USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program


Upcoming Publications (In Press)

CdCO3(s), and aqueous association constants for the Cd(II)-CO2-H2O system
  • MTBE, TBA, and TAME attenuation in diverse hyporheic zones: Landmeyer, J.E., Bradley, P.M., Trego, D.A., Hale, K.G., and II, J.E.H., Ground Water (IN PRESS).
  • Glypohosate and other pesticides in vernal pools and streams in Parks: Battaglin, W.A., Park Science (IN PRESS).
  • The effect of planting method on Populus Spp. and Salix Sp. mortality and growth at a petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated shallow aquifer: Cook, R.L., Landmeyer, J.E., Atkinson, B., Messier, J.P., and Guthrie Nichols, E., International Journal of Phytoremediation (IN PRESS).
  • Hydrodynamic control of phytoplankton loss to the benthos in an estuarine environment: Jones, N.L., Thompson, J.K., Arrigo, K.R., and Monismith, S.G., Limnology and Oceanography (IN PRESS).
  • Implications of estuarine transport for water quality: Lucas, L.V., in Valle-Levinson, A., ed., Contemporary Issues in Estuarine Physics, New York, Cambridge University Press (IN PRESS).
  • Hydrologic connectivity between landscapes and streams--Transferring reach and plot scale understanding to the catchment scale: Jencso, K.G., McGlynn, B.L., Gooseff, M.N., Wondzell, S.M., Bencala, K.E., and Marshall, L.A., Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2008WR007225 (IN PRESS).
  • Reactive solute-transport simulation of pre-mining metal concentrations in mine-impacted catchments--Redwell Basin, Colorado, USA: Kimball, B.A., Runkel, R.L., Wanty, R.B., and Verplanck, P.L., Chemical Geology (IN PRESS).
  • Application of iron and zinc isotopes to track the sources and mechanisms of metal loading in a mountain watershed: Borrok, D.M., Wanty, R.B., Ridley, W.I., Lamothe, P.J., Kimball, B.A., Verplank, P.L., and Runkel, R.L., Applied Geochemistry (IN PRESS).
  • Monitoring the removal of phosphate from ground water discharging through a pond-bottom permeable reactive: McCobb, T.D., LeBlanc, D.R., and Massey, A.J., Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation (IN PRESS).
  • , Autho, in Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Proceedings, Fort Worth, Texas, March 29 - April 2, 2009: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society. (IN PRESS).
  • Uptake and retention of atmospheric Hg(II) by boreal forest plants: Graydon, J.A., St. Louis, V., Lindberg, S., Hintelmann, H., and Krabbenhoft, D.P., Environmental Science and Technology (IN PRESS).
  • Soil-CO2 flux in an arid environment--A multiple year study: Riggs, A.C., Stannard, D.I., Maestas, F., Karlinger, M., and Striegl, R.G., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report (IN PRESS).
  • The relative importance of abiotic and biotic transformation of carbon tetrachloride in anaerobic soils and sediments: Shao, H., and Butler, E.C., Soil and Sediment Contamination--An International Journal (IN PRESS).
  • Mercury sources, distribution and bioavailability in the North Pacific Ocean--Insights from data and models: Sunderland, E.M., Krabbenhoft, D.P., Moreau, J.W., Strode, S.A., and Landing, W.M., Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi:10.1029/2008GB003425 (IN PRESS).
  • Use of inverse modeling methods to improve ground-water-modeling calibration and evaluate model-prediction uncertainty, Camp Edwards, Cape Cod, Massachusetts: Walter, D.A., and LeBlanc, D.R., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5257 (IN PRESS).
  • Transport of tritium contamination from the shallow unsaturated zone to the atmosphere in an arid environment: Garcia, C.A., Andraski, B.J., Stonestrom, D.A., Cooper, C.A., Johnson, M.J., Michel, R.L., and Wheatcraft, S.W., Vadose Zone Journal, v. 8, no. 2 (IN PRESS).
  • The use of fluoride as a natural tracer and the relationship to geologic features--Examples from the Animas River Watershed, San Juan Mountains, Colorado: Bove, D.J., Walton-Day, K., and Kimball, B.A., Geochemistry--Exploration, Environment, and Analysis (IN PRESS).
  • A comparison of methyl mercury production and distribution in sediments of the Congaree and Edisto River Basins, South Carolina, 2004-2006: Bradley, P.M., Chapelle, F.H., and Journey, C.A., U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5021, 9 p (IN PRESS).
  • Interpretation of a transient storage model of stream solute transport applied to overlapping spatial scales: Gooseff, M.N., Briggs, M.A., Bencala, K.E., McGlynn, B.L., and Scott, D.T., Limnology and Oceanography--Methods (IN PRESS).
  • Topographic controls on hillslope-riparian-stream water table continuity in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana: Jencso, K., McGlynn, B., Gooseff , M.N., Bencala, K.E., and Wondzell, S.M., Water Resources Research (IN PRESS).
  • Phytoremediation of contaminated ground-water systems: Landmeyer, J.E., Springer. (IN PRESS).
  • One-dimensional transport with equilibrium chemistry (OTEQ)--A reactive transport model for streams and rivers: Runkel, R.L., U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 6, chapter B6, 102 p (IN PRESS).
  • Metal contamination and post-remediation recovery in the Boulder River watershed, Jefferson County, Montana: Unruh, D.M., Church, S.E., Nimick, D.A., and Fey, D.L., Geochemistry--Exploration, Environment, Analysis (IN PRESS).
  • The short-term effect of cattle exclosures on Columbia Spotted Frog (Rana luteiventris) populations and habitat in Northeastern Oregon, USA: Adams, M.J., Pearl, C.A., McCreary, B., Galvan, S.K., Wessell, S.J., Wente, W.H., Anderson, C.W., and Kuehl, A.B., Journal of Herpetology (IN PRESS).
  • Biological degradation of chloroethenes: Bradley, P.M., and Chapelle, F.H., in SERDP/ESTCP Monograph on Remediation of Dissolved-Phase Chlorinated Solvents: (IN PRESS).
  • Corbula amurensis: Thompson, J.K., in Invasive Species Compendium, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, CABI (IN PRESS).

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