Table A-5. Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status

  HOUSEHOLD DATA                                                                                                           HOUSEHOLD DATA
  Table A-5.  Employed persons by class of worker and part-time status

  (In thousands)
                                                   Not seasonally adjusted                        Seasonally adjusted                    
                                                  July      June      July      July      Mar.      Apr.      May       June      July   
                                                  2008      2009      2009      2008      2009      2009      2009      2009      2009   
                 CLASS OF WORKER                                                                                                         
  Agriculture and related industries...........    2,372     2,351     2,361     2,142     2,050     2,134     2,173     2,165     2,148 
    Wage and salary workers....................    1,444     1,366     1,392     1,265     1,167     1,209     1,256     1,232     1,230 
    Self-employed workers......................      894       941       926       846       875       887       882       896       876 
    Unpaid family workers......................       35        43        42     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
  Nonagricultural industries...................  144,495   138,475   138,694   143,453   138,842   138,828   138,296   137,812   137,675 
    Wage and salary workers....................  134,662   129,255   129,619   133,894   129,478   129,724   129,298   128,939   128,939 
      Government...............................   20,509    21,260    20,766    21,129    20,904    21,211    21,247    21,446    21,367 
      Private industries.......................  114,153   107,995   108,853   112,818   108,674   108,555   108,054   107,498   107,591 
        Private households.....................      873       908       923     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
        Other industries.......................  113,280   107,087   107,930   112,036   107,898   107,813   107,238   106,631   106,728 
    Self-employed workers......................    9,727     9,138     9,007     9,483     9,184     9,052     8,990     8,891     8,801 
    Unpaid family workers......................      106        83        68     (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)       (1)   
          PERSONS AT WORK PART TIME (2)                                                                                                  
  All industries:                                                                                                                        
    Part time for economic reasons.............    6,054     9,301     9,103     5,813     9,049     8,910     9,084     8,989     8,798 
      Slack work or business conditions........    4,174     6,616     6,711     4,220     6,857     6,699     6,794     6,783     6,849 
      Could only find part-time work...........    1,481     2,263     1,978     1,300     1,839     1,810     1,922     1,980     1,835 
    Part time for noneconomic reasons..........   17,442    17,712    17,235    19,348    18,833    19,065    18,872    18,718    19,018 
  Nonagricultural industries:                                                                                                            
    Part time for economic reasons.............    5,947     9,190     8,977     5,693     8,942     8,826     8,928     8,845     8,647 
      Slack work or business conditions........    4,111     6,537     6,606     4,160     6,773     6,650     6,681     6,699     6,733 
      Could only find part-time work...........    1,469     2,245     1,974     1,287     1,850     1,802     1,909     1,969     1,776 
    Part time for noneconomic reasons..........   17,080    17,327    16,869    18,992    18,493    18,661    18,502    18,358    18,621 

    1 Data not available.
    2 Persons at work excludes employed persons who were absent from their jobs during the entire reference week for reasons such as
  vacation, illness, or industrial dispute.  Part time for noneconomic reasons excludes persons who usually work full time but worked
  only 1 to 34 hours during the reference week for reasons such as holidays, illness, and bad weather.
    NOTE:  Detail for the seasonally adjusted data shown in this table will not necessarily add to totals because of the independent
  seasonal adjustment of the various series.  Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data.

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Last Modified Date: August 07, 2009