-CITE- 10 USC CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS 01/08/2008 -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART III - TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -HEAD- CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -MISC1- Sec. 2181. Definitions. 2182. Educational assistance: dependents of captives. 2183. Educational assistance: former captives. 2184. Termination of assistance. 2185. Programs to be consistent with programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. AMENDMENTS 1990 - Pub. L. 101-510, div. A, title XIV, Sec. 1484(i)(5), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1718, inserted "administered by" after "programs" in item 2185. 1989 - Pub. L. 101-189, div. A, title XVI, Sec. 1621(a)(7)(B), Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 1603, substituted "programs the Department of Veterans Affairs" for "programs administered by the Veterans' Administration" in item 2185. -End- -CITE- 10 USC Sec. 2181 01/08/2008 -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART III - TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -HEAD- Sec. 2181. Definitions -STATUTE- In this chapter: (1) The terms "captive status" and "former captive" have the meanings given those terms in section 559 of title 37. (2) The term "dependent" has the meaning given that term in section 551 of that title. -SOURCE- (Added Pub. L. 99-399, title VIII, Sec. 806(d)(1), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 887, and Pub. L. 100-26, Sec. 7(k)(6), Apr. 21, 1987, 101 Stat. 284.) -MISC1- AMENDMENTS 1987 - Pub. L. 100-26, substituted "The terms 'captive' " for " 'Captive' " in par. (1) and "The term 'dependent' " for " 'Dependent' " in par. (2). EFFECTIVE DATE Section 806(d)(3) of Pub. L. 99-399 provided that: "Chapter 110 of title 10, United States Code, as added by paragraph (1), shall apply with respect to persons whose captive status begins after January 21, 1981." -End- -CITE- 10 USC Sec. 2182 01/08/2008 -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART III - TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -HEAD- Sec. 2182. Educational assistance: dependents of captives -STATUTE- (a) Under regulations prescribed by the President, the Secretary concerned shall pay (by advancement or reimbursement) a dependent of a person who is in a captive status for expenses incurred, while attending an educational or training institution, for - (1) subsistence; (2) tuition; (3) fees; (4) supplies; (5) books; (6) equipment; and (7) other educational expenses. (b) Except as provided in section 2184 of this title, payments shall be available under this section for a dependent of a person who is in a captive status for education or training that occurs - (1) after that person is in a captive status for not less than 90 days; and (2) on or before - (A) the end of any semester or quarter (as appropriate) that begins before the date on which the captive status of that person terminates; (B) the earlier of the end of any course that began before such date or the end of the 16-week period following that date if the educational or training institution is not operated on a semester or quarter system; or (C) a date specified by the Secretary concerned in order to respond to special circumstances. (c) If a person in a captive status or a former captive dies and the death is incident to the captivity, payments shall be available under this section for a dependent of that person for education or training that occurs after the date of the death of that person. (d) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any dependent who is eligible for assistance under chapter 35 of title 38 or similar assistance under any other provision of law. -SOURCE- (Added Pub. L. 99-399, title VIII, Sec. 806(d)(1), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 887.) -TRANS- DELEGATION OF FUNCTIONS Functions of the President under this section delegated to the Secretary of Defense, see section 3 of Ex. Ord. No. 12598, June 17, 1987, 52 F.R. 23421, set out as a note under section 5569 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees. -End- -CITE- 10 USC Sec. 2183 01/08/2008 -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART III - TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -HEAD- Sec. 2183. Educational assistance: former captives -STATUTE- (a) In order to respond to special circumstances, the Secretary concerned may pay (by advancement or reimbursement) a person who is a former captive for expenses incurred, while attending an educational or training institution, for - (1) subsistence; (2) tuition; (3) fees; (4) supplies; (5) books; (6) equipment; and (7) other educational expenses. (b) Except as provided in section 2184 of this title, payments shall be available under this section for a person who is a former captive for education or training that occurs - (1) after the termination of the status of that person as a captive; and (2) on or before - (A) the end of any semester or quarter (as appropriate) that begins before the end of the 10-year period beginning on the date on which the status of that person as a captive terminates; or (B) if the educational or training institution is not operated on a semester or quarter system, the earlier of the end of any course that began before such date or the end of the 16-week period following that date. (c) Payments shall be available under this section only to the extent that such payments are not otherwise authorized by law. -SOURCE- (Added Pub. L. 99-399, title VIII, Sec. 806(d)(1), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 888.) -End- -CITE- 10 USC Sec. 2184 01/08/2008 -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART III - TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -HEAD- Sec. 2184. Termination of assistance -STATUTE- Assistance under this chapter - (1) shall be discontinued for any person whose conduct or progress is unsatisfactory under standards consistent with those established under section 3524 of title 38; and (2) may not be provided for any person for more than 45 months (or the equivalent in other than full-time education or training). -SOURCE- (Added Pub. L. 99-399, title VIII, Sec. 806(d)(1), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 888; amended Pub. L. 103-337, div. A, title X, Sec. 1070(e)(7), Oct. 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 2859.) -MISC1- AMENDMENTS 1994 - Par. (1). Pub. L. 103-337 substituted "3524" for "1724". -End- -CITE- 10 USC Sec. 2185 01/08/2008 -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART III - TRAINING AND EDUCATION CHAPTER 110 - EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERS HELD AS CAPTIVES AND THEIR DEPENDENTS -HEAD- Sec. 2185. Programs to be consistent with programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs -STATUTE- Regulations prescribed to carry out this chapter shall provide that the programs under this chapter shall be consistent with the educational assistance programs under chapters 35 and 36 of title 38. -SOURCE- (Added Pub. L. 99-399, title VIII, Sec. 806(d)(1), Aug. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 888; amended Pub. L. 101-189, div. A, title XVI, Sec. 1621(a)(7)(A), Nov. 29, 1989, 103 Stat. 1603.) -MISC1- AMENDMENTS 1989 - Pub. L. 101-189 substituted "the Department of Veterans Affairs" for "the Veterans' Administration" in section catchline. -End-