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Missions to Jupiter
Past Missions to Jupiter Present Missions to Jupiter Future Missions to Jupiter Concept Missions to Jupiter
Galileo Mission to Venus Galileo Mission to Earth Galileo Mission to Asteroids Galileo Mission to Comets Galileo Mission to Jupiter
Goals: Galileo carried 10 science instruments and a atmospheric probe to Jupiter for a comprehensive study of the giant planet's atmosphere, moons and magnetosphere from orbit.

Accomplishments:: Like the famed astronomer for which it was named, Galileo spacecraft logged quite a few firsts during its 14-year mission to Jupiter. Among its discoveries: an intense radiation belt above Jupiter's cloud tops, helium in about the same concentration as the sun, extensive and rapid resurfacing of the moon Io because of volcanism, and evidence for liquid water oceans under the moon Europa's icy surface.

The orbiter carried a small probe that became the first to sample the atmosphere of a gas planet. The probe measured temperature, pressure, chemical composition, cloud characteristics, sunlight and energy internal to the planet, and lightning. During its 58-minute life, the probe penetrated 200 km (124 miles) into Jupiter's violent atmosphere before it was crushed, melted, and/or vaporized by the pressure and temperature of the atmosphere.

Read More About Galileo

Visit the Galileo Legacy Site
Key Dates Headlines
18 Oct 1989: 
Launch (16:53:40 UT)
7 Dec 1995: 
Probe Descent (22:04 UT - 23:02 UT)
21 Sep 2003: 
Jupiter Impact (18:57:18 UT)
Fast Facts Links
Galileo Facts The spacecraft was named in honor of Galileo Galilei (right), the 17th Century Italian astronomer who proved planets orbit our Sun.

The spacecraft was the first to orbit a gas giant planet.

Galileo plunged into Jupiter's crushing atmosphere on Sept. 21, 2003. The spacecraft was deliberately destroyed to protect one of its own discoveries - a possible ocean beneath the icy crust of the moon Europa.
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