EE/E Bonds Issued before May 1995

This information applies only to Series E/EE bonds and savings notes issued April 1995 or earlier. The rate at which EE/E Bonds issued before May 1995 earn interest depends on their issue date.

Before reaching five years old, they earned interest on a fixed graduated scale, except for those bonds issued March 1993-April 1995 that earned a fixed rate of 4%.

Once your bonds were held for five years, they started earning interest at either guaranteed minimum rates or market-based rates, whichever produces the higher redemption value.

Guaranteed Minimum Rates

Guaranteed minimum rates were set at the time a bond was issued. Initially, they apply to a bond's original maturity period and are subject to change as a bond enters an extended maturity period. In its extended maturity period, the bond's guaranteed minimum rate becomes the minimum in effect at that time for new issues. The guaranteed minimum rates are:

  • 4% for bonds issued March 1993 - April 1995
  • 4% for bonds entering an extended maturity period since March 1993
  • 6% for bonds issued or entering an extended maturity period between November 1986- February 1993
  • 7.5% for bonds issued or extended from November 1982-October 1986

Market-Based Rates

Market-based rates are based on the 5-year U.S. Treasury securities yields calculated each May 1 and November 1. The market-based savings bond rate is set at 85% of the average of these yields for the applicable earning periods. You'll find a more detailed explanation, and a table of the applicable 5-year Treasury yields in Market-Based Rates.

Bonds Issued March 1993 through April 1995

  • Have a guaranteed minimum rate of 4% per year, compounded semiannually
  • Have an original maturity period of 18 years
  • Once held for five years, they became eligible for market-based rates.

Bonds Issued November 1982 through February 1993

  • Began earning interest on a fixed graduated scale that started at 4.16% at six months and increased during the first five years to reach a guaranteed minimum rate at five years
  • Bonds with issue dates of November 1986 through February 1993 had a guaranteed minimum rate of 6% per year, compounded semiannually, for their 12-year original maturity period
  • Bonds with issue dates of November 1982 through October 1986 had a guaranteed minimum rate of 7.5% per year, compounded semiannually, for their 10-year original maturity period
  • Once held for five years, they became eligible for market-based rates

Bonds Issued before November 1982

These bonds, which have not reached final maturity, are earning interest at either guaranteed or market-based rates; whichever produces the higher redemption value.

Bond Earnings

We have several ways for you to find out what your bond is earning:

Savings Bond Earnings Report
Savings Bond Calculator
Savings Bond Wizard