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Website Information

Please use the following links to find important information about the United States Mint’s public information Website,

Provides the United States Mint’s Web Accessibility and Section 508 Compliance statement.

Contact Us
Provides information on the Customer Care Center, electronic newsletter subscriptions, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Content Inventory
Lists the public Internet website publication priorities and schedules.

Cookies Policy
States the “Cookies” portion of the Privacy Policy.

Information Quality
Explains the United States Mint’s procedures for Information Quality requests.

Linking Policy
United States Mint policy on linking to our website.

No Fear Act
Access the United States Mint's No Fear Act reports.

Provides various links to supplemental software, better known as plug-ins, at no charge.

Privacy Policy
Posts the United States Mint’s Privacy Policy.

Site Map
Gives a blueprint of the United States Mint’s website.

Small Business Development
Small Business Development Contact Information

Terms Of Use
Gives an overview of the United States Mint's Intellectual Property Rights, Using this Site, Disclaimers and Warranties, Changes and Termination, and Venue, Jurisdiction and Choice of Law.