Images and Templates for Download

The following images and templates are being provided to assist in standardizing presentations, posters, web pages and other media. Please feel free to submit requests, suggestions and concerns about the use of logos, seals and templates to the webmaster (
Questions and Answers about the new logo, use of USU seal and business cards
In ALL cases, review guidelines (below) before using images or templates.


Logo (for use in Media)

2 inch Logo formats:

USU logo to be used in Media


6 inch Logo formats:

USU logo to be used in Media


Greyscale Logo:

USU logo in Greyscale


Seals (for official use- do not alter seal)

The use of seals has formerly been in a variety of colors. The seal will now be used in an official capacity- i.e., for ceremonies and transcripts. Do not use the seal in presentations, posters, tri-folds or other media without specific approval. Please contact the for further information. Please refer to the Use of Logo and Seal document for details.

USU seal without motto

2 inch Seal (no motto):

USU seal with light motto

6 inch Seal (with light motto):

USU seal with dark motto

6 inch Seal (with dark motto):


Banners (general and specific)

Banner, general use

Banner (general use):

Banner, AFRRI

Banner (AFRRI):

Banner, Brigade

Banner (Brigade):

Banner, GSN

Banner (Graduate School of Nursing):

Banner, SOM

Banner (School of Medicine):

Banner, USMCI

Banner (US Military Cancer Institute):



For powerpoint templates, you may preview in browser (may open in slide show format for viewing), or save file to your hard drive and edit using Powerpoint. For assistance with Office products, please contact the UIS helpdesk (295-9800). For assistance with powerpoint layout and presentation issues, contact the MultiMedia Design Center at 295-3337.

Powerpoint presentation templates:

Dark background with shadow
PPT with Dark background, USU logo on sub pages, shadow text

Basic with light background
PPT with basic light background and USU logo


Dark background, USU logo on sub pages, shadow text
PPT that uses animated sliding effects

Medium background, USU logo on sub pages, shadow text
PPT with x-ray background and USU logo


Gradient background
PPT with gradient background and USU logo

Gradient background with shadow
PPT with gradient background, and USU logo with shadow


Sliding text and images
PPT that uses animated sliding effects

X-Ray design
PPT with x-ray background and USU logo

Poster templates:

For more information on poster development and charges, contact the MultiMedia Design Center at 295-3337

Poster (4x6)- dark background (PPT)
PPT with gradient background and USU logo

Poster (4x6)- light background (PPT)
PPT with gradient background and USU logo


Tri-fold Brochure templates:

Example of trifold with Level 1 Branding

Publications at USU should follow university Branding and sub-branding guidelines. Tri-folds in Word format are available for five separate levels of sub-branding.
What are these levels about? Using tri-fold brochures with levels ensures that the School, Program or Center also indicates where it falls within USU:

For more information on branding and sub-components, please contact the webmaster.


Contact Information

PHONE: 301-295-9800
Room Number: G074
webmaster email:
