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Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic Steroids

Student Activity

This activity focuses on steroids and provides you with a classroom activity. We recommend downloading the PDF version of this activity to print out and use with your students. The PDF version has been formatted to make it easier for students to learn, and removes all of the extra information provided on this Web page. To view and use the PDF file, you must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Damage Diagram

Get the total picture of what steroids can do to your brain and body. Complete this diagram by matching the side effect with the body part. Draw a line from the side effect listed on the left to the matching body part on the right.

Steroids Diagram

Side Effects:

  • Baldness can be caused by steroid abuse.
  • Because of how steroids act on the limbic system in the brain, mood swings, including homicidal rage, can occur.
  • Taking "roids" can cause pimples to pop up.
  • Females who take steroids can become more masculine. Their voices can deepen.
  • A condition called atherosclerosis can be caused by steroid use. This condition can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • When the body’s hormone balance is disrupted by taking steroids, males can develop breasts, a condition called gynecomastia.
  • Increased levels of hormones signal bones to stop growing.

Download this activity as a PDF Damage Diagram (84K) for use in the classroom. You must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF.

Damage Diagram in PDF (84K)

Damage Diagram in Word (142K)

Quiz for Students

Once your students have reviewed the information in Facts on Drugs: Steroids, you can use the quiz below to test their knowledge. To view and use the PDF file, you must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Steroids Quiz in PDF (68K)

Steroids Quiz in Word (109K)

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