News Room

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August 2009

8/5/2009 Filner Bill Allows Elderly Veterans to Use Their Earned Medicare Dollars for VA Health Care
8/5/2009 California Veterans to Get Full GI Bill Benefit: Agreement between State of California and VA Will Result in Dramatic Increase in Benefits for Yellow Ribbon Program

July 2009

7/31/2009 VA’s Limited Scope of Research Prevents Gulf War Vets From Getting the Benefit of the Doubt
7/31/2009 VA Stumbles in Providing Vocational Rehab to Veterans
7/30/2009 Paralympians Inspire Others to Be Better and Do More
7/27/2009 House Passes Bill to Provide Unprecedented Support to Veteran Caregivers
7/23/2009 Critical Warning Signs Missed at Philly VA Weak Oversight Efforts Fail to Protect Veterans
7/21/2009 State Approving Agencies See Expanded Role Under Post-9/11 G.I. Bill
7/21/2009 Hearing Spotlights Immediate Needs of Nation’s Women Veterans
7/15/2009 Veterans’ Affairs Committee Passes Bill to Provide Training and Support for Veteran Caregivers
7/14/2009 Deadline Looms for VA-DOD Interagency Office on Military Electronic Health Records
7/13/2009 House Votes to Strengthen Work Study Program for Returning Veterans
7/10/2009 House Passes Advance Appropriations for Veterans Health Care in Veterans Funding Bill
7/10/2009 House Approves Filner Amendment to Support Paralympic Program for Injured Vets

June 2009

6/26/2009 VA Set for Start of Post-9/11 GI Bill on August 1
6/25/2009 House Subcommittee Reviews Legislation to Provide Greater Support to Veterans and Survivors
6/24/2009 House Passes Historic Bill to Secure Timely Funding for Veterans’ Health Care
6/24/2009 House Votes to Improve Care for Women Veterans
6/23/2009 House Subcommittee Reviews Claims Process for Veterans
6/19/2009 VA Addresses Failures of Contaminated Equipment Use
6/19/2009 House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health Reviews Legislation
6/12/2009 CARES Process Lacks Transparency, Performance Measures
6/10/2009 Veterans’ Affairs Committee Passes Historic Bill to Secure Timely Funding for Veterans’ Health Care
6/8/2009 House Affirms Commitment to Nation’s Veterans, Men and Women in Uniform
6/8/2009 More Support for Caregivers of Veterans Needed
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