Publication Citation

USGS Series Open-File Report
Report Number 97-857
Title Preliminary Volcano-Hazard Assessment for Redoubt Volcano, Alaska
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Waythomas, Christopher F.; Dorava, Joseph M.; Miller, Thomas P.; Neal, Christina A.; McGimsey, Robert G.
Year 1997
Originating office Alaska Volcano Observatory
USGS Library Call Number (200) R29o no.97-857
Physical description Report: v, 40 p.; Plate: 36 x 24 inches
Northernmost latitude 0604500
Southernmost latitude 0601000
Easternmost longitude -1520000
Westernmost longitude -1533000

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Redoubt Volcano is a stratovolcano located within a few hundred kilometers of more than half of the population of Alaska. This volcano has erupted explosively at least six times since historical observations began in 1778. The most recent eruption occurred in 1989-90 and similar eruptions can be expected in the future. The early part of the 1989-90 eruption was characterized by explosive emission of substantial volumes of volcanic ash to altitudes greater than 12 kilometers above sea level and widespread flooding of the Drift River valley. Later, the eruption became less violent, as developing lava domes collapsed, forming short-lived pyroclastic flows associated with low-level ash emission. Clouds of volcanic ash had significant effects on air travel as they drifted across Alaska, over Canada, and over parts of the conterminous United States causing damage to jet aircraft. Economic hardships were encountered by the people of south-central Alaska as a result of ash fallout. Based on new information gained from studies of the 1989-90 eruption, an updated assessment of the principal volcanic hazards is now possible. Volcanic hazards from a future eruption of Redoubt Volcano require public awareness and planning so that risks to life and property are reduced as much as possible.