Sheldon Whitehouse

Standing Up for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law

Standing Up for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law

For eight years, the Bush Administration pursued a dangerously aggressive view of Presidential power, at the expense of our essential freedoms, liberties, and the rule of law. Whether by launching an illegal domestic spying program, firing United States Attorneys for political reasons, approving flawed legal memos that permitted the use of torture, or issuing an unprecedented number of Presidential "signing statements," the Bush Administration made clear its view that the President stood above the law and could disregard our time-tested system of a government of checks and balances, and our treasured American liberties.

I joined countless Rhode Islanders in rejecting those extreme views. As a former state and federal prosecutor, my experience has taught me that we can keep Americans safe without sacrificing our civil liberties. That's why I'm glad that President Obama has rejected the Bush approach and has demonstrated his commitment to the rule of law.

After playing an active role in the Senate Judiciary Committee's investigation into the politicization of the Department of Justice under President Bush and Attorney General Gonzales, and helping the effort to uncover legal memos that used flawed reasoning to justify torture, I am deeply committed to working with Attorney General Holder to restore the Department of Justice to its exalted status. In my new role as Chairman of the Administrative Oversight and the Courts subcommittee, I will continue to address the mistakes of the Bush era, while working with my colleagues and with the Obama administration to solve the difficult challenges facing us today.

I also will continue to fight for civil liberties in my capacity as a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. I have been a leading advocate for stronger privacy protections whenever the government conducts surveillance for intelligence purposes. I'm proud that Congress passed provisions I negotiated to protect Americans traveling abroad from being spied on without a court order.

I will work with the Obama Administration to stand up against torture, for our civil liberties, and for balanced government and the rule of law.

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