Health Care

healthcare-bannerSenator Warner believes we need comprehensive health care reform to achieve a competitive, cost-effective, and more efficient system. This effort should primarily be focused on ensuring that all Americans have access to adequate health coverage, and the coverage must be affordable and based upon data-driven medical standards. We must ensure that competition remains among health care providers because it is precisely that competition that drives innovation and reduces cost. Senator Warner believes any final reform also should include measures to promote prevention and wellness, help seniors navigate the health system, and expand the use of health information technology and telemedicine.

  • In June 2009, Senator Warner introduced the Senior Navigation and Planning Act of 2009, health reform legislation that will strengthen the quality and availability of counseling, support services, and care management for patients and families coping with life-limiting illnesses.  

Information and Resources

On this page, you can view Senator Warner's answers to many of the most commonly asked questions regarding the discussion about health care reform. You’ll also find links below to additional resources that will help you stay informed during this discussion.

Click here to visit the information and resources page.

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Recent News on Health Care

Here is what Senator Warner has been doing recently regarding health reform:

August 2009
  • 08/12/09 -
    Continuing the discussion about health care reform
    As the national discussion about reforming health care continues, we've launched a new page to help answer your questions and give you a chance to express your views.
  • 08/06/09 -
    Health care bottom line on "Top Line"
    Senator Warner appeared on ABC News Now's "Top Line" this afternoon. The majority of the discussion focused on the health reform debate, and the Senator talked about his focus on containing costs in health care:
  • 08/06/09 -
    Talking banking re-regulation on CNBC
    Senator Warner appeared on CNBC today, to talk about his op-ed calling for a single banking regulator. He also talks about his hopes of seeing a health care bill that creates a "competitive alternative" that helps drive down costs. Here is the interview:
  • 08/04/09 -
    The status quo is not an option
    Senator Warner appeared on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" yesterday to discuss the need for health reform. He said the status quo for those who have health insurance, as well as those who don't, would be "disastrous:"
July 2009
  • 07/29/09 -
    An eye-opening experience
    Over the weekend, thousands of Americans from across the country traveled to Wise County in Southwest Virginia to attend Mission of Mercy, a Remote Area Medical Clinic held annually that provides free dental exams to those without coverage or those who can’t afford to see the dentist on their own.
  • 07/23/09 -
    Freshman senators urge cost controls
    Senator Warner joined eight of his freshmen Democratic colleagues today in signing a letter to Senator Max Baucus, the chairman of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, which is responsible for crafting the health care reform legislation that the Senate will vote on.
  • 07/16/09 -
    Factoring in real-life cost-saving measures
    Members of the Senate Budget Committee heard from Steve Elmendorf, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, to discuss growing concerns over long-term budget deficits, and the potential impact of health care reform on the deficit.
  • 07/14/09 -
    Starting a conversation on health care
    Senator Warner launched a month-long conversation with Virginians today about the health reform effort that is underway here in Washington.
  • 07/01/09 -
    Repairing our community health centers
    Senator Warner announced this week that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has released more than $13.5 million in grants from the economic recovery package to 24 community health centers in Virginia to maintain facilities and improve services.
June 2009
  • 06/29/09 -
    Two Op-eds in the Sunday Papers
    Readers of Sunday's papers got a double-dose of Senator Warner yesterday. The Washington Post and the Richmond Times-Dispatch each published op-eds written by the Senator in their Sunday editions.
*Currently displaying the latest 10 records. Use the select boxes from the filter bar above to view more records.