Internet Address:       FOR RELEASE: Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Media Contact: Michael L. Dolfman,(212) 337-2500
Information: Martin Kohli,(646) 264-3620


              Largest One-Month Increase Since July 2008
     Retail prices in the Northeast region, as measured by the Consumer
Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), increased 0.8 percent in
June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor
reported today.  Michael L. Dolfman, the Bureau's regional
commissioner, noted that the recent advance was due almost entirely to
higher prices for transportation (particularly gasoline) and housing.
A smaller increase in the recreation index was more than offset by a
decline in apparel index while the four remaining major categories were
little changed over the month.  (See chart A.)  The June level of
229.930 (1982-84 = 100) was 1.2 percent lower than in June 2008.  Over
the same period, the core inflation rate, as measured by the all items
less food and energy index, rose 2.0 percent.  (See table 1.)

Chart A. 1-month and 12-month percent changes ended May 2009 for the major categories of the CPI-U for the Northeast region, not seasonally adjusted

     Dominated by higher gasoline prices, the transportation index
increased 3.8 percent in June.  Gasoline prices advanced for the fifth
straight month, up 47.0 percent since January and 15.7 percent since
May-the largest one-month increase since April 2006.  Due to strong
declines in the second half of 2008, gasoline prices were 34.9 percent
lower over the year.  Prices for new vehicles declined 0.4 percent in
June, the first one-month decrease since December 2008.  Over the year,
prices for new vehicles edged up 0.2 percent.  The overall
transportation index declined 12.3 percent over the last 12 months.

     The housing index increased 0.6 percent in June due in part to a
2.8-percent advance in fuels and utilities prices.  The increase in the
fuels and utilities index was due mainly to a seasonal rise in
electricity prices, up 5.0 percent in June.  Electricity prices
normally rise in June as summer rates are introduced, then decline in
October.  The recent seasonal increase was below the 7.9-percent
average May-June rise over the last five years.  Electricity prices
were 0.5 percent higher than year-ago levels.  Utility (piped) gas
service prices decreased for the seventh consecutive month, down 25.5
percent since November and 1.0 percent since May.  Over the year,
utility gas service prices were 25.2 percent lower-the largest 12-month
decrease since the inception of the index in December 1978.  The
shelter index, which includes rent of primary residence, lodging away
from home, owners' equivalent rent of primary residence, and tenants'
and household insurance, increased 0.4 percent over the month and was
1.8 percent higher over the year.  Prices for household furnishings and
operations, the third component of the housing index, were down 0.3
percent in June, but were 0.2 percent higher than last year.  The
overall housing index declined 0.6 percent over the last 12 months.

     The recreation index advanced 1.9 percent in June-the largest one-
month increase since the inception of the index in December 1997.  The
recreation index was 2.9 percent higher over the year.

     Following a 0.2-percent decrease in May, the other goods and
services index rose 0.2 percent in June.   Over the year, the other
goods and services index (which includes tobacco and smoking products,
personal care products, personal care services, and miscellaneous
personal services such as legal, funeral, and laundry and dry cleaning
services) increased 7.0 percent.

     The medical care index inched up 0.1 percent in June, due to a 0.4-
percent increase in medical care commodities prices.  Over the last 12
months, the medical care commodities index was 2.9 percent higher.
Medical care services prices were unchanged in June but were 2.2
percent higher over the year.  The medical care index rose 2.4 percent
over the last 12 months.

     The remaining indexes had lower prices in June.  Apparel prices
decreased for the third consecutive month, down 5.2 percent since March
and 3.8 percent since May.  The one-month seasonal decrease was similar
to the 3.6-percent average decline in June for the last five years.
Despite the recent declines, apparel prices were 1.5 percent higher
over the year.

     Food and beverages prices edged down 0.1 percent as a decline in
food at home prices were nearly offset by advances in food away from
home and alcoholic beverages prices.  Food at home prices were 0.3
percent lower over the month but 1.6 percent higher over the year.  The
food away from home index inched up 0.1 percent in June to a level 3.9
percent higher than last year.  Alcoholic beverages prices increased
0.2 percent since May and 3.7 percent since June 2008.  The overall
food and beverages index rose 2.7 percent from its year-ago level.

     Following a 0.3-percent rise in May, the education and
communication index inched down 0.1 percent in June.   Due to 9
increases over the last 12 months, the education and communication
index was 3.8 percent higher than last year.

     The energy index, which reflects prices for gasoline and household
fuels, jumped 8.4 percent in June-the largest one-month increase since
September 2005.  The recent advance was due mostly to higher gasoline
prices (15.7 percent).  Also contributing to the advance were higher
electricity prices (5.0 percent).   Due to strong price declines in the
second half of 2008, energy prices were down 26.4 percent over the

     The Northeast region is comprised of Connecticut, Maine,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, and Vermont.

