Issues & Legislation

August 6, 2009

Health care bottom line on "Top Line"

Senator Warner appeared on ABC News Now's "Top Line" this afternoon. The majority of the discussion focused on the health reform debate, and the Senator talked about his focus on containing costs in health care: 

"We've got to move away from the current system, which is based upon volume of procedures and traditional fee-for-service, and move back to the accountable care models that reward health care providers based upon outcome, not on the number of tests or drugs they give you."

He also was asked about the loudest voices on both sides of the debate: 

"Everybody's going to have to give a little bit to get a reform when you're taking on something that's this big.  Everybody who is in favor of reform ought to be fighting back against some of the disinformation that's coming out of the other side, rather than taking whacks at some of the Democrats and moderate Republicans who we're all going to need to be part of a solution set."

Click here to watch the video.

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    Current record
  • 08/06/09 -
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    Senator Warner appeared on CNBC today, to talk about his op-ed calling for a single banking regulator. He also talks about his hopes of seeing a health care bill that creates a "competitive alternative" that helps drive down costs. Here is the interview:
  • 08/06/09 -
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