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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Prince William Sound shoreline at low tide, photo: Mandy Lindeberg

Alaska ShoreZone Coastal Mapping and Imagery


Lynn Canal shoreline, Southeast Alaska
Southeast Alaska Lynn Canal shoreline.
Photo: NOAA Fisheries

The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than 40,000 km of shoreline in Washington and British Columbia (Berry et al 2004; Howes 2001). Through partnerships with other agencies and organizations, portions of southeastern and central Alaska have been imaged and mapped. This project is funded by NOAA and a number of other agencies and organizations as listed below.

This standardized system catalogs both geomor-phic and biological resources at mapping scales of better than 1:10,000. The high resolution, attribute rich dataset is a useful tool for extrapolation of site data over broad spatial ranges and creating a variety of habitat models.

Low-tide-oblique aerial imagery sets this system apart from other mapping efforts. You can "fly the coastline" (video), view still photos, and access biophysical data using our interactive ArcIMS web-site. This site will include more of Alaska's coast-line as new data becomes available.

Flight Logs and Reports

Southeast Alaska (SE)

Prince William Sound (PWS)



Bristol Bay

Related Reports