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9/24/2009 Honoring the Fallen: How Can We Better Serve America’s Veterans and Their Families?
9/10/2009 Legislative Presentation of Legislative Presentation of The American Legion
7/30/2009 The Implications of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Limited Scope of Gulf War Illness Research
7/30/2009 Vocational Rehabilitation Education Contracts for Veteran Counseling
7/29/2009 Meeting the Needs of Injured Veterans in the Military Paralympic Program
7/23/2009 Examining Quality of Life and Ancillary Benefits Issues
7/22/2009 Enforcement of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Brachytherapy Program Safety Standards
7/16/2009 Eliminating the Gaps: Examining Women Veterans’ Issues
7/16/2009 The Evolution of State Approving Agencies
7/15/2009 Markup of H.R. 2770, H.R. 1293, H.R. 3155, and draft bill
7/14/2009 Examining the Progress of Electronic Health Record Interoperability Between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and U.S. Department of Defense
7/9/2009 Markup of H.R. 1197, H.R. 1293, H.R. 1302, H.R. 1335, H.R. 1546, H.R. 2770, H.R. 2926, and a Draft Discussion on Family Caregivers
7/9/2009 Markup of H.R. 2379, H.R. 2774, and H.R. 2968
6/25/2009 Post-9/11 GI Bill: Is the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Ready for August 1st?
6/24/2009 Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2379, H.R. 2713, H.R. 2774, and H.R. 2968
6/18/2009 Legislative Hearing on H.R. 2770, H.R. 1293, H.R. 1197, H.R. 1302, H.R. 1335, H.R. 1546, H.R. 2734, H.R. 2738, H.R. 2770, H.R. 2898 and Draft Discussion Legislation
6/18/2009 Addressing the Backlog: Can the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Manage One Million Claims?
6/16/2009 Endoscopy Procedures at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: What Happened, What Has Changed?
6/10/2009 Markup of H.R. 1016, H.R. 1211, H.R. 952, H.R. 1037, H.R. 1098, H.R. 1172, H.R. 1821, and H.R. 2180
6/9/2009 Assessing Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services and the Future of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Health Infrastructure
6/4/2009 Meeting the Needs of Family Caregivers of Veterans
6/4/2009 Markup of H.R. 1211
6/4/2009 Markup of H.R. 1037, H.R. 1098, H.R. 1172, H.R. 1821, H.R. 2180
6/3/2009 A National Commitment to End Veterans’ Homelessness
6/3/2009 Markup of H.R. 952 and H.R. 2270
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