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TTB’s Photo Gallery

Take an online visit through history and to interesting places around the globe by exploring the TTB Photo Gallery. You can also learn about the alcohol and tobacco industries and TTB’s responsibilities.

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Simply put, "age" is the period after distillation, but before bottling, during which distilled spirits have been stored in oak containers.  Most connoisseurs would agree that as distilled spirits age, their flavor mellows and improves. Learn about distilled spirits.

Photo of the Week.

Absinthe, historically known as "la fée verte" (the Green Fairy), is a green, anise-flavored alcoholic spirit that was popular among bohemian Parisian artists in the 19th and 20th centuries. Read about TTB's absinthe policy

Graphic of TTB's absinthe policy.

TTB's Compliance Laboratory
TTB's Compliance Laboratory Center is located in Walnut Creek, CA in the heart of California wine country. Our laboratory conducts integrity testing of beverage and non-beverage alcohol products.

TTB Compliance Laboratory