 2002

Reminder To Include Additional Pay Status (APS) Pay on SF 2821
We've become concerned recently that some agencies are neglecting to include Additional Pay Status (APS) pay in the final salary for life insurance. Please remember to include, when appropriate, APS pay in the final salary for life insurance purposes in Item #10 when completing SF 2821, Agency Certification of Life Insurance Status. If an employee has a type of APS pay that is included in basic pay on the date entered in Item #8, the pay must be included in Item #10. See BAL 02-105.
Added September 25, 2002

Revised Pamphlet and Forms Ordering Procedures
Agency Insurance Officers may now request that OFEGLI send the RI 76-21 and RI 76-20 Booklets, and forms FE-6, FE-6DEP and FE-7, to major field installations. The minimum order for each installation is 300 booklets or 500 forms. Be sure to include the complete address and contact information for each installation in the OFEGLI order.

Smaller quantities of the booklets and forms can be downloaded from our web site and printed locally. For further information see our publications information pages.

Added September 16, 2002

2002 FEGLI Imputed Costs
The contributions remitted by and for covered employees do not fully cover the cost to provide post-retirement FEGLI Program benefits. Thus, agencies must recognize the unfunded portion of this cost as an imputed cost. The fiscal year 2002 cost factor for the FEGLI Program is 0.02 percent of basic pay, the same as in previous years. See BAL 02-315.
Added September 13, 2002

FEGLI Status of Employees who Separate from Service to Enter the Military

We have added a new question to the Break in Service FAQs and a new explanation in the FEGLI Handbook to clarify that employees who separate from service to enter the military are considered to be in a nonpay status for FEGLI Purposes. As long as the employee has reemployment rights under USERRA, they can keep their FEGLI coverage for up to 12 months, or until 90 days after their military service ends, whichever date comes first. This information was included in item 8 in Attachment 1 of OPM's Compensation Memo 2001-09 of September 14, 2001, Rights and Benefits of Reservists Called to Active Duty.

Updated September 5, 2002

Annuitant and Compensationer Handbook Chapter Expanded

We have updated the FEGLI Handbook in the following areas:

  • We have added procedures for employees and agencies under Other Retirement Systems such as the Foreign Service Retirement System and Financial Institutions Retirement Fund System. We cover procedures for when a person retires and when a retiree dies.
  • We have added agency procedures for FEGLI coverage for Compensationers. This includes procedures for those employees clearly eligible to continue FEGLI into compensation, for those that it is not so clear and for those employees that are not eligible to continue FEGLI coverage as a compensationer. This was addressed in Benefits Administration Letter 01-216.
  • We have also expanded the section on what to do when a compensationer returns to duty and added what to do if a compensationer dies.
Added August 16, 2002

Both Spouses Can Have Option C Coverage
We have added a new question to the Family Members FAQs to clarify that two married Federal employees may both be enrolled in Option C under the FEGLI Program, providing double Option C insurance coverage for their dependent children. This is a clarification of existing policy based on questions which we regularly receive.
Added August 16, 2002

New SF 2822, Request for Insurance, Posted
The new copy of the SF 2822 is dated January 2002. There are a number of changes to the form, as described in BAL 02-207. We have posted the form as a screen-fillable Adobe Acrobat PDF form. This is an electronic form ONLY and cannot be ordered from OFEGLI or GSA Supply.
Added June 5, 2002

FEGLI Portability Provision Expired
The 3-year demonstration project of Portability expired April 24, 2002. Agencies should no longer give employees Portability information, including the "Portability Notice". The Portability Office of MetLife will notify all individuals with an active account by letter. For further information see Benefits Administration Letter 02-206.
Modified April 29, 2002

New FE-6, Claim for Death Benefits, Posted
The new copy of this form is dated September 2001. There are a number of changes to the form, as described in Benefits Administration Letter 02-201. We have posted the form as a screen-fillable Adobe Acrobat PDF file at
Added March 21, 2002

2002 Federal Benefits Conference Announced
Benefits Discovery 2002, which will be held the week of June 10 in the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel, will provide you the information you need about retirement, insurance, and payroll-related issues. Human resource professionals who have responsibility for benefits administration, payroll, or employee relations are encouraged to attend. Attendance at the conference or pre-conference workshops meets the requirement in 5 U.S.C. 8350(3) that "once each year, each retirement counselor of an agency shall successfully complete a training session conducted under the [U.S. Office of Personnel Management] training program." The conference registration deadline is May 3, 2002. Further information is now available on the conference web site.
Added March 1, 2002

Revised Eligibility Frequently Asked Questions

We have made the following changes to the eligibility FAQs: