Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

King Street Center
201 S Jackson St
Seattle, WA 98104
Metro Online Home

Pass Sales Program

Give your employees the convenience of obtaining transit passes at work. Your company can purchase monthly bus passes in either large or small quantities. You can then provide passes to eligible employees tax-free up to $230 a month, or sell them to employees directly or through a pre-tax payroll deduction. (See Tax Benefits for details). Regular retail fares apply, with no services fees added.

Buy bus passes in quantity by placing an order for passes or ticketbooks using one of Metro's regular order options. The passes will be delivered to your company by regular or certified mail.

  • Order online or by phone with a company Visa or Mastercard Ordering online allows you to create a list of the different bus passes your employees need and then save the list to use for future ordering.
  • Order by regular mail with a credit card, company check or money order
  • Watch for new options when the ORCA smart card becomes available Spring of 2009.

For additional assistance fill out the company information form or contact Employer Services by e-mail or by phone 206-263-3444.