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Approach Magazine






Initial Approach Fix from the July-August 2009 Issue

VP-47 Safety Gram
In a recent Orion safety gram the skipper of VP-47 shared feedback on their aviation-safety-awareness program, known as ASAP. To view the safety-gram click here: VP-47 Safety Gram ASAP.

Reader Feedback
We want to share reader feedback on two articles from the March-April 2009 issue. Both articles can be found online by clicking on the issue above on this webpage.
-The first article is, “Night-Vision Devices: Your Least Reliable Instruments,” by LCdr. Thad Johnson, on page 7. Capt. Andrew Graham, USMC, wrote us with a counterpoint. To view his letter to the editor, click here: Capt Graham Letter.
-The second article, “Warlord 715 Versus the Volcano,” by Lt. Vincent Dova, on page 18, drew a response from Clark Morris, who shares his thoughts about communications. To view his letter, click here: Morris Letter.

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