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Real Stories

Real Stories These are real stories from kids not so different from you who have struggled with drug addictions. You can read about how these teens' lives changed because of their involvement with drugs abuse and the challenges they faced turning their lives around.
Scholastic Presents: Heads Up

Teens who have struggled with drug addictions share their experiences here:

Anabolic Steroids; Behind the Bulk: Craig's Story
Craig took steroids because he wanted to look like an action figure. Craig did get bigger, but so did his problems.

Ecstasy; "E" is for Empty: Daniel's Story
Daniel used and sold X at raves to feel popular — but he wound up completely alone.

Marijuana; The Lows of Getting High: Alby's
Alby smoked pot to get away from his problems and fit in but soon discovered there's a high price to pay.

Nicotine; Smoking Gun: Three Teens Speak Out
Kevin, a top high school athlete, used to smoke two packs a day. Now he can't run without wheezing.

These stories are part of a joint project between NIDA and Scholastic, Inc.


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The Sara Bellum Blog

Follow Sara as she explores the
science behind addiction.


Free Downloads

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buddy icons and other cool stuff!

Check it out. 

Exercise your brain

Think you know what drugs do to
the brain and body?


Mind Over Matter

Explore the brain's response to drugs
with Sara Bellum.
