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The new 110-foot x 600-foot Chickamauga Lock

The new 110' x 600' Chickamauga Lock is being designed and constructed by the Nashville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Chickamauga Lock, which is located 7 miles upstream of Chattanooga, Tennessee, is owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Project Abstract:

  A concrete aggregate problem will cause the current lock to be closed without aggressive maintenance.

  Construction was initiated in summer 2007, and a Road and Bridge Relocation contract ($16M) was completed in FY07.
  $27 million was available in FY07 for cofferdam construction and lock design.  
$35 million is in the FY08 budget to continue construction and design.
  Construction of the new lock will follow the 34-month cofferdam contract.

Hot Links

bulletFrequently Asked Questions
bulletPhoto Gallery

What's  New

bulletFY07 Funding
bulletNavigation Lock Model
see Status Reports
bulletLock Model Photos
bulletLock P&S Design

Key Milestones

bullet110'x600' lock authorized Feb. 03
bulletConstruction starts FY04
bulletRoad and Bridge relocations completed February 2007
bulletCofferdam construction began in FY07
bulletLock construction in FY09.
bullet more ...

Points of Contact: 

Questions about this page:

Nashville District
Chickamauga Lock
P.O. Box 1070
Nashville, TN 37202-1070

(615) 736-7161
E-mail Address

Questions about this website:

Page Last Updated:
07 July 2009






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