Information and Resources

Resources and Information about Health Reform

As the national discussion about reforming health care continues, Senator Warner is offering a variety of opportunities and avenues for Virginians to express their views. Traditional town hall meetings will be scheduled for later this month, and Senator Warner also will host telephone town hall meetings that provide an opportunity for thousands of Virginians to participate in the conversation and ask questions.

We’ve found another innovative way for constituents to express their views and ask questions: Google Moderator. Over the past several weeks, more than 600 visitors have submitted nearly 500 specific questions about health care reform.

In addition, you also are free to contact our office directly with your questions and concerns. In fact, between mid-June and mid-August, our Washington office responded to almost 60,000 constituent phone calls, e-mails and letters just on the subject of health care reform.

On this page, you can view Senator Warner's answers to many of these questions, and we will continue to update this page with additional video responses to commonly asked questions.

You’ll also find links below to additional resources that will help you stay informed during this discussion.

Be sure to check back to this page for more information as the conversation continues.

Senator Warner answers your questions

Over the last few weeks, we asked you to submit your questionsabout health reform through our website and Google Moderator. Here are Senator Warner’s answers to several of the most commonly asked questions. Check back for answers to additional questions in coming days.


"Why do all of these programs need to be rushed through and passed immediately?" -Mike, Suffolk

We received a lot of questions about why we need to tackle health reform now, while the economy is recovering from last fall’s near-meltdown.


"How can our govt. afford another fiscally irresponsible program (ie, govt. health care) when the federal deficit is already $1 trillion and will reach $2 trillion by this Fall? We cannot support this level of debt without financial collapse." KSterling, Richmond


"Explain what this health plan will look like to those of us taking part in it. How will the plan pan out... cost, details. If we understand the specifics, we will be more likely to support it; otherwise, the resistance to it will prevail." Trace, Charlottesville


Several people have expressed concerns that they will not be able to keep the health insurance they already have.


"How are you going to improve health care without raising taxes and/or creating socialistic type of health care that is floundering in other countries?" brook p, virginia beach, va

Frequently asked questions

  • How can we afford health reform?

The majority of the initiatives that would pay for health reform will come from cutting waste, fraud, and abuse within existing health programs; ending big subsidies to insurance companies; and increasing efficiency with such steps as coordinating care and streamlining paperwork. We want to take money that is already being spent on health care and re-allocate it toward reforms that lower costs and assure quality affordable health care for all Americans. 

  • Will health reform hurt small businesses?

Small businesses will benefit from the current health reform proposals through tax incentives to help provide insurance to employees and by giving employers a choice from multiple insurances plans at a lower cost.  One study found that, without reform, small businesses will spend $2.4 trillion on health care over the next 10 years.  With reform, they will save $855 billion over the next decade.

  • Will the government come between between me and my doctor under the current health reform proposals?

None of the current health reform proposals will interfere with the relationship between you and your doctor.  Reform proposals focus on how you are covered, not how you are treated. 

  • Does the health reform bill propose killing old people?

This is false.  Reforming our health care system will help seniors make informed decisions about their care and give them more options to plan end-of-life treatment.  Health reform will continue to invest in Medicare -- one of the most successul government programs ever -- so seniors can continue to rely on stable care. 

  • The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging released this "Fact vs. Fiction" document about how Medicare will be affected by health reform:

Links to more information

THE BILL The Senate will debate and vote on health reform legislation that is constructed by two committees -- the Senate HELP Committee and the Senate Finance Committee.  

  • The HELP Committee Bill -- The Senate's Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee has introduced the "Affordable Health Choices Act," the only legislation that has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to date. [click here to view the pdf]
  • The Finance Committee Bill -- The Senate Finance Committee is currently in bipartisan negotiations and has not yet introduced its version of the health reform legislation.  However, you can listen to the hearings the committee as they debated health reform.  [click here]
OUTSIDE INFORMATION There are several online resources that can give you information about the health reform debate.  
  • Side-by-Side Comparison of Major Health Care Reform Proposals -- The Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit, non-partisan health policy group, has an interactive guide comparing the various health reform proposals coming out of Congress and the White House. [click here]
  • Health Reform 2009 Resource Center -- The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the nation's largest philanthropy devoted to health care, has a resource center on its website, with links to articles and blog posts from health care experts about the debate over health reform.  [click here]

Send us your comments on health reform

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We'd like to hear your thoughts on how we can tackle health care reform.  Please fill out the form below and send us your comments.  If you would like to share your thoughts on another topic, please fill out our contact form.