David Vitter, United States Senator, Louisiana

Our veterans have played a crucial, historic role in protecting our freedom and advancing democracy worldwide. Time and again, they have opposed tyranny in the never-ending effort to defend and promote American values.

I am working to properly honor veterans by:

Authoring and passing legislation to dramatically improve prescription drug benefits for Medicare-eligible military retirees and their dependents.

Coauthoring and helping pass TRICARE For Life health coverage and key reforms in TRICARE.

Cosponsoring advanced funding legislation for VA appropriations to allow the VA to better prepare for future health care spending.

Cosponsoring legislation allowing for concurrent receipt of military retirement benefits and disability benefits.

Supporting and achieving funding increases in VA programs, including a more than 50 percent increase in both overall veterans funding and veterans health care funding.

Cosponsoring legislation to strengthen the Survivor Benefits Program. 

Cosponsoring legislation to improve the VA's ability to take care of returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan.

U.S. Senate Veterans Affairs Committee

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs -- Veterans Benefits Administration New Orleans Regional Office

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

American Legion

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