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SIM Newsletter


" F R I N G E S "
Space Interferometry Mission Newsletter
Number 44, May 14, 2008


1. NASA Star and Exoplanet Database (NStED) - new release
2. SIM Science Studies - reminder: proposals due June 13, 2008
3. Exoplanet Forum 2008

1. NASA Star and Exoplanet Database (NStED) - new release

The Michelson Science Center (MSC) and the Infrared Processing & Analysis Center (IPAC) announce the release of the new version of the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database (NStED). NStED is a general purpose stellar and exoplanet archive to support NASA's planet finding and characterization activities. NStED offers a powerful query and download engine to search for data on individual stars or to search for groups of stars by stellar and exoplanet parameters.

This version significantly augments the previous stellar and exoplanet content, allowing detailed searches on 70+ parameters for over 140,000 bright, nearby stars, including all known exoplanet hosting stars. NStED also features a dedicated interface for transit survey data sets, including TrES observations of the Kepler field.

The NStED Service is available at and contains:

  • Data related to 140,000 bright nearby stars
  • All known planet-hosting stars
  • Query for individual stars or by stellar/planetary parameters
  • Images and spectra
  • Data related to known exoplanets
  • Time series photometric data on known transiting exoplanets
  • Radial velocity data of exoplanet hosting stars
  • Dedicated interface related to exo-planet transit surveys

2. SIM Science Studies - Request for Proposals released
Closing date for proposals is *June 13, 2008*

This item was featured in Newsletter 43, so this is just a reminder that proposals are due in only 4 weeks.

The Space Interferometer Mission (SIM) and the Michelson Science Center (MSC) are inviting proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) entitled "SIM Science Studies", released on April 25. The objective of this solicitation is to enhance the science return from SIM by supporting researchers to conduct concept studies that will lead to the most scientifically productive observations using SIM.

Since SIM will offer US astronomers a fundamentally new class of astronomical observations. The most effective use of this new capability requires not only careful selection of science targets and observing strategies, but also community input as to innovative ideas that take full advantage of SIM's precision, sensitivity, and flexibility. We anticipate there are will be entirely new astrophysical experiments to be devised that go well beyond the 'traditional' applications of astrometry at modest precision.

The RPF covers studies in all areas of astrophysics that are enabled by observations with SIM. The scope of awarded studies includes, but is not limited to, modeling of dynamical or physical processes to be studied with SIM, the selection of suitable targets, assessment of instrument performance, and design of observing sequences to take best advantage of SIM's flexible scheduling. However, support for ground- or space-based observations of potential targets is beyond the scope of this RFP. It is important to note that no SIM observing time is being awarded through this solicitation.

The closing date for proposals is *June 13, 2008*. Letters of intent to propose are not required. More information on the RPF can be found on the MSC website at:

Information on SIM science, instrument, and mission may be found on the Project website at: A detailed description of SIM's science capabilities may be found in a recent paper in PASP by Unwin et al. (2008):

3. Exoplanet Forum 2008

There is still time to register for and participate in Exoplanet Forum 2008. As explained on the website, there is a lot of preparatory work being done. To join in the discussion and to make your voice heard, please register and indicate which of the 7 topic areas you wish to be involved with.

You can find the Fifth Announcement, mailed May 9, at:

On the same website you can find details of the organization of the Forum. You can also find contact information there, if you have questions.

This is a working meeting, geared toward the writing of a comprehensive report. So we do not solicit contributed presentations. Instead, we ask you to join an interest group to help write a section of the report. Before the Forum, each group will solicit inputs and discuss issues in preparation for leading the discussion at the meeting. Register at the Forum website, where you can also indicate your areas of interest for this meeting. The website has information on the meeting, logistics, hotel reservations, and topic areas for your participation. Register to ensure that you will receive future updates.

We look forward to seeing many of you in Pasadena and working together on charting the future of this exciting field of exoplanet science.

For the SOC and LOC: Wes Traub, Steve Unwin, and Peter Lawson

Steve Unwin, Editor stephen.unwin'at'

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