NYLS - 7386                                            Labor - New York

     The relative importance of a component of the CPI is its
expenditure or value weight expressed as a percentage of all
items within an area.  Relative importance ratios show
approximately how the index population distributes expenditures
when the value weights are collected and represent an estimate of
how consumers would distribute their expenditures as prices
change over time.  Relative importance ratios cannot be used as
estimates of current spending patterns or as indicators of
changing consumer expenditures in the intervals between weight
revisions because consumption patterns are influenced by
factors-including income, variations in climate, family size, and
availability of new and different kinds of goods and
services-other than price change. (See table A.)

Table A (2005-2006 Weights). Relative importance of components
 in the Consumer Price Index, Northeast Region, December 2008
                   Item and group                         CPI-U
                 Expenditure category                            
All items............................................    100.000 
  Food and beverages..................................    15.794 
   Food...............................................    14.702 
    Food at home......................................     8.174 
    Food away from home...............................     6.528 
    Alcoholic beverages...............................     1.093 
  Housing.............................................    44.880 
   Shelter............................................    35.109 
    Rent of primary residence.........................     6.747 
    Owners' equivalent rent of primary residence......    24.949 
   Fuels and utilities................................     5.834 
    Household energy..................................     5.137 
     Gas (piped) and electricity......................     4.262 
      Electricity.....................................     2.758 
      Utility (piped) gas service.....................     1.504 
   Household furnishings and operations...............     3.937 
  Apparel.............................................     3.712 
  Transportation......................................    14.128 
   Private transportation.............................    12.779 
    New and used vehicles.............................     6.150 
     New vehicles.....................................     3.963 
     Used cars and trucks.............................     1.205 
   Motor fuel.........................................     2.756 
    Gasoline (all types)..............................     2.624 
  Medical care........................................     5.885 
   Medical care commodities...........................     1.498 
   Medical care services..............................     4.387 
    Professional care services........................     2.561 
  Recreation..........................................     5.505 
  Education and communication.........................     6.700 
  Other goods and services............................     3.395 
               Commodity and service group                       
  Commodities.........................................    37.438 
   Commodities less food and beverages................    21.644 
    Nondurables less food and beverages...............    12.954 
    Durables..........................................     8.690 
  Services............................................    62.562 
               Special aggregate indexes                         
  All items less medical care.........................    94.115 
  All items less shelter..............................    64.891 
  Commodities less food...............................    22.736 
  Nondurables.........................................    28.748 
  Nondurables less food...............................    14.046 
  Services less rent of shelter.......................    27.734 
  Services less medical care services.................    58.175 
  Energy..............................................     7.893 
  All items less energy...............................    92.107 
   All items less food and energy.....................    77.405

Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes and percent changes for selected periods
                                Northeast (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)

                                                             Indexes                Percent change from-   
                 Item and Group                                                                            
                                                   Apr.        May       June      June     Apr.      May  
                                                   2009       2009       2009      2008     2009     2009  
              Expenditure category                                                                         
  All items....................................   227.840    228.136    229.930     -1.2      0.9      0.8 
  All items (December 1977=100) ...............   358.779    359.244    362.070        -        -        - 
   Food and beverages..........................   223.553    223.364    223.125      2.7      -.2      -.1 
    Food.......................................   223.126    222.862    222.573      2.6      -.2      -.1 
     Food at home..............................   221.907    221.287    220.534      1.6      -.6      -.3 
     Food away from home.......................   227.763    227.945    228.236      3.9       .2       .1 
    Alcoholic beverages........................   228.065    228.890    229.338      3.7       .6       .2 
   Housing.....................................   242.754    242.200    243.764      -.6       .4       .6 
    Shelter....................................   290.265    290.563    291.794      1.8       .5       .4 
     Rent of primary residence 1/..............   282.663    283.074    283.196      3.5       .2       .0 
     Owners' equivalent rent of primary                                                                    
         residence 1/ 2/.......................   299.817    300.754    300.841      2.5       .3       .0 
    Fuels and utilities........................   210.466    204.506    210.294    -14.6      -.1      2.8 
     Household energy..........................   195.425    189.016    195.370    -17.1       .0      3.4 
      Gas (piped) and electricity 1/...........   203.632    196.033    202.388     -8.3      -.6      3.2 
       Electricity 1/..........................   190.126    189.455    198.946       .5      4.6      5.0 
       Utility (piped) gas service 1/..........   223.241    198.620    196.567    -25.2    -11.9     -1.0 
    Household furnishings and operations.......   129.239    129.805    129.384       .2       .1      -.3 
   Apparel.....................................   122.159    120.491    115.915      1.5     -5.1     -3.8 
   Transportation..............................   172.677    176.041    182.714    -12.3      5.8      3.8 
    Private transportation.....................   166.721    170.461    177.272    -12.4      6.3      4.0 
     New and used motor vehicles 3/............    92.994     93.019     92.900       .1      -.1      -.1 
      New vehicles.............................   135.176    135.293    134.775       .2      -.3      -.4 
       New cars and trucks 3/ 4/...............    93.676     93.759     93.397       .1      -.3      -.4 
       New cars (4)............................   133.229    133.207    132.553      -.6      -.5      -.5 
      Used cars and trucks.....................   126.408    127.677    129.172     -8.4      2.2      1.2 
     Motor fuel................................   171.591    188.335    217.435    -35.4     26.7     15.5 
      Gasoline (all types).....................   170.480    187.816    217.258    -34.9     27.4     15.7 
       Gasoline, unleaded regular 4/...........   170.096    187.927    218.015    -35.5     28.2     16.0 
       Gasoline, unleaded midgrade 4/ 5/.......   175.794    192.342    221.564    -34.1     26.0     15.2 
       Gasoline, unleaded premium 4/...........   169.364    184.989    211.249    -33.3     24.7     14.2 
   Medical care................................   395.332    395.546    395.801      2.4       .1       .1 
    Medical care commodities...................   325.166    326.579    327.796      2.9       .8       .4 
    Medical care services......................   413.886    413.572    413.401      2.2      -.1       .0 
     Professional services.....................   322.182    322.821    322.791      1.5       .2       .0 
   Recreation 3/...............................   117.135    117.244    119.426      2.9      2.0      1.9 
   Education and communication 3/..............   130.499    130.868    130.748      3.8       .2      -.1 
   Other goods and services....................   393.653    392.734    393.621      7.0       .0       .2 
                                                               Commodity and service group              
  All items....................................   227.840    228.136    229.930     -1.2       .9       .8 
   Commodities.................................   172.738    173.854    175.618     -5.2      1.7      1.0 
    Commodities less food and beverages........   143.667    145.337    147.948     -9.9      3.0      1.8 
     Nondurables less food and beverages.......   173.897    177.031    182.404    -14.2      4.9      3.0 
      Nondurables less food, beverages, and                                                                
          apparel..............................   215.332    221.972    234.580    -18.7      8.9      5.7 
     Durables..................................   108.022    108.198    108.013     -1.9       .0      -.2 
   Services....................................   281.827    281.315    283.138      1.5       .5       .6 
    Rent of shelter 2/.........................   303.634    303.944    305.220      1.8       .5       .4 
    Transportation services....................   236.238    234.916    236.379      1.3       .1       .6 
    Other services.............................   322.697    323.608    326.357      3.6      1.1       .8 
                                                                 Special aggregate indexes                
  All items less medical care..................   220.343    220.639    222.474     -1.4      1.0       .8 
  All items less food..........................   228.967    229.359    231.518     -1.8      1.1       .9 
  All items less shelter.......................   206.594    206.892    208.929     -2.7      1.1      1.0 
  Commodities less food........................   146.790    148.441    150.997     -9.4      2.9      1.7 
  Nondurables..................................   198.767    200.336    203.068     -6.1      2.2      1.4 
  Nondurables less food........................   176.935    179.933    185.018    -13.2      4.6      2.8 
  Nondurables less food and apparel............   214.727    220.754    232.091    -17.0      8.1      5.1 
  Services less rent of shelter 2/ ............   282.323    280.781    283.429      1.0       .4       .9 
  Services less medical care services..........   272.256    271.738    273.642      1.4       .5       .7 
  Energy.......................................   185.266    188.600    204.517    -26.4     10.4      8.4 
  All items less energy........................   234.531    234.502    234.791      2.1       .1       .1 
   All items less food and energy..............   238.061    238.078    238.483      2.0       .2       .2 
    Commodities less food and energy                                                                       
        commodities............................   145.531    145.298    144.200      1.5      -.9      -.8 
    Energy commodities.........................   182.352    196.220    222.356    -37.0     21.9     13.3 
    Services less energy services..............   289.610    289.791    291.171      2.2       .5       .5 

  1/ This index series was calculated using a Laspeyres estimator.  All other item stratum index series were 
     calculated using a geometric means estimator.
  2/ Index is on a December 1982=100 base.
  3/ Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.
  4/ Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
  5/ Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
  -  Data not available.


Last Modified Date: July 15, 2009