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Featured Trade Event


Bright Green

December 12–13, 2009

Copenhagen, Denmark


Bright Green is a major international trade show about clean technology. It will take place during the United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention’s 15th Conference of Parties. This conference is the culmination of a worldwide effort to develop a new global climate agreement to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, which expires in 2012.

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Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark


The trade show will be an excellent opportunity for U.S. companies to exhibit their products and to show official visitors, potential clients, and the international press what the U.S. clean technology industry can do. It will take place in the Forum, central Copenhagen’s historic exhibition venue, and is organized by the Confederation of Danish Industry with several cooperative partners, including the U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen.

The U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service (USFCS) has organized a special matchmaking program for U.S. exhibitors and visitors at the show, which will include on-site appointments, a reception at the U.S. ambassador’s residence, cobranding opportunities with publications and marketing initiatives of the U.S. embassy and the USFCS, meetings with the official U.S. delegation at the conference, optional site visits, and a lunchtime cruise outside Copenhagen. The cost is $1,000 per person, excluding airfare and hotel fees.

A special publication and marketing package has been arranged for U.S. companies that cannot attend. This package includes a one-page advertisement in a printed program guide, which will be distributed to hundreds of journalists at the show and at related events, and a listing in the USFCS Web site for the event. The package costs $300.

For exhibitors: To register or learn more about the show, contact Bjarke Castberg Frederiksen, head of the Commercial Section, USFCS Copenhagen, tel.: +45 3341-7403; e-mail:; or Maria Norsk, commercial assistant, USFCS Copenhagen, tel.: +45 3341-7315; e-mail:

For visitors and non-visitors: To learn more about the visitor and non-visitor  programs and the marketing package, please contact Tuula Javanainen, commercial specialist, USFCS Stockholm, tel.: +46 8 783 5396; e-mail: