Consumer Corner

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Upload Process for

  1. To start the process you must create an XML file on your local PC or network that you can access for uploading during a web session.
    1. You can get a list of the XML tags with a description of the data that goes in the tags for each form from our web site.
    2. You can also get a blank XML file from User Guides.
  2. Once you have built the XML file, you connect to as usual.
  3. Go to the Private Forms page and choose the upload link from the right side of the form you want to transmit.
    1. The system will open a window requesting a file name and location from your local PC or network.
  4. Navigate on your PC or network to find your file.
  5. Select the file and choose OK.
    1. The system will then load the file into the form using the tags and will open a window for you to review and edit the data.
  6. When you have finished your review and verified that the data is correct, click the Submit button on the last page of the form and the system will automatically send it to us.