USGS - science for a changing world

Toxic Substances Hydrology Program

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  • This pulldown menu lets you limit your search to a particular publication type, such as peer reviewed journal articles.
  • The following are the publication types in the bibliography:
    • Books and Book Chapters
    • Conference Proceedings Papers
    • Fact Sheets (USGS fact sheets)
    • Journal Articles (peer review journals only)
    • Newsletter and Magazine Articles
    • On-Line Web Pages
    • Program Overview Papers (articles about the Toxic Substances Hydrology Program)
    • Reports (USGS) – Reports published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), such as the Scientific Investigations Report series
    • Reports (non-USGS) – Numbered reports from a non-USGS institution or agency
    • Review Papers (a paper that provides a review of a scientific topic)
    • Student Theses/Dissertations

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